MRes Wildlife Conservation 2021-2022
Are you thinking about doing a Masters degree in Conservation in the next academic year? The University of Southampton and Marwell Wildlife jointly run an MRes in Wildlife Conservation, with research that contributes to conservation projects. The current list of projects is now available (please see below). Please visit Marwell Wildlife or The University of Southampton for more information.
MRes Wildlife Conservation; Research Project List; Academic Year 2021/22 (Re-issued 26th May 2021)
The MRes Research Project List for the academic year 2021/22 is divided into three sections.
1) Desk-based projects
2) Desk-based projects, but with the potential to build in a fieldwork component
3) Projects that are exclusively fieldwork-based
It is our sincere hope that MRes Wildlife Conservation will run unhindered throughout the coming academic year, however, some degree of contingency planning is always necessary for overseas travel and field-based study. Due to ongoing uncertainty resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, travel and fieldwork restrictions may still be in place in 2022, with possible implications for MRes research projects undertaken from February to September.
Hence, to allow for added flexibility, we require that candidates selecting projects from Section 3 as a first choice also select at least one other project from either Sections 1 or 2. As a part of the offer-making process, programme leaders will undertake the usual task of matching interests, experience and strengths of successful candidates, to specific research projects and there is an opportunity to discuss this more fully at interview.
Section 1: Desk-Based Projects
1c) Citizen science approaches to monitoring threatened wildlife species and their ecosystems in remote areas – a case study in Northern Kenya
Up to date information is vital to understanding the extinction risks faced by species, including an understanding of the current environmental conditions they exist within. For many species, living in remote locations across the globe, inaccessibility means species distribution data is scarce and often out of date. To overcome these limitations, recent efforts have sought to assess the effectiveness of using local citizen scientists to collect these data.
The vast arid ecosystem of Northern Kenya is particularly sensitive to environmental change and is suffering from rapid land degradation due to increasing human pressures. Much of northern Kenya is relatively inaccessible, with sparse environmental information. The area is known to hold populations of endangered and vulnerable species including Grevy’s zebra, elephants, giraffe, cheetah and lion. Knowledge gaps about these and other species may result in inefficient and ineffective conservation.
Community scout teams working with support from Marwell Wildlife have been using SMART tools to monitor key wildlife in Northern Kenya since 2017. With almost 30 scouts, the community monitoring network includes 15 villages operating over an extent of approximately 10,000 km2. Differences between scouts, in terms of literacy and training, and the ways in which they work (e.g. individually, in pairs or in teams) and organise their routes means that species data are imperfect. This project will seek to use the scout database of approximately 5,000 records to: (1) assess the effectiveness of citizen science; (2) develop initial species occupancy models were appropriate; (3) develop habitat-species models as a means of assessing vulnerability to future change.
It is envisioned that this project will develop skills in GIS and remote sensing, data analysis and manipulation, statistical modelling, occupancy analysis, and habitat suitability modelling. Outputs from this project will contribute to conservation management and planning in northern Kenya and provide an assessment of the uses and limits of citizen science in this context. It is anticipated that this project could lead to a published paper.
Desk-based in U.K.; Band A; Marwell Supervisor, Philip Riordan
Section 2: Desk-Based Projects, with the Potential for Fieldwork
2a) Using ecosystem service assessments to evaluate the broad benefits for biological communities and agri-environment schemes in southern England.
In a complex and multi-faceted landscape, quantifying Ecosystem Service (ES) provision has become a hugely valuable tool for land managers to make decisions around long-term trade-offs about ES benefits and conservation of local biodiversity. Varying in intensity and mixed land use, the landscape in southern England is an ideal study area to expand upon the applications of a site-based ES assessment for quantifying the benefits for agri-environmental schemes in England. The study will undertake site-based assessments and meta-analysis across multiple sites to evaluate current and alternative states of ES provision, applying the information across a wide landscape to understand impacts to wildlife communities. Working with our partners at Natural England, the South Downs National Park Authority and the Wildlife trusts the project aims to help provide evidence to inform decisions around agri-environmental scheme uptake for land managers and policy makers alike. The project can be desk based and/or include some fieldwork, incorporating analysis of existing datasets and collating new information using the TESSA rapid assessment toolkit and other novel approaches.
This project will require the student to develop strong analytical skills, using some spatial modelling approaches and have a handle on large datasets.
