Much Ado About Nothing
The Dishonorable Nancy Pelosi Presiding

Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing

I haven't said anything about the January 6th hearings because I don't understand them. I understand that Democrats need something to bolster their ratings with voters, but I don't think this is the way to go about it. Fancy Nancy has stacked a "court" with her followers to determine what kind of punishment should be invoked against Donald Trump for supporting "rioters". Given all the "rioters" the Democrats supported for the last couple of years, I find it ironic they've decided it is Donald Trump they need to focus on.

Flogging a Dead Horse

Donald Trump left the Presidency and many people were angry about it because they thought the election was rigged and didn't like it. Turns out they were right, the election was rigged. Protesters of this reality went to Washington DC to voice their upset and anger. Some of them stormed into the Capitol buildings and caused damage. Many have been arrested and treated worse than inmates in Guantanamo Bay. Why? Because Fancy Nancy HATES Donald Trump. She just can't stop whipping that dead horse over and over again.

How's the Viewership?

So far, the ratings on the scripted, televised daytime drama are abysmal. Not even the news outlets are following it because it is rife with political sycophants towing the Democratic Party line. In a way, it is quite revealing to see how much these miscreants kowtow to Fancy Nancy. I watch the "Republicans" on the court and I throw up. Talk about liars, deceivers, and frauds! Oh yeah, you're about as Republican as my flip-flops. So nobody is tuning in and the Democraps don't know what to do. They canceled one episode because they got the viewership numbers and knew they had to do something to improve them.

Pick and Choose

What I love is the way the Democraps have gone to the "pick and choose" method of deciding which laws matter and which laws don't matter. The hard part is figuring out what is what and who is who. It is an abomination before God and man for anyone to attack the United States Capitol in protest of what the government is doing. "Peaceful" protesting is okay, like in front of Supreme Court Justice's homes even though the law is clear on this being a criminal act. Even "agitated" protesting is acceptable. Burn some buildings, kill a few people, destroy a bunch of lives in multiple cities across America, and be ordained "the Summer of Love". Even the disaster known as Maxine Waters was out there cheering on the rioters and telling them to keep going. But she's special and can't be prosecuted for violating the law. Are you beginning to see how the "pick and choose" method works?

Get Back to Work or You're Fired!

The country is in a tailspin, despite Buttlick Biden's statements otherwise. Prices are through the roof. My rent just went up another $145 a month on top of what I was already paying. Crime in the streets is rampant. Even the Sheriff in Los Angeles County told citizens to arm themselves because there's nothing his department can do to stop the crime. Our Southern Border looks more like an open sewer line than a blockade. Europe is at war and we're right in the middle of it. Energy is waning and people are going to have to go without power this summer. Baby food is nonexistent. Supply chain issues are affecting everyone and everything. Homelessness is rampant and Covid is making a comeback. And Congress is conducting hearings as though they are some kind of court. Kangaroo court. I don't know if they remember or not, but justice is not their purview... that's the purview of the Judicial Branch of government, not the Legislative Branch. There's a reason why they were separated by the founding fathers, but that reason is lost on Fancy Nancy and her Democrap sycophants. More "pick and choose", huh?

Back to Business

It would seem as though the Democraps know they have one last gasp before they are mowed down like grass in November. They figure they may as well go for the whole enchilada and set their Green New Deal agenda in motion. There's only one problem. People with more than two brain cells to rub together know it and see it for what it is. Desperate politicians desperately clinging to what power they may have because they know it will go away in January of 2023. It's kind of sad really. But at the same time, it's great to watch! All those dying Democrap politicians trying to convince their loser constituents that they really aren't lib-crazy even though they follow AOC and "The Squad" like Lemmings over a cliff.?

Don't Change a Thing!

I hope Fancy Nancy gets re-elected in November. And Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff and the whole lot. I want them to stand there like the idiots they truly are while their committee chairmanships and memberships are taken from them and they are left with ... nothing. Oh sure, they'll be appointed to the Land Use Re-certification Committee or the African National Review Committee. Nancy will have to sit with the other "commoners" once again and remember the days when she was the Queen of America and everyone had to do everything she said. And if Diane Feinstein can last out the year, I'll be amazed. But watching her mental decline is kind of fun, I have to admit. It's like watching Biden when he tries to act like he's 70 or 60 riding a bike or running across the lawn. He still looks like an 80-year-old doing it. It's embarrassing, to be sure, but it is fun to watch nonetheless.

January 6th Committee Went Too Far

Fancy Nancy and her unrequited hatred of Donald Trump went too far with the January 6th debacle. It was pure political showmanship and drama with no significance or importance whatsoever. It was Fancy Nancy's last hurrah and it went more like a squeak than a hurrah. She tried to appear regal and royal as she sat in judgment over her fellow man. It reminded me of the Nazi show trials after the attempt to assassinate Hitler with a bomb. Those were show trials of the highest drama and everyone knew what the outcome of each case would be before the doors opened in the morning. Same thing here. Like the Sussmann trial, it is nothing more than a Soros-backed Open Society Foundation exercise. And, like every other thing that George Soros has foisted on the American people, it is doomed to fail. Sussmann may have been found innocent but everyone knows he is guilty as hell. Good luck finding a job.

Nails in the Coffin

Democraps don't seem to get it or if they do get it, they don't seem to give a shit. They're committed to running full-steam ahead on their Socialist, Green, anti-America agenda, and they're not going to give up. What they don't seem to get is that every time they pull one of these stupid stunts, they lose more voters. Americans don't want to be "woke". They want to be normal. They don't want to make special laws for special people who scream and shout about their rights. They want those people to sit down and shut the hell up. Most Americans want a Congress with people in it who will do the job and not just suck money up like there's no tomorrow. How did AOC become a millionaire in 2 years? And Maxine and Fancy Nancy and Chuckie Schumer? Term Limits would put an end to all of it - the final nail in the coffin of corrupt politicians.


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