In the complexities of the Corporate World and even if it is in the line of duty, it is very uncommon or unusual for anyone, especially a junior staff or colleague to have the privileges to interact with Senior Management, not to talk of an Executive Director (ED), whether serving or retired, especially as an Executive Director (ED) from a Bank as Oceanic Bank International Plc.
Certainly, this is not common, yet this is the privilege that I have continued to enjoy with and from her.
On Friday, September 01, 2000, she was employed as an Assistant General Manager (AGM) and was immediately put in charge of Branch Operations (BOPS), Corporate Office as the Group Head, a Group that oversees all the activities of Operations (Head Office and Branches) bank wide.
And it was here that our paths crossed at Oceanic Bank International Plc, where, as the Officer in charge of Records/Performance Management Unit, the Unit that held responsibility over staff employment documentation, staff records; confirmation and appraisal processes, I had the privilege of handling her confirmation processes that led to the confirmation of her employment effective Wednesday, August 01, 2001, the month that I wedded in Year 2001.
Perhaps, this is one of the many reasons that I admired her and fell in love with her because it is said that as humans, we fall in love with the other for various reasons. While some of these reasons could be beautiful, others may be considered mundane, however, beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder.
For me, I fell in love with Mrs Ololade Ogunlusi simply because of her signature because there was something in it that communicated with me in Oceanic Bank.
As a family man, it communicated affection to me. It communicated ownership to me. It transmitted family to me. It communicated responsibility to me. And it communicated commitment to me, commitment to a lived married and family life.
Truly, her signature communicated life to me in the simple way that she represented her family name in it, where the name, ‘Ogunlusi’ is well pronounced.
With this, I became one of her secret admirers and as the Officer in charge of the collation of the annual performance appraisal, I always looked forward to receiving the appraisal forms from Branch Operations (BOPS). Apart from the fact that the performance appraisal forms from this Group were always well arranged and organized, which made working on them extremely beautiful and easy, I always quickly flipped to the back of the appraisal forms just to see the signature of the Group Head and with this attitude, I became obsessed with her signature.
Such was the effect that her simple, yet unique signature had on me at Oceanic Bank International Plc, hence I made a solemn promise within myself that I must always strive, no matter how difficult, to live a committed family life where nothing else comes first, but my family.
Thank God that I have the courage of putting this into writing today.
Secondly, I fell in love with Mrs Ololade Ogunlusi because her words of greeting formula actually impacted what it signified, humility and simplicity.
In our world, especially in our corporate world that is full of sycophants and hypocrites; pretenders and ‘fakeness’ where respect for a man or woman of authority is taken as a duty even in pretentious manner, Mrs Ogunlusi was cut away from such an ilk of the society where pretence only helps to aid a life of fake living.
While in Oceanic, she always carried her bag herself, where, no matter the distance to her Office, she would never release it to anyone, not even to her Secretary.
And she had this one unique and distinct trait where she would always clutch her files, no matter how large, to her chest like a little girl whenever she was returning from the Senior Management Committee (SMC) meetings on Mondays.
I truly admired her!
Mrs Ogunlusi’s humility in Oceanic Bank International Plc was a constant reminder to all of us of the equal and common poverty that humanity experiences together and so needs each other in humility and simplicity.
Sincerely, we do not need any academic qualification in order to contribute to the awesome task of bringing peace in our troubled world, but by our simple lives of simplicity and humility.
People listen more to examples than exhortations!
Truly, as Christians, we have to learn to detach ourselves from anything and everything that is of the flesh and live the life of the Spirit. Mrs Ogunlusi detached herself completely from the things of the flesh while in Oceanic Bank, even on an exalted position as ED, Operations because of her simplicity and humility.
Mrs Ogunlusi will always give way on the staircase for another to pass. One day, I was forced to go and cross check her personnel file just to reconfirm if she was actually the age and grade that she was and I was simply blown away by her impressive resume.
She is a British trained Accountant from the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, England where she obtained a B.A Honours Degree in Accounting before she returned to Nigeria and worked in the prestigious Audit Firm of Arthur Yong Osindero & Moret as an Audit Senior. She equally had a short stint with the now defunct First Interstate Merchant Bank Limited before she proceeded to Fidelity Union Merchant Bank Limited and she was recruited from Liberty Merchant Bank Limited where she had an all-round practical hands-on experiences in all sections of the banking industry and rose admirably to the position of Branch Manager, Allen Avenue.
