Multi-dimensional Motion Arts Zone
James Edward Marks
Honorary Fellow :// CreaTech Co-Creator :// Immersive Arts Maker :// Experience Designer :// Nomadic Detective :// Renegade Economist ://
"We are united by a desire to innovate & change the world through creativity" Ravensbourne University London
PlayLa.bZ a new-breed innovation, idea incubation, mentoring and independent community interest company - born at Ravensbourne University London.
We've been buzzing this month in the PlayLa.bZ tinkering away to hit a few mini magic moments to launch the free open source GenieMo - Flow.
Do It Yourself (Multi-dimensional Motion Arts) capture and (4D) spatial social video broadcast tool kit for culture, education, and social good shared experiences, based on LiveScan3D. Will help empower and unite a new breed of global 3D, 4D, Mixed Reality, Virtual, Volumetric, Spatial. Holographic makers, artivists, and storytellers.
We're in the mix with a variety of excellent events including Tate Exchange, Jisc DigiFest & Cambridge Wireless Tate Exchange Digital Citizen 4.0 Multi-dimensional Motion Arts