Muhammad ? Completed the Mission of Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) by Liberating People from the Falsehood of Earthly Sovereigns


May Allah subhanahu wa'tala bless the nobles souls appeared in this article. Please recite salutations when you mention the noble names of Jesus and the blessed companions of the Messenger of Allah subhanahu wa'tala.

The followers of Muhammad ? faced a near extinction experience similar to the experiences of the followers of Jesus. Jews collaborated with the Romans to kill Jesus and eliminate gentiles. Gentiles were the true followers of Jesus, they believed in his risalat (message). The message of Muhammad ? is same as the message of Jesus, may peace be upon them and their followers.

Romans and Jews committed genocide against the followers of Jesus including murdering nabih (guides) John the Baptist and his father nabih Zachariah (peace be upon all of them). The plight of Mary (peace be upon her), the only woman on earth named by Allah, is unknown to date. No one knows how she died? Muslims averted such a disaster by directly confronting the belligerents.

Muslims similar to gentiles were a non-tribal, non-ethnic, non-sectarian, and a non-racial religious group that triggered a paradigm shift. Jesus liberated gentiles from the submission to earthly sovereigns and false gods. Every earthly sovereign needs a false god. Prohibition of usury was a major action taken by Jesus to liberate gentiles. Muhammad ? just like Jesus prohibited usury to liberate thousands of households from the shackles of financial debt.

Jesus had done the same, recognized the Heavenly Sovereign and prohibited usury. The Jews and the Romans reacted violently by exterminating gentiles the true followers of Jesus. After the genocide, Paul filled the vacuum by making changes to the Jesus’ Covenant and revising the Scripture to suit the demands of the Jews and Romans, the earthly sovereigns of Judea and Rome. Thus, Paul subjugated Christianity to the earthly sovereigns, who in turn created a fake god to affirm their false sovereignty.

The followers of Muhammad ? however fought against the earthly sovereigns and the apostates sponsored by them. Muhammad ? passed away in June 632 CE and all apostates were neutralized by March 633 CE. The message of Muhammad ? is same as the message of Jesus. The second coming of Jesus would confirm that the risalat (message) of the both servants of Allah is the same. Allah the Almighty Creator mentions the names of 25 rasuls and nabihs (messengers and guides) from Adam to Muhammad ? in al-Quran and declares that they were all Muslims and their message (risalat) is Islam.

Adam and Eve were Muslims, who gave us the civilization. Islam has never clashed with any civilization rather it has perfected civilizations by restoring the rights of humanity on the rulers. Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone, who has created all men and women equal. Attributing sovereignty to anyone or anything other than Allah is a crime against humanity. Only the subject of a true sovereign treats humans equally. One such example of an early 7th century ruler is Negus the Christian king of Aksum.

Axum invaded Yemen in 525 CE to protect the local Christians from the genocide of Zhu Nuwas the Jewish Himyar ruler who burned thousands of Christians alive in a ditch at Najran. Axum army defeated the Himyars and restored Christianity in northern Yemen. Later in 570 CE, when Axum’s General Abraha rebelled against his king and unsuccessfully invaded Makkah to destroy Ka’aba, his entire army perished by the wrath of Allah the Heavenly Sovereign. Yemen became defenseless and Persians filled the power vacuum by occupying it in the same year, the year of Muhammad’s ? birth.

In 610 CE, Muhammad ? received his first revelation and for three years he conveyed Allah the Almighty Creator’s message privately. From 613 CE onward Muhammad ? publicly conveyed the message. In 616 CE, Muhammad ? and his followers along with the Banu Hashim clan were expelled out of Makkah into the desert confinement of Sh’ib Abi Talib, followed by a total socioeconomic boycott by Quraish.

Quraish wanted Muhammad’s ? followers and his clansmen to rebel against the Heavenly Sovereign for resubmitting to their respective tribes. Muslims braved the wilderness, drought, economic sanctions, confiscation of property and social excommunication for three years but remained steadfast to their faith in the Sovereignty of the One & Only Creator.

Lo and behold! Three years of isolation and hardships only made his followers and clansmen steadfast in Islam. Persecution and oppression of Quraish only brought Muslims and Banu Hashim closer to Allah the Heavenly Sovereign. Muslims survived against all odds because they had submitted their souls to Allah and wanted to break free from the false earthly sovereigns and their tyrannical lifestyles. In 619 CE, under the pressure of Makkan population and other Arab tribes, the Quraish lifted the boycott.

Between 616-19 CE, the caravans going in and out of Makkah carried the message of Islam to the far flung areas of Arabia. During this time Saad ibn abi Waqas and Jaffer ibn abi Talib, who had found refuge in Axum, embarked upon a maritime trade route to southern India, Sri Lanka, Bengal, Arkaan, Malacca, Champa, and China to spread the message of Islam.

