Mt. Montserrat: BULL NATURAL SCULPTURE (N.E. of Spain)
Mt. Montserratwas prehistoric dolmen cradle.
The first BULL-TOTEM megalithic idea goes away to the far NW. I found also several sculptures of bull carved in stone in the height lands of Solsona country. Most interesting is a BULL sculpture (1,40 m. long) carved in stone. In Catalonia central forest these area has many dolmen concentration vestiges.
The beginning of constructions with stones in Europe was the mimeticacion (copy) of a huge natural sculpted till stand in Mt. Montserrat. The 1th. Dolmen was inspired there, because big parts of these “holy mountain” of Catalonia look like a ancestral uro (Bos Primigenius).
The idea was able to cross trench country in diagonal line to SE-NW to UK.
See, please, a A. Thom mail to me in YOUTUBE prehistory of Catalonia Mt. Montserrat
(NE. of (Spain)
VIDEO: Pueden admirar una cabeza encontrada cerca del dolmen:
The beginning of constructions with stones in Europe was the mimeticacion (copy) of a huge natural sculpted till stand in Mt. Montserrat. The 1th. dolmen was inspired there, because a big part of these "holy mountain" of Catalonia look like a ancestral uro (Bos Primigenius).
See, please, a A. Thom mail to me in YOUTUBE prehistory of Catalonia Mt. Montserrat
(NE. of (Spain)