MTV November Recap

MTV November Recap


Patrice Sutherland , a Bronze Star Army Combat #veteran succeeds Derek Herrera as the new President & Chairperson of MedTechVets in January 2023. She is the Enterprise Executive Director at Integra LifeSciences and?Co-Founder of Leaderly AI .

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An award-winning #medtech strategic sales, contract leader, and business executive, Patrice has earned National Sales Awards for Leadership and Sales Results throughout her career and is a #sixsigmablackbelt. She is an accomplished #healthcareleader who prides herself on being able to motivate personnel to exceed quotas, building strong relationships, and creating real value for equity investors.

In her current role at Integra Life Sciences, she and her team focus on bringing life-saving medical devices to active-duty #military personnel and veterans. Patrice also is a co-founder of CulturePop, a SaaS company built to help employers, educators and Non Profits improve company culture and grow revenue.


MedTechVets bridges the gap between veterans and companies! Take a look through our?#ResumeBooklet?to get to know our Fall Veteran Fellows better and see if they could be a great fit for your company!?

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Booklet includes links to Connect on LinkedIn, Resume Downloads, and Preferred?Areas/Roles of Interest.



Check out our Events Page on the? for all our upcoming events beneficial to both Veterans and the Veteran Community!

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Some events to look forward to?include:?Winter Academy 2022, Winter Networking Conference, Spring Academy 2023.


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Save the Date!?Join us at our?Virtual Networking Conference?on?February 15th?from 5-7PM PST?to connect with our talented and passionate Veteran Fall Academy Graduates!

Contact Amy, Director of Operations:?[email protected]

RSVP Here!

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This month we're proud to highlight Community Partner: Biocom California

Biocom California Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to develop and promote a skilled and diverse pipeline of talent to accelerate the growth of California’s life science #ecosystem .

They drive public policy and advocacy initiatives, create valuable networks, provide capital development, offer business strategies, and provide high-quality workforce development programs from K-12 to Veterans.

Biocom's "Veterans in Life Science" program?provides veterans access to a variety of life science industry professionals and executives. Complete with a Veteran Committee to discuss the needs of #transitioningveterans ,?#jobskills workshops, an industry-focused #careerfair and #mentorship pairing, this program provides a?unique direct connection between veterans and the #lifescienceindustry .


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" The more time you give yourself to have a targeted approach to networking, the more focused conversations you’ll have that are directly related to the career you’re pursuing."

- Conor Hayes, Summer 2021 Academy?

This month we're proud to feature fellow Conor Hayes

Conor was part of our Summer 2021 cohort, where he entered the program wanting to become part of a team built on candid communication, relationship-based customer engagements, service that improves patients quality of life, and tangible performance rewards. He was able to find this in his current role as a Sales Representative at 雅培 .

3 Ways MTV Academy helped Conor prepare for his transition:

?? Provided a structured platform to #network with experienced individuals

?? Translated the skills I developed throughout my #militarycareer into traits that potential employers would value

?? Taught how to articulate what each fellow could bring to a corporate effectively role.

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Our Corporate and Community Partners are as unique as each Veteran we serve.

?MedTechVets is a 501(c)(3)?#nonprofit?connecting medtech and life sciences companies with talented Veterans ready to serve a purpose.

Your donations are tax-deductible and used to equip Veterans to become leaders and innovators in the?#medtech?,?#lifescience,?#pharmaceuticals?, and?#medicaldevice?industries.

Various sponsorship levels are available and flexible?#partnerships?opportunities exist.

?Contact Director of Operations?Amy Reiter?if interested!?[email protected]

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AdvaMed ?is the world's largest #medicaltechnology association representing device, diagnostics and #digitaltechnology manufacturers.

AdvaMed Careers


Batelle translates #scientificdiscovery and technology advances into societal benefits for the purpose of education?and research work in the making of discoveries and inventions?to do the greatest good for humanity

Batelle Careers

REV-1 Engineering

Rev.1 Engineering? - A subsidiary of Asahi Intecc specializes in the design and development of complex, minimally invasive, interventional #medicaldevices . For more than a decade, REV·1 has delivered first-of-kind medical devices for interventional cardiology, structural heart, neuromodulation and drug/device/biologics combination products.

REV-1 Careers

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Support Us By Buying our Merch on Bonfire!

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We are now on?Bonfire! A fun new way to?#support?MedTechVets by purchasing exclusive merchandise.

Each purchase directly helps to support Veterans who benefit from our programs, providing the bridge between ?#militaryservice?and successful civilian?#careers?. We will be releasing an exclusive design for select products 2x a year!

?Place Your Order Today

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