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional field component in the U.K.; Band A; Marwell Supervisor, Martin Wilkie
2d) Carbon sequestration in mixed lowland landscapes in U.K.
In much of the world, landscapes are increasingly required to provide multiple benefits and ecosystem services, such as water security and flood prevention, food security and sustainable agriculture and ecosystem-based mitigation or adaptation solutions for climate change and biodiversity loss. In the south of the U.K., the land available is restricted by human activities and options such as rewilding are not viable. Taking the south of England as an example, this project will seek optimal solutions for carbon sequestration across a complex mixed-use lowland agricultural landscape, balancing the needs of both people and wildlife. Working with partners such as the local Wildlife Trusts this project will take existing data and produce spatial models that explore the trade-offs and synergies between different goals. Future scenarios will be developed that elucidate pathways under different policy directions, including emerging changes to agriculture following the U.K.’s departure from the European Union.
Desk based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in the U.K.; Band A; Marwell Supervisor, Philip Riordan
2f) Ecosystem functioning beyond protected areas in North African Sahelo-Saharan landscapes (Tunisia)
For many wildlife species, protected areas (PAs) are often simply not large enough for them to reach sustainable population levels, with sufficient connectivity to ensure long-term resilience. Marwell Wildlife started a reintroduction programme for scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah) SHO in Tunisia over 30 year ago, reinstating this previously extinct species into national parks. This has been highly successful and today the species has reached carry capacity in most of the protected areas in which they occur. Options to extend existing PAs or create new ones are not feasible and so we are working with the Tunisian government authorities to develop extended landscapes beyond PAs into which oryx can disperse. A case study area has been identified between two PAs in Tunisia and a feasibility assessment is in progress. As part of this assessment, there is a need to understand the current ecosystem status within the interstitial landscape and develop models of habitat suitability, dispersal and landscape permeability for SHO and other keystone species. The candidate will help to develop new mapping and prioritization approaches to SHO conservation that account for connectivity and coherence between natural and social conditions.
This project will use existing data sets and remote sensing data, with the option to conduct fieldwork to collect new data. It will also provide to the candidate the rare opportunity to work in close relationship with Tunisian students involved with Marwell’s activities and so, to enhance the international work experience.
The likely conservation impacts are to provide some management option for enacting the aridland conservation on the ground. This project would suit a candidate with expertise and interests in Community ecology; ecosystem assessment; ecosystem connectivity; GIS; statistical modelling
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in Tunisia; Band A (optionally Band B); Marwell Supervisor, Philip Riordan
2h) Developing Theory of Change models for conservation of goitered gazelle (Gazelle subgutturosa) in Kazakhstan
Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) populations have declined across their range in Central Asia and the Middle East. The biggest declines are thought to have occurred in the largest remaining population in Kazakhstan, which was previously estimated to number 20,000 animals. Pressure from illegal hunting, habitat degradation, competition with livestock and commercial developments are all likely to have contributed to this decline. To be able to develop effective conservation plans for the species, it is essential to understand the relationships between stakeholders and their values and attitudes. Conservation planning increasingly uses logical models (e.g. Theory of Change) to identify the pathways and actions necessary to achieve positive outcomes. A recent project started by Marwell Wildlife and partners in Kazakhstan is seeking to understand the status of the goitered gazelle population, identify the causes of decline and provide mitigation measure for the protection of the species and their ecosystems. A vital part of this project is developing effective species planning that has the support of as wide a range of stakeholders as possible. To achieve this, the project here will use information collected during planning meetings and workshops and develop a logical model to highlight critical pathways towards agreed goals. This project will be largely desk-based, although there may be an opportunity to work with the team in Kazakhstan and optionally conduct follow-up meetings with stakeholders.
