Called for much more than "Do no harm."
Jonathan Isbill, MS, RD, LD
?? Holistic Health Dietitian Coach, Healthcare Consultant, Writer, Author, Speaker, Believer. Building for Better ??
A Message from your friend Jonathan at #ZigZagNutrition.
As a medical professional and lover of people and service, I hold my position and relationship in this fields of Food & Nutrition, Health and Medicine with great ethical standards and conscious consideration of many, many interests, ideas, ingredients of food, the body, and also the environment.
My views are not “Dogma” but rather well supported perspectives and protocols for Health & Wellness, to fuel Happiness and Fulfillment for the Human Mind, Body, Spirit.
I hold myself to education and empowerment that others can learn, grow, and understand ways in which they can lead the best life possible.
No person deserves to be dismissed, taken advantage of, overlooked or manipulated by systems of society that lead to poor health, poor body mind or spirit. Each person deserves a life of Health and Freedom, and freedom in health.
The original Hippocratic Oath of Physicians included much more than “First, do no harm,” such as the following standards.
- I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing.
- Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.
- Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free.
Improving People’s Lives from the inside out is much more than just an interest, a hobby, or a profession.
Health is an Art, a Hollistic journey that each of us take for the full length of our lives.
Each person, each life, no matter the age, gender, or color deserves the chance to live a life of Health & Freedom. We live in a world of Inequalities and Inequities far beyond one person perspective’s or ability to fully grasp or experience for their own.
We live amidst broken systems of health and healthcare, pharmacy and research, much misinformation and confusion as well. We live within a world of complexity and diversity. Our people- friends, family, neighbors deserve to be included in the discussion of Health, Happiness, & Freedom.
This is what I believe we all have the potential desire to strive to achieve, and one I think we can all reach with time, attention, and a little help. I wouldn’t have learned how to add, subtract, multiply or divide if not for math teachers. I wouldn’t have learned how to spell words, write sentences, or organize manuscripts if not for English teachers.
Health is an art, and one I love to teach.
Health is a beautiful art, and one I long to share with others.
My perspectives are that of my own. My practice and profession is that of my own personal pursuits to heal any and all environments I walk into. I do not speak up for selfish gain or self-interest. Rather I speak up due to my spirit, my passion, and my oath to the populace. Silence is not an option. Silence is dismissive and allows for perpetual problems in society and cyclical industries of inequalities and inequities.
I stand up to speak out upon the issues of our current times and ways in which we live our current lives. My passion is for the people, for them to reach their own Health, Happiness, and Freedom through their own personal journey of life.
If you have knowledge, skills, insight or expertise to share with the world, I fully believe you should do so - for the overall growth and prosperity of the planet. The opportunity to give back, to improve the lives' of others is one impactful position we cannot take for granted.
We each have the chance to make a difference in the life of someone else or even many people. We each have a calling we can choose to listen to and stand up to benefit the rest of the people in our lives, country, and the globe.
Why look down and twiddle our fingers playing with strings of evil, when we can look up and look forward to the amazing and immaculate expansive universe of Health and Happiness we have to explore together?
To each of our Journeys, I stand to support our best life possible.
- Jonathan, in pursuit with empathy and empowerment.