Yet, this Ekiti State born Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria would always give way on the staircase to anyone no matter who the person or staff was.
If this is not simplicity and humility, then, nothing will ever count as one!
Thank you Mrs Ogunlusi for teaching us the virtue of simplicity and humility because on these two stands that humanity is built.
And to lead credence to the above, I went to town to ask people who had worked with her for a word on her and their testaments should be the template that both existing and aspiring leaders should aspire to have because their words spoke volume.
Firstly, it was Mr Elijah Ola-Oluwa Emmanuel that worked with her from Friday, September 01, 2000 to Tuesday, August 31, 2004 as her Secretary and his words for his former Boss, this woman of simplicity and humility were simply profound.
Hear him: “I will not have much to say other than she was a pleasant personality to work with as she enabled a great workplace atmosphere that allowed capacity development and demonstration of innate skills. She was someone who challenges every member of her work team to be versatile. She had a sublime way of enriching individual's responsibilities towards achieving a more rewarding and satisfying work experience.
Personally, she gave all supports within the four (4) years we directly worked together immediately she discovered what I was up to and ensured that I maximised my potentials and demonstrated my skills.”
These are profound words of tribute for a woman that is still alive and with this, I could only respond to my dear brother and friend, Mr Elijah Ola-Oluwa Emmanuel ‘I could not have expected less. God bless you brotherly.’
Truly, Mrs Ogunlusi is a simple woman who created better spirits, better atmosphere and better energies for people to work simply and effortlessly with her.
She was such a joy to work with in Oceanic Bank International Plc!
On his part, Mr Dada Adesayo Ahmed who worked with her as her Secretary from Wednesday, May 03, 2006 to Wednesday, July 01, 2009 has this to say:
‘A very nice woman,’ began Mr Dada. ‘Up till now, she is my Mentor. She allowed me to do and further my education to become who I am today. I love her so much..... Majority of my colleagues that time could not further their Education because of the kind of Bosses they worked with. Despite the nature of her responsibility and her tight schedules cum high position, she still ensured that I further my education!!!! And till now, she calls to find out how well I am with the entire family. Kudos to her in all ramifications!!! She is really a mother!!!
Sincerely, Mrs Ogunlusi is one mother who understands the needs of her children at all times and always work to ensure that they fulfil their potentials.
And by her humility, she healed many people around her in Oceanic Bank by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and around her.
Let me illustrate:
In the early days of her career at Oceanic Bank International Plc, Miss Esiri Ejiroghene Angela, after the close of business one fateful Friday evening at Corporate Branch, took the Tellers copies of the Deposit Slips home, but unfortunately, she was attacked at the Isolo Bus Stop and the tickets were taken away from her.
The case was investigated and even though the Bank did not suffered any loss of funds, her employment was recommended for termination for violating the Rules and Regulations of the Bank by taking home her copies of the Deposit Slips that were meant to be submitted for microfilming for records purposes and future references.
Consequently, a letter of termination of appointment was prepared and signed, but somehow, no one could exercise the courage to administer the letter on her and it was at this point that a Daniel like the young Daniel in the beautiful story of Susanna in Daniel 13:1-64 came to judgment in the form and person of Mrs Ogunlusi.
I cannot recall correctly now how words got to her, but all that I can recall now was that she came to Human Resource Department and demanded for the letter which she took to the GMD/CEO, Chief (Mrs) Cecilia A. O. Ibru and it is only herself, the GMD/CEO and God Almighty that can ever revealed what she told the GMD/CEO on that occasion that convinced her because the decision to terminate the employment of Miss Esiri Ejiroghene Angela was rescinded and she was redeployed to the Payroll Unit, Human Capital Development (HCD) effective Tuesday, April 02, 2002 where she went on to have a brilliant, beautiful; fulfilled and rewarding banking career.
On that day, she was ready to sacrifice her position for the sake of a mere Assistant Officer (AO), but more than this, for the sake of fairness, equity and justice.
On that day, in the closed Office of the GMD/CEO, Chief (Mrs) Cecilia A. O. Ibru, she acted like her Lord and Master, Jesus Christ in the case of the adulterous woman in John 8:1-11 where Jesus revealed Himself as the Merciful Judge and Saviour.
On that day, where the Bank wanted to exercise the letters of her Rules and Regulations by termination of employment, Mrs Ogunlusi led the Bank to see the spirit of her Rules and Regulations, which is forgiveness, a second chance, ‘a kind of go and sin no more’ approach as Jesus would tell the adulterous woman.