Desk based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in Kazakhstan; Band A (optionally Band C); Marwell Supervisor, Philip Riordan
2i) Linking logical (Theory of Change) and biophysical modelling to understand the challenges and opportunities for wildlife corridors between protected areas in the Sahelo-Saharan region of Tunisia
For many wildlife species, protected areas (PAs) are often simply not large enough for them to reach sustainable population levels, with sufficient connectivity to ensure long-term resilience. Marwell Wildlife started a reintroduction programme for scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah) SHO in Tunisia over 30 years ago, reinstating this previous extinct species into national parks. This has been highly successful and today the species has reached carrying capacity in most of the protected areas in which they occur. Options to extend existing PAs or create new ones are not feasible and so we are working with the Tunisian government authorities to develop extended landscapes beyond PAs into which oryx can disperse. A case study area has been identified between two PAs in Tunisia and a feasibility assessment is in progress. In conjunction with ecosystem assessments of the interstitial areas, there is an urgent need to determine the necessary actions required by multiple and diverse stakeholders in the region. The plausible threats to SHO in this area include illegal hunting, commercial development, competition with livestock and habitat degradation. A vital part of this project is developing effective species planning that has the support of as wide a range of stakeholders as possible. To achieve this, the project here will use information collected during planning meetings and workshops and develop a logical model to highlight critical pathways towards the agreed goal of a sustainable population of oryx existing beyond PA boundaries.
This project will be largely desk-based, although there may be an opportunity to work with the team in Tunisia and optionally conduct follow-up meetings with stakeholders. This project would suit a candidate with expertise and interests in GIS; social/political sciences; ecosystem accounting and preferably with skills in French and/or Arabic.
Desk based in the U.K. with optional fieldwork component in Tunisia; Band A (optionally Band B); Marwell Supervisor, Philip Riordan
2j) Assessing Long-term Vegetation Change in Dghoumes National Park, Tunisia
Dghoumes National Park supports several threatened species, including reintroduced populations of IUCN listed Extinct in the Wild Scimitar Horned Oryx (Oryx dammah) and Vulnerable Dorcas Gazelles (Gazella dorcas). This project will assess the impact of various factors on vegetation change both within and outside the park to evaluate the role of protected area management on biodiversity conservation. The project will employ various techniques including using MODIS MOD13Q1.006 NDVI imagery (freely available to download from to create a time-series of vegetation change in Dghoumes National Park from 1998 to present day. This will provide a long-term, objective and robust method for detecting temporal and spatial trends in vegetation cover within and outside of the park. Factors such as elevation and climatic variables (e.g. BIOCLIM data available from could be used to model drivers behind vegetation change and interpretation of results would benefit from ground-truthing in the field. This information can then be used to assess efficacy of park management, identify management priorities and model potential future changes under different management and climate scenarios. Outputs from the project will help inform the biodiversity management and post-release evaluation of reintroduced ungulate populations in Tunisia. It is anticipated that this project could lead to a published paper.
It is envisioned that this project will develop advanced skills in data management, manipulation and analysis, and statistical modelling, alongside competency in remote sensing technologies and GIS. The study will also provide an opportunity to work closely with Tunisian students involved with Marwell’s activities further expanding the candidate’s future network.
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in Tunisia; Band A (optionally Band B); Marwell Supervisor, Tania Gilbert
2k) Assessing animal personality and behaviour in an active U.K.-based reintroduction project
This project links up with ongoing reintroduction and post-release monitoring of sand lizard Lacerta agilis, and seeks to understand how captive behaviour profiles (personality), translate for reintroduced individuals, released to the heathland site of Eelmoor Marsh SSSI. Factors including life history of species, adaptive changes that may have occurred while in captivity, and individual differences among reintroduced cohorts, give rise to critical questions about reintroduction planning and execution generally, and will form the focus of this study. Outcomes from this research will feed into critical decision-making about selection of individuals for release, to a number of U.K. sites under the Sand Lizard Reintroduction Strategy. For candidates with a particular species interest, further questions around the longevity of behavioural traits and plasticity of these rare lizards can be developed. This work provides an opportunity to develop early expertise in the field of reintroduction science, exposing the candidate and their research contributions to our wider network of reintroduction biologists. Data are derived from previous and ongoing research projects on the subject matter, placing the candidate at the heart of a small research-group of specialists. The candidate will be working with datasheets and analyses will be undertaken in R, thus, confidence with data handling and an aptitude for embracing novel statistical approaches will be necessary.