Upon their return, Jaffer was martyred in 629 CE by Roman Byzantines at Mu’ata whereas Saad spearheaded the conquest of Persia from 632 to 651 CE. In 656 CE, the Third Steward of Islam Usman appointed Saad as the Rashidun ambassador to China. He served as the ambassador for the rest of his life and is buried in Guangzhou, north of Hong Kong.

Islam had reached China long before Muhammad arrived in Madinah. In fact, salaat was already being performed by Muslims in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Sindh, Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bengal, Arkaan, Malacca, Champa (southern Vietnam and Cambodia) and China because it was made obligatory in 620 CE, two years before migration to Madinah. Masjids were built everywhere Muslims lived after Muhammad built masjid-e-Quba at the outskirts of Madinah and masjid-e-Nabawi in 622 CE.

Successful migration of Muslims to Axum in 615 CE and to Madinah in 622 CE with the settling of Muslim traders alongside the Maritime trade route and the Silk Road from Arabia to China empowered them after Quraish’s surrender of Makkah without a fight in 630 CE. The two earthly sovereigns, Roman Byzantine and Persia felt threatened by the Muslims who submitted only to Allah their Creator the Heavenly Sovereign. The Christian king of Axum hosted and protected Muslims because he also believed in Allah the Heavenly Sovereign.

Perpetual Roman Byzantine – Persian wars made it necessary for the Silk Road trade to rely on Arabian caravan routes. Goods from Persia, Central Asia, India and China find their way to the North African and European markets through the Quraish controlled desert caravans. Similarly, Goods from Roman Byzantine find their way to the Persian and Central Asian markets through Quraish controlled desert caravans. Roman Byzantine controlled Red Sea ports providing direct outlets to East Africa, India and China. Muslims’ entry into the maritime trade from the Red Sea ports of Yanbu and Jedda with the control of desert caravan trade made them an emerging threat to the earthly sovereigns and their trade partners.

Quraish controlled the desert caravan routes and Jews of Madinah financed the trade. Surrender of Makkah in 630 CE, because of the violation of peace treaty and the desecration of the holy sanctuary by Quraish, meant surrendering the desert caravan routes and the trans-continental trade to the Muslims, who were militarily and financially weak. Therefore, the Roman Byzantines and Persians raced to wrest the control of caravan trade from Muslims in favor of their vassal tribes guarding the gateways of Arabia to the ancient Silk Road.

Roman Byzantines favored Ghassan the Chalcedon Christian Arabs who governed over the Silk Road gateway into Syria from their capital Jabiya on the Golan Heights and the port of Aqaba on Red Sea. Persians favored Lakhm the Nestorian Christian Arabs whose capital al-Hirah was a major Silk Road market in Iraq and controlled the Persian Gulf port in Bahrain and the Arabian Sea port of Mattra near Muscat. Both Christian Arab tribes had submitted themselves to the false earthly sovereigns. Interestingly, Axum which was located closest to Hejaz across the Red Sea did not join the race to Makkah.

The risalat (message) of Muhammad ? was more powerful than the might of Quraish. The messenger of Allah the Heavenly Sovereign trumped the earthly sovereigns. Therefore, the Roman Byzantines and the Persians encouraged their allies to proclaim false risalat to divert Arabs away from Muhammad ?. Immediately, after the Quraish lost Makkah, five false claimants of risalat emerged to capture Makkah in an attempt to control the caravan trade.

While the pretenders of fake risalat (message) and their earthly sovereigns perceived Muslims to be weak, Muhammad ? left for Madinah after liberating Makkah, because he believed in the protection of the Heavenly Sovereign Allah subhanahu wa’tala. Immediately, the proxies of earthly sovereigns sought to dislodge the newly appointed Muslim governor of Makkah to seize the control of the desert caravan trade, so usury could be reestablished to monopolize the trade.

The five main contenders of Makkah broke the Covenant after seeing Muhammad’s ? risalat as a recipe of success. The chief of Ansi tribe in Yemen, the chief of Assad tribe in Nejd, the chief of Ghatafan tribe in Ha’il, the chief of Taghlib tribe in Yamama, and the chief of the Hanifa tribe in Dumatul Jandal, all declared false risalat in 629 CE to woo Arab tribes that had recently accepted the true risalat of Muhammad ?.

The chief of the Ansi tribe, a Persian vassal in Yemen was the first to falsely announce risalat (message) with further support from the Thaqafi tribe of Ta’if. Muslims immediately besieged Ta’if and four months later the Thaqafi tribe withdrew its military support to the Ansi tribe of Yemen. The Ansi tribe was defeated in 630 CE by a former Persian governor of Yemen who had accepted Islam. The Thaqafi tribe followed suit and embraced Islam a few months later.

