"Mujibur Rahman - lost dictator"

"Mujibur Rahman - lost dictator"

My article "Mujibur Rahman - lost dictator". My article was published in Poland in August 2013. Original in Polish. English Translate

                "Mujibur Rahman - lost dictator"

In Europe and the United States, many books and articles have been written about the first president of Bangladesh, Mujibur Rahman Some publications are untrue. Some books and articles were written by people with leftist views who intentionally wrote untruths. Others did not know the history of Bangladesh Who was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman? Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on March 17, 1920 in East Bengal. He was born into a noble family, in a family estate, in the village of Tungipara. His father was an officer of the British colonial army. After high school, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman studied law at Islama College. During his studies he became a member of the Muslim League. He also became the chairman of the student organization at Islama College. In 1947, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman began law studies at the University of Dhaka. In the same year Pakistan and India gained independence from the hands of the British Empire. From the very beginning, the government of Pakistan discriminated against peaceful and hard-working Bengalis. In 1949, the Pakistanis ordered that the official language of Bengal would be the Pakistani language of Urdu. The Bengali demonstrations were bloodily suppressed by the Pakistani army. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was removed from the university for taking part in the protests. He appeared in the Muslim League and became a member of Awami League. whose leader was the well-known politician Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy. In 1955-1958, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a member of the Pakistani parliament. In 1958, in connection with the democratic crisis in Pakistan, General Muhammad Ayub-khan (a Pakistani prince) made a coup and imposed authoritarian rule. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested. After his release, he was active in the Awami League. In 1963 he died in the most-important circumstances in Beirut (he was murdered?) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the new leader of the Awami League. In 1966, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested again. He left the prison after two years. Meanwhile, resistance to President Muhammad Ayub-khan grew in Pakistan. As a result of the protests, Ayub-khan resigned on March 25, 1969. General Ahmad Yahya-khan (Pakistani prince) became the new president of Pakistan. Ahmad Yahya-khan was a megalomaniac and narcissist. In 1970 the elections to the Pakistani parliament won the Bengali Awami League. Pakistani generals believed that Bengalis were a lower race. The Pakistani did not want to call the debates of the new parliament because Sheikh Mujibur Rahmam would become prime minister. Pakistani President General Ahmad Yahya-khan came to Dhaka. The talks ended in a fiasco. On March 25, 1971, the Pakistani President, General Ahmad-Yahya-khan, suddenly left Dhaca. Dangerous barricades began to appear on the streets of Dhaka. An armed uprising began. At 1 am, Pakistani soldiers broke into Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's house, arrested him and deported him to Pakistan. He was placed in a prison in Rawalpindi and sentenced to death after several months of trial. He even dug him a grave in the garden. On March 27, 1971, Bengali major Bengali Ziaur Rahman announced the declaration of independence in Radio Chittagong. Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the Pakistani army and related Jamaat-e-Islami militia suppressed the uprising. Over 300,000 people died (data are not fully confirmed). Over three million Bengalis fled to India. On December 8, 1971, Pakistan attacked Indi. Pakistani planes bombarded Indian airports in Rajastan and even in Agra. At the same time Pakistani armored divisions moved deep into India. Pakistani President General Ahmad Yahya-khan expected an easy victory. He kept asking if Ajmer had already been captured. The Pakistani generals replied, "Excellency, Indians are fighting like lions. This is the real Stalingrad." After losing the tank battle in the Thar desert, Ahmad Yahya-khan gave the order to retreat. At the same time. At the same time The Indian troops have moved to eastern Bengal. December 16, 1971. Pakistani general Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi surrendered to Dhaka. The Indians took captive 94,000 Pakistani soldiers. They were brutal in Pakistan demonstrations. President Ahmad Yahya-khan resigned. Prince Zulfikar Ali-Bhutto became the new president of Pakistan. January 8, 1972 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was released from the Pakistani prison. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to eastern Bengal. cheered welcomed by millions of crowds. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proclaimed the rise of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and announced that it would be secular. The Indian troops soon withdrew from Bangladesh. However, after a few months, euphoria has passed. Bangladesh was destroyed by the war, the economy was in a very bad condition, and thousands of former Bengali partisans wandered on the streets and often fits with a gun in hand. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman nationalized Western corporations and banks. But that only helped for a moment. In 1974, hunger broke out in Bangladesh. 15 million people died. Sheikh Mujibur rahman did not help people. Awami League leaders stole foreign aid. In January 1975, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman introduced a dictatorship in Bangladesh On June 7, 1975, Szejk Mujibur r / ahmam dissolved all political parties and created a totalitarian organization BAKSAL. August 15, 1975. Seven Majors (with one tank available) attacked the Sheikh Mujibury Rahman's home. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was murdered along with almost everyone family (only the daughters of Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana were saved, which were traveling in Germany). During the revolution many members of Sheikh Mujibury Rahman were also killed. In 2009, Sheikh Hasina (daughter of Mujibury Rahman) won the parliamentary elections and became prime minister of Bangladesh (for the first time she became prime minister in 1996) Sheikh Hasin is a cruel dictator. opposition activists are murdered, kidnapped, arrested and tortured. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a dictator. It was about power. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not want Bangladesh independence. He just wanted to become prime minister of Pakistan Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sailed through a wave of events in 1971 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is only suitable for demolition, not for building. He fought in words. For many years, leftist circles in Europe and the United States have distorted the truth about Sheikh Muyuryh rahana. They considered him a noble warrior Only today did the truth come to light. Today, historians and journalists say clearly: "Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a dictator and caused a lot of suffering for the people of Bangladesh."


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