PNG Chamber of Resources & Energy
Helping Papua New Guinea to develop its full potential.
With three weeks to go the start of the inaugural PNG Community Affairs and National Content Conference and Expo (CANCONEX), leading landowner Trustee company, Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) has stepped in as a Principal Sponsor for the event, which take place from August 28th to 30th at the PNG University of Technology in Lae Morobe Province.
The event will be opened by Prime Minister Marape with a keynote address on local content. MRDC Managing Director Augustine Mano, when confirming Principal Sponsorship of CANCONEX, highlighted the importance of bringing together landowners from across the resource sector, who are an integral part of project success.
“As the Trustee Shareholder for landowner interest across mining, petroleum and energy projects, MRDC is pleased to support this worthy initiative. Landowners are critical to the development and sustainability of resource projects, and CANCONEX provides the perfect opportunity for landowners to engage, share experiences, and collaborate in areas of mutual interest, to ensure maximum benefits are realized.
MRDC is therefore proud to be the first Principal Sponsor, for this inaugural event. We look forward to supporting this initiative, to ensure its success.”
Through the theme ‘Promoting National Participation for Sustainable Communities’, discussions on Community Affairs, Business Development, Local Contracting, National Content, Community Investment, Women & Youth Development, and Access to Finance are among topics which will be covered across the three-day event. In response, PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum President Anthony Smaré thanked MRDC for coming on board as a principal sponsor for CANCONEX.
“MRDC are a natural partner and principle sponsor of CANCONEX. Since the announcement of CANCONEX, to, we have witnessed an overwhelming number of participants and organizations from both public and private sectors who have registered.
This demonstrates the appetite for this forum, which is tailored to providing a platform for discussion of how landowners and other Papua New Guineans can maximise their participation in the benefits of resource projects.”
“And we are pleased to have MRDC, the country’s leading Landowner Trustee Company, on board this event as a Principal Sponsor, demonstrating MRDC’s strong commitment to ensuring that our landowners are well-informed, focused on maximizing their benefits and returns for sustainable economic futures.
The Chamber looks forward to welcoming MRDC, landowners, landowner companies, government policy makers, business houses, and project developers at CANCONEX 2023.”
Registration for CANCONEX is still open, with a special 50% discount off the registration price is available to landowner representatives from project areas, who are endorsed by their respective project Community Affairs team.
Those wishing to participate are encouraged to register via to secure their participation.