Roman Byzantines and Persians had strong commercial ties with the Jewish tribes of Madinah, who had become allies of Muslims after accepting the Covenant (mesaq-e-Madinah) in 622 CE. However, the rift occurred when Allah the Almighty Creator prohibited usury which threatened the Jewish financial control over the caravan trade. The Jews responded by attempting thrice to kill Muhammad ?.

The first Jewish tribe that tried to kill Muhammad ? by throwing a boulder at him was caught red handed. The second Jewish tribe hosted a banquet to poison the Muslim leadership. The third Jewish tribe in violation of the Covenant invited Quraish to invade Madinah and misguided the Muslims to weaken their defenses. These Jewish tribes – Nadir, Qaynuqa and Qurayza – were punished for treason according to the Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy) and were banished forever from Madinah and Makkah in 627 CE by Allah the Almighty Creator and Sovereign.

The prohibition of usury, subsequent treachery of the Jewish tribes, Canonical punishment for treason, and their expulsion from Madinah disempowered Quraish, which explains why they signed the Hudaibiya peace treaty in the same year 627 CE with the Muslims. The peace treaty deprived Jews of the military support from Quraish which made it easier for Muslims to expel Jews and by 628 CE all Jewish tribes were expelled out of Khaybar, Fidak, and other parts of Arabia.

Roman Byzantines prohibited Jews from entering their territories. However, the Persian vassal tribe of Lakhm gave refuge to the Jews in their capital al-Hirah, situated on the Silk Road in Iraq. After Khaybar, al-Hirah in Iraq became the new center of Jewish resistance to the Muslims. The Jews sought Lakhm tribe’s assistance in inciting the Nestorian Christian Taghlib tribe of Northern Nejd against the Muslims. The Hanifite Christian clan of Banu Bakr tribe from Yamama also joined forces.

Chieftain of the Nestorian Christian Taghlib tribe proclaimed false risalat. The chief of the Hanifite clan withdrew his claim to risalat in favor of the Taghlib chief, who enjoyed greater financial support from the Jews and the military support from the fellow Nestorian Christian tribe of Lakhm. The chief of Assad tribe with the military assistance of Ghatafan tribe posed a direct threat to Madinah. All land caravan routes were blocked by the false prophets after Muslims liberated Makkah.

Only Red Sea route was left open for the Muslims, but the situation improved after Yemen was recovered by the former Persian governor Firuz al-Daylami who embraced Islam, rebelled against the tyranny of Persia, and defeated the chief of the Ansi tribe. In 630 CE, Muhammad ? sent his son-in-law Ali to Yemen for guiding the tribes in the matters of Islam. Ali led a delegation of 300 scholars and spread them across Yemen and Hadhramaut.

Persia’s main objective of invading Yemen in 570 CE was to block the Roman Byzantine’s Indian Ocean bound maritime trade. Four thousand invading Persian soldiers settled down in Yemen and married local Arab women. Their offspring were called Abnawi. Firuz was their leader and all of the Abnawis embraced Islam and fought against the impostor chief of Ansi tribe. It was on Firuz’s request in 630 CE, Ali was sent from Madinah to preach Islam in Najran, Yemen, and Hadhramaut before returning to Madinah in 633 CE.

Abu Bakr succeeded Muhammad ? as his successor and steward in 632 CE. He immediately sent a military force to defeat the false claimant of risalat from the tribe of Assad in Nejd. The Assad tribe had fought against Muslims in the favor of Jews at Khaybar and Fidak. The proclamation of risalat by the chief of Assad tribe during the lifetime of Muhammad was supported by the much stronger Ghatafan tribe living just outside Madinah. They were also strong allies of the Jewish tribes and the Quraish.

Together Ghatafan and Assad tribes posed an existential threat to the Muslims. Abu Bakr immediately countered the threat and defeated the two tribes in 632 CE at Buzuka. Surviving rebels found refuge with their ally the Nestorian Christian tribe of Lakhm, the vassal of the Persian Empire. Next year in 633 CE, the Taghlib and Hanifa Christian tribal chiefs were defeated at Yamama in anticipation of their war preparations.

After securing Arabian Peninsula by defeating the proxy tribes of Ghassan and Lakhm, the Muslims were now face to face with the powers behind the multiple false claimants of risalat. Two centers of resistance to the Muslims had developed in al-Hirah, Iraq and Jabiya-Golan Heights, Syria. Abu Bakr sent expeditions to the rulers of al-Hira and Jabiya in 634 CE to seek assurances of noninterference from them, and also to secure Madinah’s status as the protector of the desert caravan routes and its trade.

