MS NOC - Enabler of Business transformation

? Traditionally, the network operations center (NOC) has been seen by the business as a support function and a cost center entrusted to avoid critical outages and subsequent revenue loss .As a curator , NOC was typically required to ensure smooth functioning of the network with minimal disruptions and downtime. However with the changing market dynamics the role of the NOC has now evolved from being a trouble-shooter, to becoming an enabler for business transformation. Thus to meet the changing demands and remain relevant organizations must create a transformation roadmap for their NOCs to redefine their priorities.

? By and large Telecom organizations typically have been seen to have a tier based structure in the NOC comprising of a large agent workforce. Each layer focuses hard on increasing network availability and minimizing customer impact. However for future success, the NOC must be organized differently with thin boundaries, working more horizontally and with high automation and digital capabilities.?NOC Transformation initiatives should cover three key focus areas – 1. Organizational structure 2. Technology 3. People and skill sets. All three areas should be addressed hand in hand to take the MSNOC up the maturity curve. For example, transforming the Basic?NOC towards an automated thin layer – mandates successful deployment of new tools to realize zero touch processes – which in turn requires technical knowledge and change management experience within the NOC team.

?Leadership must set the ball rolling by defining and translating the new MSNOC vision into concrete transformation initiatives with clear ownership, timeframe and business benefits. This helps management to identify the most appropriate initiatives and allocate proper resources to drive the transformation.

?The scale of transformation needed would vary for each organization as there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, but the NOC must not be wary of setting ambitious goals. The transformation roadmap should include multiple concrete initiatives linked to the overall goals and to be planned in a phased manner. There should be measurable value, particularly the NOC moving up the maturity curve at each stage.

?In the end, NOC transformation should be viewed as a journey and not a destination, which can constantly evolve along the way. The defined vision should be evaluated regularly and adjusted to remain relevant with changing technology and business needs.


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