Mug shot or Headshot
Linda Kazares Photography

Mug shot or Headshot

What do you think when you see a headshot of a woman or man in business using five and ten year old head shots? Credible? Dreamer?

Some people just don't like having their picture taken so they avoid any occasions in front of the camera. (Side note - I love having my photo taken which is why I am comfortable both sides of the camera.) Or, they don't value having a beautiful or handsome picture that supports their brand and professionalism. Or, they're delusional thinking they still look the same as they did when they last took their headshot 5 or 10 years ago. Finally, they 'don't have time.' We can always make time for what we want!

A professional placement executive said that an applicant doesn’t need to look younger, it’s more important that they look updated. There is a disconnect when someone meets you for the first time and you look nothing like your photo. It impacts their trust level in you. This applies to any profession and role ~ medical to high-tech, salespeople and executives. 

For your own sake get a current headshot. In fact, you should have your photo updated at least every two years. Your headshot should always be taken by a professional. Selfies just don't cut it.

Linda Kazares is a photographer who sees the world differently through her lens. A 30 year veteran of the high-tech computer industry as a consultant addressing channel, distribution and marketing strategy. She has produced online custom eNewsletters and marketing campaigns that Entertain~Educate~Communicate on behalf of clients to build trust and brand value with their customers and prospects. Today she is applying her marketing experience with photography that represents her clients personal branding and image.

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Yours truly, Linda 480-353-9415, [email protected]

PS I travel often to the San Francisco Bay area. Please let me know what would be convenient for you and I will schedule an appointment the next time I'm there.


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