MSBs - Short Term Thinking versus A Long Term Solution
Jeffrey Robinson
Old fashioned storyteller. Bestselling author of THE LAUNDRYMEN. 30+ books. Expert on money laundering & financial crime. Seasoned investigative journalist, television, film & keynote speaker.
Word out of the UK this week is that drug barons are now forsaking banks to move drug cash through small money service businesses (MSBs).
The Guardian newspaper quotes DCS Michael Gallagher, head of Scotland Yard’s specialist crime unit, as saying his team suspects a network of 34,000 MSBs in the UK as the traffickers’ flavor of the month for cleaning money. Those MSBs include bureaux de change, money-transfer brokers and payday-loan services.
What worries me is that I covered this story in London 20+ years ago when HM Customs busted, for the first time, a bureau de change for laundering drug cash.
Plus ca change...
What also worries me if that by taking down these MSBs, if they can, all they’re doing is cutting out the middle man. They’re chopping off the tail of the beast and leaving the head.
Gallagher was quoted as saying, “Banks have been subjected to tougher and tougher regulations to stop major criminals using them. So serious and organised criminals have transformed their business methods to beat the clampdown and now at least hundreds of millions of pounds is flowing through MSBs, which are less strictly regulated than banks.”
One obvious answer is, okay, so regulate them like banks.
But Gallagher’s response is only half the story. It’s true what he says about tougher and tougher regulations, but he’s leaving out of simple fact that there are no genuine prosecutions of banks in the UK for money laundering offenses.
At least no British banks.
The Financial Conduct Authority, which is genuinely useless, doesn’t criminally pursue British financial institutions because the way Parliament set the up the regulator. Funded by those same financial institutions, the FCA’s unofficial mandate is Hippocratic – ie, do not harm.
It has, on the odd occasion pursued a foreign financial institution. But even there, their mission is fines. While the banks see that as just the cost of doing business, the government encourages the FCA to be a cash cow.
In the meantime, the National Crime Authority, and its Economic Crime Directorate, is intent on showing the public that it’s doing something, so they go for the tail option every time, writing that off as an aggressive anti-money laundering policy. It is, of course, nonsense.
One case, cited in the newspaper article, mentioned the arrest of two men, subsequently jailed, after handing over £82,000 in cash in a plastic shopping bag outside a central London MSB.
That’s all well and good. But that’s not an effective anti-money laundering strategy. In its purest definition, that may not even be money laundering at all. Putting cash into a washing machine is only part of the laundering cycle.
Gallagher went on to say, “It’s very difficult to regulate MSBs because there are so many of them.”
That is also, nonsense.
Years ago, when the Dutch shut down MSBs in Holland for moving drug cash, all they succeeded in doing was to move them across the border into Belgium. At the same time, the French found MSBs on the Champs Elysees moving drug cash and shut them down. Six minutes later, new MSBs opened up down the block. What was ignored in both failed measures, was that the MSBs in question were all foreign owned. And in some cases, the owners were the drug cartels themselves.
It was the same situation in the US.
When I wrote The Takedown, about the 15 year-long case against the Norte Valle cartel, wire remitters were sending money – in amounts structured to remain just under the imposed limit by a Geographical Targeting Order (GTO) – back to Colombia, using names and addresses of real people they pulled out of phone books.
Who owned those remitters? The Norte Valle Cartel and people close to the Norte Valle Cartel
Sure, Gallagher and his team should bust whatever MSBs they can. But that’s a short-term solution, if it’s even a solution at all.
My suggestion is to take a two-pronged approach.
First, outlaw all foreign owned MSBs. Licenses should require ownership by a British national who is also resident in the UK. Just as importantly, that citizen should maintain assets in the UK. No offshore shells allowed. Homes. Cars. Offices. Bank accounts. Real assets that can be seized. The idea is that the owner of an MSB must be someone who can be arrested, charged and prosecuted for offenses. Someone who can be held accountable.
Second, do the GTO trick. Limit cash transactions to a small amount. Say £1000 at a time. At the same time, require immediate electronic reporting of any cash transactions in excess of, say £500.
Require genuine identification of anyone moving money, and limit the number of transactions that can be made per day, per week and per month through a central data base controlled by the police.
And don’t tell me that can’t be done. The Metropolitan Police have a real-time data base on every black taxi in London. Setting one up to track money moving through MSBs simply takes the will, and the money.
Does a tourist need to change money six times a day? Probably not. Does someone in the UK wishing to send money home need to wire amounts just under the reporting limits seven times a week? Probably not.
Legally allow MSBs to do what they’re legitimately intended to do. But take away the foreign owned MSBs and eliminate any opportunities for them to continue the abuses Gallagher complains over.
That’s long term thinking.
Sadly, it relies on Parliament’s will to do something meaningful. If past history of British politicians and their attitude towards money laundering is an indication, DCS Gallagher and the rest of us shouldn’t hold our breaths.
? Jeffrey Robinson 2020
There’s more where this came from. Please connect with me on Linked In. I welcome the company.
5 年MSBs have been abused for years, it's not new. Some wittingly and some unwittingly (perhaps). Sure, they handle a lot of legitimate business but.....if only there was the real will to do something about it. Maybe one day - just don't hold your breath.
Principal Financial Crime Consultant
5 年One answer is to regulate them like banks? - I think the important issue is to supervise them like banks. When was the last time an MSB, estate agent, lawyer or accountant had their supervisor arrive unannounced and dip-sample their CDD files? There needs to be increasingly proactive supervision, with a joint enforcement approach; HMRC (and the rest of the 22 UK supervisors accordingly) can prioritise MSBs linked by NCA to serious and organised crime. We will never stop money laundering but let’s make the UK a more hostile environment for criminals.
Financial crime investigator, trainer and mentor
5 年HMRC and other agencies need to invest more resources in supervising MSBs. For too long people have been able to get away with setting up a business like this without the risk of being policed at all. During investigations I was involved in, featuring businesses run from bedrooms, small corners within shops or larger premises, I never met anyone who had been subject to even a compliance visit. They saw no risks in doing anything illegal. Jeffrey Robinson is right, too often, criminal enterprises run the businesses themselves and do not fear being caught.
Director Risk and Compliance at Buckles Solicitors
5 年Thanks Jeffrey for another very interesting article. Yet another issue that complicates the regulation of MSBs is that in the modern interconnected world, there is no reason why an MSB needs to be premises-based at all. Any reasonably IT-savvy money mover can set up shop with a laptop or mobile phone and a set of customers prepared to do business by phone or email. Regulating in this area will I suspect be both the new battleground and the AML equivalent of knitting fog.
Customer Due Diligence Lead at NatWest Boxed ?? ICA Awards Rising Star 2024 | ex-Monzo, Barclays | dad of 2 | Charity Trustee | Be Scam Aware ??
5 年I will leave the more contentious parts of this to my more experienced peers. However, addressing the one area I genuinely think is glaringly obvious is the technology/reg tech void in AML at a state and often commercial level. I think more people in the industry need to be pointing out exactly what Jeffrey said about 6 grad developers - that's all it would take - 6 reasonably well educated developers and money. Using the current model, we will exponentially fall behind criminals using UK FIs to launder POC, however if we invest now to get on top of handling relevant data and take bold steps to protect the remittance industry (a vital lifeline for millions), we can start to prevent financial crime as opposed to slapping FIs on the wrist 10 years down the line.