Sincerely, whether you work in a high-level corporate position or on a construction site, whether you are a stay-at-home Mother or a powerful government Official, you can be a witness just like Daniel. How? By working diligently at your job and witnessing to the Lord when the opportunities arise.
In Year 2002, an opportunity arose for Mrs Ogunlusi to witness to her Lord and Master by exercising fairness and merciful love and she did not shied away from this huge responsibility.
She acted in mercy.
Such was the impact that Mrs Ogunlusi made in the lives of those that worked either directly with her or otherwise while at Oceanic Bank International Plc.
And she has continued to live a life of simplicity, humility and sincerity.
In the early hours of Sunday, April 11, 2021, the day of my 2021 birthday, I got a chat from Mrs Ogunlusi thus:
‘Happy birthday Mark. As you celebrate, may the mercy, grace; favour, provision; protection and preservation of the Lord be your portion in Jesus name. May God continue to uphold you and come through for you in every area of your life in Jesus name. You are such a remarkable person. God bless you for your labour of love on the Oceanic Family. You go over and beyond. God will thank you for us all and return that same favour and love to you and all your loved ones. Have a wonderful celebration and a great year ahead. You are appreciated.’
Sincerely, these words of prayers, encouragement and appreciation brought tears of joy to my heart because I had thought that I was only doing that which I should ordinarily do, but I never knew that it means so much to so many person, especially a high ranking person as an Executive Director.
I am grateful to you my dear ED, Mrs Ogunlusi. I am especially grateful to you for that by-line after your wonderful words of prayers, encouragement and appreciation when, tucked away quietly like you will always do, you requested ‘please send me your account number.’
That request was like a by-line in a major news headline that most people will never notice, yet it was the most important message because in it, I got that all important alert.
I am truly grateful my ED because on the day of my 2021 birthday, the generosity of your simple and humble heart brought brightness to the events of my 2021 birthday especially as we could afford to have a Family Thanksgiving at the 10:00am Mass at the Holy Family Catholic Church, Olokonla (an Outstation of Our Lady Mother of the Redeemer Catholic Church, Ogombo).
It is my sincere prayers that the blessings associated with such a solemn act of thanksgiving in a Catholic Church on a special day as Divine Mercy Sunday, will be for you and all members of your most amazing family.
Thank you for loving us so much and through it, continued to bear our burdens in order to bring joy into our hearts.
Sincerely, it is hard to believe that we walk, daily, under the same sky with this woman of great substance, yet with humble and simple dispositions.
There are truly things in this world that are worth suffering for or even dying for, humility is one of such.
Mrs Ogunlusi can die for simplicity and humility!
As you age gracefully, may you continue to find reasons to thank God and live your life with grateful joy in simplicity and humility. Amen.
And may you and your family continued to be blessed by the presence of the Risen Lord. Amen.
Sincerely, at Oceanic and even now, she paid attention to the needs and yearnings of those around her, bearing in mind that no generosity done to another in the name of God, is ever left without a reward.
One this day of your birthday, may the heavens harken to you. May the Angels of the Lord continue to encamp around you. And may the seeds of your womb be blessed. Amen.
And may every good seed that you have planted, yield great harvest for you especially at your old age.
I was at Ibadan as the Team Lead, HR Business Partners, Oyo and Ondo Zones when the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) struck on that fateful Friday, August 14, 2009.
Apart for my fears of what the fate of the GMD/CEO, Chief (Mrs) Cecilia A. O. Ibru would be, one of the Senior Management staff that came to my mind immediately was Mrs Ololade Ogunlusi for obvious reasons, her simplicity and humility and I prayed that no harm would come her way and so with a troubled heart and a trembling hand, I called my Home Department, Human Resources at the Corporate Office where I was assured of the safety of the GMD/CEO, Chief (Mrs) Cecilia A. O. Ibru and every member of the Executive Committee and indeed, every staff member particularly those at the Waterfront Plaza Corporate Office of the Bank.
This was how much I have silently, but secretly admired this woman because of her simplicity and humility and I am grateful to God that I have this privilege of life to tell this story today.
Sincerely, Mrs Ogunlusi is a very refined woman both in character and in learning.
On this day of your birthday, Mrs Ololade Ogunlusi, I have silently, but secretly admired you in the past where I have feasted on your beauty of sterling character and learning, but now and going into the future, I will always admire you publicly because of your simplicity and humility.
