Mr. President, Your 'Invention' of the Occupier Poses an Existential Threat to Humanity.

Mr. President, Your 'Invention' of the Occupier Poses an Existential Threat to Humanity.

In today's globalized world, we find ourselves grappling with a plethora of multifaceted challenges that transcend borders and touch the lives of billions. Chief among these challenges are the looming threat of climate change and the prolonged occupation of Palestine. Both of these issues, although seemingly disparate in nature, converge at the intersection of global impact, human rights, and ecological stability.

1. The Existential Threat and Historical Origins

The Arab-Israel conflict, once a localized dispute, has gradually morphed into a broader geopolitical flashpoint with global ramifications. The dimensions of this conflict have expanded to such an extent that it can arguably be perceived as an existential threat to humanity. This is not solely due to the immediate violence and destruction but also stems from its ripple effects, including widespread radicalization, geopolitical tensions, resource conflicts, and the potential for a cascading escalation involving multiple global players.

Historically, the seeds of this modern-day conflict can be traced back to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This letter, issued by the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, conveyed British support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration, in essence, set the stage for the establishment of an "occupier", shaping the trajectory of Arab-Jewish relations in the region for the century to come.

In the midst of this historical backdrop, statements like "If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one," made by US President Joe Biden, warrant meticulous analysis. This quote encapsulates the strategic importance assigned to Israel by global powers, especially the United States. While on the surface it may appear as an endorsement of Israel's existence, it also subtly underscores the geopolitical utility of Israel in the broader Middle East chessboard. The very idea of "inventing" implies a degree of geopolitical design.

2. Resistance Groups vs. Extremist Groups

To discern the nuances of the Arab-Israel conflict, and indeed many geopolitical struggles worldwide, one must distinguish between two critical actors: resistance groups and extremist groups. Their objectives, ideologies, and operational methods often differ, and understanding these differences is essential for any comprehensive analysis.

Resistance Groups are primarily formed as a response to foreign occupation or external interference within a homeland. Their primary objective is to reclaim autonomy, territory, and the right to self-determination. Resistance movements often arise from a populace's genuine grievances and sense of injustice, even if their methods of redress are sometimes contentious.

As highlighted in the article, the Palestinian people's legal right to resist occupation is derived from two critical documents: the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the Fourth Geneva Convention, along with its subsequent protocols.

As stated in the article, in 1982, the UN General Assembly “reaffirmed the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”

As stated in the article "The Biden administration is claiming that Israel is acting in self-defense against the Hamas rockets, but under international law, Israel, as an occupying force, does not have the right to use military force in self-defense against its occupied territory". That's why I believe that by granting an occupier the right to defend itself, you may unintentionally condone the seizure of your own homes, the loss of lives, and the occupation of your own country.

Extremist Groups, on the other hand, are characterized by their adherence to radical ideologies that often transcend national or territorial boundaries. These ideologies might not necessarily be rooted in resistance to foreign occupation. Instead, they often pivot around a broader, sometimes global, vision, which they pursue with an unwavering, and often violent, zeal. Extremism can manifest in various forms – religious, political, or ethnic.

3. Occupation's Impact on Ideology and Actions

The longstanding occupation of Palestine has significantly influenced the ideologies and operational frameworks of various regional entities, resonating deeply within the political and socio-cultural structures of the Middle East and beyond.

Influence on Resistance and Extremist Ideologies: At the heart of the Palestine question is the birth and operational mandate of resistance movements, which inherently view their struggle as a pursuit of liberation and self-determination against foreign occupation. For them, the occupation represents a stark challenge to their national identity, religious beliefs, and quest for justice. Concurrently, extremist groups in other countries have harnessed the Palestinian cause, embedding it within a broader spectrum of radical ideologies. To them, the occupation serves as a potent symbol in their narrative, representing a broader landscape of global injustices they oppose.

Classification and its Consequences: A notable and consequential development has been the classification by certain countries, particularly those supporting the occupier, of resistance groups as "terrorist organizations." This classification not only delegitimizes the genuine grievances and aspirations of the Palestinian people but also plays into the hands of extremist groups in other countries. By conflating resistance movements, whose primary focus is the liberation of their homeland, with extremist factions in other countries, whose goals are multifaceted and often global, these classifications further muddle the discourse, making a peaceful resolution even more elusive. Moreover, such classifications can be used as political tools, justifying military interventions, sanctions, and policies under the pretext of counterterrorism.

Narrative of Justification: Historically, certain global powers have been intertwined with the creation and sustenance of the "occupier." Their support to the occupation indirectly boosts extremist ideologies worldwide, which these powers later leverage as a justification for advancing their geopolitical goals. Wrapped under the banner of 'combatting extremism', these actions often have ulterior motives, from securing regional dominance to controlling vital resources.

Media's Distorted Lens: The media's portrayal of this complex scenario remains a concern. Major media outlets often magnify the extremist manifestations – the threats, the regional disturbances, the terror acts – sidelining the core issue of the occupation. By capitalizing on fear and hatred, and often conflating resistance with extremism due to the aforementioned classifications, the media curtails a nuanced, holistic understanding of the predicament. Such skewed reporting not only stifles an informed global conversation but also perpetuates an environment wherein the occupation remains unchecked, devoid of the necessary international momentum for its resolution.

4. Treating the Cause, Not Just the Symptoms

In any scientific exploration, while symptomatic relief is often sought after, true resolution and lasting efficacy are achieved only by addressing the underlying cause. Similarly, in the complex geopolitical theater of the Middle East, it is imperative that the focus shift from merely counteracting the manifestations of the conflict to addressing its root – the occupation of Palestine.

