MSP Buzz 9/9/2024
7 Figure MSP?
Are you Charging MORE than $300 Per Seat for Your MSP Services? If The Answer is NO Then You Need To Talk To US!
One of our Elite members asked this in our community the other day:
“What have been some of your most impactful CSRA findings that shocked the business owner?”
Here’s one of the best:
“I’m about to have a conversation with a client who thought it was a good idea to have his personal google chrome profile sync across all 25 computers in his business so his staff have access to his dental sites/passwords. They also have his only fans credentials… I think (hope) that will be impactful.”
You think clients won’t pay good money for that info and how to fix it?
Think again.
“Guys! Registered to the event in San Antonio! ( I was so afraid to be away from my team for 3 days, but oh well) what’s the code for the discount at the hotel?”
Can’t wait to see you Christian.
When you use the booking link we give you, you get the special rate for our room block automatically.
Chris Wiser
Founder & CEO
7 Figure MSP?
P.P.S. Would you click this link?
The latest from 7 Figure MSP?
Business failure! why it happens to even the best entrepreneurs with Derek Daly
Why do some entrepreneurs fail at business, while others thrive? How can you as a managed service provider learn to scale your MSP faster and avoid these common business mistakes??
In this interview, our CEO, Chris Wiser and @Derek3531 talk about one of the biggest reasons people fail in business and how to overcome it to scale your business to success.
Starting as a managed service provider today? what would i do? (with chris wiser)
I was able to scale my MSP, and have a profitable exit and now I want to share all my MSP marketing and sales lessons with you so you can learn from my mistakes. If I was starting a brand new MSP today, here’s what I would do.
IT / Cybersecurity / PC Gaming
Judge grants restraining order against cybersecurity expert who exposed extent of city's data breach [link]
Former employee of national industrial company arrested for attempted data extortion [link]
Abuse of "PerfectData software" may create a perfect storm [link]
170 million strong data leak traced to US data broker [link]
When Get-Out-The-Vote efforts look like phishing [link]
? CISA releases three industrial control systems advisories [link]
Deepfakes and digital deception: Exploring their use and abuse in a generative AI world [link]
Recent Apache OFBiz vulnerability under attack [link]
North Korean NPM attacks continue targeting developers [link]
3CX phone system local privilege escalation vulnerability [link]
Attackers exploit critical Atlassian Confluence flaw for cryptojacking [link]
U.S. government warns of Iran-based UNC757 attacks [link]
Google now offering up to $250,000 for Chrome vulnerabilities [link]
Unpatchable 0-day in surveillance cam is being exploited to install Mirai [link]
7 Figure MSP? Elite Members Posting Ws
“Got 5 signed CSRA's last week. Working through the rest of my book of business. Told a few jobs no that I would have taken 6 months ago.” – Alan S.
“I have 3 speaking engagements: 1 for a bar association, 1 for a realtor association and 1 for a webinar. I also created a facebook group last thursday…and it has almost 70 members.” – Carl P.
“Just did my first CSRA Presentation with my first NO. The presentation wasn’t the smoothest, but the client was very interactive and has felt like he needed something like this for quite some time now. Follow up in a week!” – Will S.
“Should be wrapping up a deal tomorrow. 4 users, 1 server and 4 iPhones. Cyber only, no help desk. $1700/month.” – Brian G.
“Chris, go ahead and stamp that 100K Club record for us because the 50K frame needs a picture of its daddy and we’re almost there. I told y’all we were coming for it! #100KMRR” – Matthew J.
“I sold a $1,500 CSRA to a small manufacturing company. And I upgraded an existing single-user client to full stack @ $941/month on a MTM with a 6 month minimum” ?– Cindy V.
“First CSRA closed for the month 20 users at $3K!” – Greg M.
“Got a random call from the city… where our office is located… We apparently have made quite an impression and they wanted to make sure that we made it into the video to highlight small businesses in our city and how much we’ve grown.” – Jesse P.
“Got my cold email campaign set up last week. Sent out emails to a list I built on Apollo. Received a website contact form request this morning from a business owner who would like to learn more about our services over Zoom call. Sure enough the contact is from the list we built and is currently going through our automation.” – Steven G.
“I sit here 4.5 years after starting my MSP with around 29k contracted MRR, all of which is from this program. I started with nothing. I only had tech experience, no sales experience and no marketing knowledge or experience. If it wasn’t for this program I think I would’ve eventually shut up shop and gone back and worked for someone else (and hated every minute of it!” – Liam B.
“Just signed a 40-user accounting firm that is acquiring other firms. $12,795/mo for 36 months, $6000 onboarding. FTC Readiness project. Total Contract Value - $466,620.” – Daniel D.
“Single system new startup $200/month all labor billed hourly. Will grow quickly. 36 month agreement with a large company, only $725/month to start, but $528/month is profit and lots of project work at $175 and $200/hour. They own several large firms. Foot in the door. Upgraded existing client from $2275 to $3150/month 36 month term 16 users. Completed $1800 CSRA and presented findings - non-profit. Went well. We will see. Upgraded a 120 person and a 45 person to our new Email Protection system. Projects and more MRR.” – David R.
? “Made 10 cold calls, booked a FTA next Tuesday before my presentation to the Rotary Club and got three requests for information by email, which I will follow up with calls.” – Don M.
If you're at or above 10k MRR unlock scale with 7 Figure MSP? Elite - Let's chat
If you're under 10k MRR we'll help you get there with Zero to $10k - Learn More
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