Thank you for teaching me these beautiful virtues.
At the Service of Songs held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at All Souls Church (Anglican Communion), Road 15, Kayode Animashaun Street, Lekki Phase I for our late colleague, Mrs Philomena ‘Mama Phil’ Diemiruaye Uyovbisere (Nee Ovwagbedia) who left us on Monday, July 22, 2019, Mrs Ogunlusi with her simple dress, humbly came into the Church and sat quietly like a no-body. In fact, she sneaked into the Church on that day and after the event, she left the way she came without desiring anyone to notice her. However, the solemn look on her face, depicted the sad event of the moment which truly called for simplicity and humility.
This much she confirmed to me on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 in one of our chats on WhatsApp when she said to me ‘ah nooooo. I looked cold and sad here’ when I stumbled on the photograph that I stubbornly took her on that day and forwarded it to her, for her keeps, but she thought that I intended to use it on the Oceanic Bank Family WhatsApp platform for her birthday announcement.
Sincerely, when we obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we make Him “visible” to the people around us and they will see that God is real and is at work in their lives in and through our witnesses of simplicity and humility.
With her life of continued simplicity and humility, Mrs Ogunlusi has continued to hear, listen and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit and through this, continued to make Him “visible” to the people around her and they have continued to see that God is real in their lives and is at work in every aspect of their lives.
Thank you Mrs Ogunlusi for these beautiful gifts, thank you for hearing, listening and obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit and you have continued to lead us to God through your witnesses of simplicity and humility.
God bless you.
And as I was finalizing work on this inadequate piece, I requested for her photograph that would be used for her birthday announcement on the Oceanic Bank Family WhatsApp platform on Thursday, April 15, 2021, but as usual, she struggled to find any meaningful one.
In her words to me subsequently, ‘I am not a picture taking person oooo’ and when she could barely managed to find any, she said in a very humorous way ‘this is the only one on my phone that has just me on it oooo.’
Sincerely, this interaction between me and Mrs Ogunlusi in the early hours of Tuesday, April 13, 2021, further helped me to reconfirm her simplicity and humility because I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams that I could wake up and began a conversation with an Executive Director (ED) whether serving or otherwise, just like that, yet I could do this with Mrs Ogunlusi at any time of the day because of her simplicity and humility.
Truly, if only we could emulate this simple and humble woman and so live our daily lives in simplicity and humility, our world would be a better place for all.
Yet, these are the privileges that I have continued to enjoy with Mrs Ogunlusi where there is always a gentleness in her voice and in her writing.
Thank you my dearest ED, thank you Mrs Ogunlusi for continuing to teach us that a position of authority could actually be lived in simplicity and humility.
On this day of your birthday, heaven will harken to you. Your Guardian Angel will continue to be at your side, day and night, to light and guard you and to rule and guide you.
And as you age gracefully, our good God, the Author of all life will continue to grant you good health of body and mind.
Happy birthday our dearest Mrs Ololade Ogunlusi, ED, Operations, a simple and humble woman and leader.
We love you
Na me
Your ‘boy,’ brother and colleague
Mark (HR)
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Manager Afritrade Consulting Ltd.
3 年Happy birthday Ma'am ??
Chief Credit Officer at Union Bank of Nigeria
3 年Happy birthday Ma
Sales & Business Development || 2x Salesforce Certified || Salesforce Certified Administrator || Salesforce Certified Business Analyst || Healthcare Services
3 年Awesome boss. Compassionate personality. Happy birthday to you Ma'am. God bless you always.
Driving service which hinges on governance, risk & compliance by inspiring, motivating and engaging teams to discover their maximum potential thereby achieving creative and sustainable outcomes
3 年An amazing leader and mentor. Happy Birthday Ma . God bless you
PCU Business Lines Underwriter at State Farm ?
3 年She’s an amazing woman. I can remember the first time I saw her at the corporate office in my first week at the Bank and unbeknownst to me, I asked her for directions. She took her time to direct me. I asked from a colleague the identity of ‘the nice lady’ that assisted me and was told she is the AGM operations. I just couldn’t believe at that moment that one with such authority could act with such humility, without putting on any airs. At the other occasions I had to get documents signed at her office she was always nice and had this ability of keeping one at ease even when she was correcting you. I would never forget the impact she had on me and no doubt on many others who worked more closely with her.