“Muertos sin Combatir No 3”-
“Los hondazos certeros hacían blanco en los rasos, pero no eran mortales. Cojeando pocos seguían en su vergonzosa “huida”, digamos, “retirada”para dejarlos en mejor posición en este relato, sin que fuera su culpa.
Por cierto, parecía que habíamos retrocedido a la época de los judíos antiguos que lapidaban a las mujeres adúlteras porque así lo establecía la antigua ley.
“Dura lex, sed lex!”
“Dura es la ley, pero es la ley!”
No hubo piedad alguna para esos Soldados de la Patria mandados a inmolarse. Quién habrá sido ese HdP que dio tal orden?
-“Las órdenes se cumplen sin dudas ni murmuraciones.”
Nota: La tercera parte que NO es la última. Paciencia es requerida para el final.
"Unfought Dead No. 3."
-The accurate slingshots were hitting the rank & file, but they were not lethal. Limping few followed in their shameful "flight", shall we say, "retreat" to leave them in a better position in this story, through no fault of their own.
By the way, we seemed to have gone back to the time of the ancient Jews who stoned adulterous women because that was the ancient law.
"Dura lex, sed lex!"
"Tough is the law, but it is the law!"
There was no mercy whatsoever for those Soldiers of the Fatherland sent to immolate themselves. Who would have been that SoB who gave such an order?-
"Orders are carried out without doubts or murmurings."
Note: The third part which is NOT the last. Patience is required for the end.