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional U.K. fieldwork component; Band A; Marwell Supervisor, Heidi Mitchell
2l) Recovering North African ecosystems: assessment of mammalian biodiversity in Tunisian protected areas
Long-term landscape degradation has led to the need to recover ecosystems in North Africa, through establishing protected areas and reintroducing wildlife species previously driven to extinction. Reintroduction projects, including for the scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah) have provided important drivers for wilder biodiversity conservation efforts. The success of these interventions should be evaluated in terms of their long-term impact on the wider environment and the functioning of restored ecosystems. The reintroduction of scimitar-horned oryx (SHO) in southern Tunisia took place between 1988 and 2007 and offers a particularly well-documented case-study. Ongoing monitoring data provide an opportunity to address fundamental ecological questions in a real-world context. Data will be derived from an existing 2+ year camera-trapping database, combined with habitat maps, remote sensing data and ground surveys. The key species within the mammalian assemblage include SHO, Dorcas gazelles, African golden wolves, red foxes, African wildcats, hares, hedgehogs, wild boar, porcupines and striped hyenas. Camera trap data are collected from geographically independent protected areas, with similar features and reintroduction histories, allowing the candidate to explore the ecological consequences of these changes. This project will also develop and provide important information for protected area management and planning in this climate-sensitive arid landscape. The likely conservation impacts are an improved understanding of the ecosystem balance for enacting ungulate reintroduction and conservation on the ground, linked to the global Biodiversity Conservation Perspectives. This project would suit a candidate with expertise and interests in Community ecology; niche theory; ecosystem assessment; GIS; statistical modelling
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in Tunisia; Band A (optionally B); Marwell Supervisor, Phillip Riordan
2m) Assessing change to ecosystem services resulting from conservation management in Kenya
The human pressure exerted on fragile grasslands can often be detrimental to ecosystem function, to wildlife populations and also for the human wellbeing of the communities living within these landscapes in Kenya. Conservation management is a fundamental part of the cultural and economic security of these often remote areas, and protected area management aims to ensure longevity and availability of resources for humans and wildlife. Based north of Mt. Kenya, on the border of Meru County, the landscape is a complex of rich savannah grassland, with forest and riparian habitats and other transitional habitats under varying land uses with grazing as a major factor. These and other human pressures, such as climate, are adding to the ongoing challenges to the conservation of local biodiversity faced by land managers on the ground. In northern Kenya, community conservancies have been established to find a balance between often conflicting requirements of people and wildlife. Quantifying the change to the value of ecosystem services as a result of a site-based management intervention is integral to determining the ecological impact to wildlife and people. An assessment can also help anticipate the change going forward into the under shifting human pressures. The study uses the TESSA toolkit (developed at Cambridge University by Dr Kelvin Peh and colleagues) to assess the changes to ecosystem services and quantify the biological impacts. The work will support the large-scale and ongoing management of a diverse and ecologically-valuable protected area, and help inform long-term management, using a novel analytical approach. The candidate should be adaptable and solution-conscious, able to work in sometimes challenging environments. The study forms part of a broader piece of research which will model the ecological response of global grasslands to human pressure.
Desk-based in the U.K., with optional fieldwork component in Kenya; Band A (optionally Band C); Marwell Supervisor, Martin Wilkie
Section 3: Exclusively Fieldwork-Based Projects
3b) Examining ecosystem resilience by determining the functional response of belowground invertebrates to a grazing pressure gradient
Among complex grassland systems in the U.K., conservation grazing is adopted as a solution to maintaining and enhancing local biodiversity. In protected area management, grazing can be employed at varying densities, having differing impacts on wildlife communities and the subsequent recovery of the ecosystem. The role that invertebrates play in maintaining ecosystem functioning in response to grazing pressure is important because of the diverse functions they have for ecosystem productivity. In unimproved grasslands increased abundance and diversity of insect communities supports the concept that these systems are resilient to environmental change, but grazing may become detrimental if not managed at the right level. This study explores the functional diversity of below-ground invertebrates in response to human pressure. The candidate should be adaptable, solution-conscious, and if field -based elements permit field-prepared and able to work in sometimes challenging environments. The study forms part of a broader piece of research which will model the ecological response of global grasslands to human pressures.
Field-based in the U.K.; Band A; Marwell Supervisor, Martin Wilkie
Research Bands
Indicative student research-costs are provided as 3 bands, A, B & C, and provide guidance based on the experience of the programme team. Please note, actual costs will vary, depending on choices made by the student, for example, a number of Band A desk-based projects have the potential to be free. There will be an opportunity to discuss student research-costs at interview.
A = £1,800.00
B = £3,000.00
C = £4,300.00