In 634 CE, Muslims finally became the undisputed masters of the desert caravan routes linking Tehama, Hejaz, Yemen, Hadhramaut, Oman, Bahrain, and Nejd with the two Silk Road gateways previously controlled by the Nestorian Christian Arab tribe of Lakhm at al-Hirah, Iraq and the Chalcedon Christian Arab tribe of Ghassan at Jabiya-Golan Heights, Syria. Muslims now controlled all seafaring Arabian ports from Aqaba to Aden to Muscat to Bahrain. Outside al-Hirah, Saad ibn abi Waqas established the garrison town of Kufa, which soon over shadowed al-Hirah to became a commercial hub due to its location on the Silk Road.

Duma Castle, an Arab Christian stronghold in Dumat al-Jandal was the last remaining corner of resistance to the Muslim control of the desert caravan trade. Duma was at close proximity to both Silk Road gateways in Syria and Iraq. Raiding parties from Duma Castle threatened passing by caravans, extorting monies, and even plundered them to discourage Arab tribes from relying on the protection of Muslims.

Muslims were treaty bound to protect the desert caravan routes because of the mesaq-e-Madinah. Fort Duma was neutralized and its Christian Arab rulers were brought under the treaty relations with Madinah. After securing the desert caravan routes, Muslims wanted to open trade for all at equal terms on fair basis. Not too far away from Dumat al-Jandal was the monastery of St. Catherine, which interestingly sought protection of Muslims from the Christian prince of Duma.

Earlier, an expedition to the Ghassan heartland in 632 CE made successful incursions into Gaza, Negev, Deir al-Bala, and Balqa securing local population’s support for the Muslim rule. Both Ghassan and the Roman Byzantines were exhausted by the three decades of war with the Persians, their allies in Arabia had also vanquished. Local population was tired of paying heavy taxes and was divided into three Christian sectarian groups – Chalcedon, Monophysites, and Monothelites.

Paying jizya (poll tax) was much cheaper than the heavy taxes paid first to the Roman Byzantines then to the Persians and then again to the Roman Byzantines. The local population was also afflicted with the aftermath of the Justinian Plague of 541-42 CE. Nine waves of Bubonic Plague had hit Syria in ninety years. The wave known as Emmaus Bubonic Plague of 638-39 CE, was equally devastating for the Roman Byzantine and the Muslim Arab garrisons in Syria.

Only one-fifth of the conquering Muslim army survived the plague. Surviving Muslim army under the command of Amr ibn al-Aas conquered Egypt in 640-42 CE. Other than Amr, Saad and Khalid, all key Muslim commanders and their armies were killed by the plague, creating a vacuum which could have been easily filled by the fresh Roman Byzantine troops. However, the local population refused to return to the Constantinople’s rule. On the Muslim's side, the vacuum was filled by the Ummayyads and their allies.

Similarly, in 633-34 CE, the entire west bank of river Euphrates in Iraq, a stronghold of the Christian Arab tribe of Lakhm, fell into the hands of Muslim expeditionary forces. Lakhm tribesmen were also exhausted by the prolonged wars, Bubonic plague, and droughts. By 634 CE, the Muslims had also decisively defeated Ghassan tribesmen at the battle of Ajnadayn. By 639 CE, Muslims had become the masters of the Fertile Crescent stretching from Gaza via Nineveh to Basra.

Now the Silk Road passed through the Muslim controlled lands before entering into the Roman Byzantine territory. Muslims were in control of the most fertile lands, vital trade routes, seaports, and shared the borders with the two imperial powers for the first time. The surrender of Ghassan and Lakhm tribes to the Muslims by 634 CE meant that now the Roman Byzantines and Persians would have to treat Arabs as their equals, which they were not prepared to do. However, the Rashidun leadership of the Muslims responsible for the liberation of Palestine, Syria and Iraq was weakened in 640 CE due to the heavy casualties caused by the bubonic plague.

In 640 CE, the Ummayyad represented by Amir Muawiyyah and Marwan bin Hakam appealed to the sensitivities of the tribes defeated by the Stewardship of Rashidun such as Ghassan, Kalb, Judham, Hawazain, Lakhm and Thaqif. A new alliance of the previously anti-Islam tribes especially the former imperial vassals became the vanguard of the Khilafat turning the tide against Roman Byzantine and Persia.

Consequently, Muslims annexed the Persian Empire in 651 CE and knocked at the doors of Constantinople from 654 to 656 CE. A disgruntled group of Kufans consisting of Christian Lakhm, displaced Jews from Madinah, and the Qurra (city dwellers) from Persia assassinated Usman the Third Steward of Islam in 656 CE which saved Constantinople. Otherwise the earthly false sovereign would have submitted to the Heavenly Sovereign of the Jesus and the Muslims.


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