The Core Issue: The occupation of Palestine is not just a regional concern but a central node in the interconnected web of global politics, influencing dynamics far beyond its immediate geography. It has been a persistent wound, with its pain resonating through generations and across borders. The sustained denial of self-determination and systemic rights violations in Palestine serve as a potent symbol and recruitment tool for extremist ideologies worldwide. The narrative of oppression and resistance in Palestine, left unresolved, provides a steady stream of ideological fuel that extremist entities tap into, weaving it into their broader narrative of global injustice.

Path to Regional Stability: A resolution to the Palestine issue is the linchpin for broader regional stability. The Middle East, with its strategic geopolitical importance, resource-rich landscape, and intricate web of alliances, can ill-afford a festering core conflict. Resolving the Palestinian occupation will not only bring relief to millions directly affected by it but will also significantly dampen the sparks that could ignite further conflicts in the region. It would signal a move towards justice, equity, and respect for sovereignty – values that form the bedrock of international relations and global stability. A stable Middle East contributes to global stability, and its absence invites the risk of a potential global catastrophe.

Arab Peace Initiative – A Blueprint for Resolution: This initiative, endorsed by the Arab Summit in Beirut in 2002, proposes normalized relations between Arab countries and Israel. This would require a withdrawal from occupied Arab lands, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, a just solution to the refugee issue, and abstention from any escalatory Israeli measures affecting the "historical and legal status" of occupied East Jerusalem. By emphasizing these pillars, the Arab Peace Initiative presents a viable path that, if embraced genuinely, can lead to lasting peace and a significant reduction in the ideological ammunition available to extremist entities globally.

5. Comparative Analysis: Climate Change

Rigorous scientific inquiry often hinges on the ability to discern patterns, interconnections, and parallels across seemingly distinct phenomena. When juxtaposing the protracted conflict in Palestine with the escalating global crisis of climate change, we uncover striking similarities, laying bare a tapestry of intertwined injustices, power dynamics, and global challenges.

Shared Foundations of Injustice: Central to both the occupation of Palestine and climate change is a profound theme of injustice. The former is a palpable denial of basic human rights, sovereignty, and self-determination. In contrast, the latter represents a more covert, systemic injustice: a vast majority of the global population endures the fallout of the actions of a privileged minority. Just as Palestinians endure consequences of policies enacted without their input, vulnerable communities globally grapple with the harshest impacts of climate change, even though they've minimally contributed to its genesis.

The Role of Power Dynamics: Historically, influential nations have been instrumental in dictating the course of both issues. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, for instance, set the stage for the subsequent occupation of Palestine, reflecting the geopolitical ambitions of a colonial powerhouse. In a parallel manner, during their rapid expansion periods, industrialized countries were major contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, thus laying the groundwork for today's climate predicament. In both scenarios, decisions motivated by the narrow interests of dominant groups have birthed extensive, enduring repercussions for those who had little influence over these choices. The collective welfare of maintaining global stability and arresting our planet's environmental decline must overshadow the vested interests of nations that endorse occupation and inequity, and propagate ineffective environmental remedies; otherwise, humanity as a whole stands to lose.

6. The Implications of the ongoing Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza

The world is now confronted with an alarming situation in Gaza: a potential genocide of over 2 million Palestinians. If not prevented, this act will undoubtedly have profound consequences, not only for the region but also for global peace, security, and human rights.

The Shadow of Hypocrisy: The act of depriving people of essential life-sustaining resources, such as food, water, and electricity, is a chilling reflection of humanity's capacity for cruelty. When nations or entities endorse or engage in such acts, it paints a stark portrait of hypocrisy, especially when juxtaposed against international declarations and conventions that enshrine the principles of human rights and dignity.

A Prelude to Broader Agendas: The perceived strategy of ethnic cleansing and the forced displacement of Palestinians to Egypt might extend beyond a localized objective. Such tactics could signal an attempt to broaden conflict and resistance across regions. The statement, "If there were not an occupier, we'd have to invent one," attests to the potential manipulation of crises for wider geopolitical agendas.

7. Perspective on Greta Thunberg's Tweet Regarding Palestine

I would like to extend my gratitude to Greta Thunberg and her friends for their unwavering commitment to the core principles of humanity. Their support for these fundamental principles and their alignment with the right side of history shine as a beacon of hope in a world often tainted by hypocrisy. The cost of climate change and these ongoing conflicts will be paid by those who can least afford it.

In light of this, I wish to express my deep appreciation to Greta and those akin to her who personify bravery and advocate for justice. Human rights and environmental protection are intrinsically intertwined, and their commendable actions will undoubtedly secure a revered place in the annals of human history.

Photo by @GretaThunberg on Twitter, Posted on [Oct 20, 2023],

8. Conclusion: Towards Peace and Justice

As we stand at the crossroads of multiple global crises, from political upheavals to environmental degradation, the urgency of carving a path towards peace and justice is evident. The historical and ongoing issues surrounding the Palestinian occupation offer a global perspective on the repercussions of deferred justice and lingering conflicts.

The Global Imperative of a Peace Agreement: The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is more than a regional concern; it is a global imperative. Its reverberations are felt far beyond its immediate vicinity, influencing diplomatic ties, global commerce, and the domestic politics of nations worldwide. Without a just resolution that acknowledges the rights and aspirations of Palestinians, we are on a perilous path, risking an ever-expanding cycle of turmoil and violence.

Interconnectedness of Regional Stability to Global Peace: Our world is a complex tapestry of interconnected events and consequences. The volatility in the Middle East stands testament to this intricate nexus. The Palestinian issue, given its deep roots and the intense emotions it stirs, holds the potential to ignite wider geopolitical upheavals. If left unresolved, such regional disturbances could merge, culminating in a global disaster that jeopardizes international peace and order.

The Path Forward: Addressing multifaceted issues like the Palestine-Israel conflict and the global climate crisis requires a comprehensive, concerted approach. Collaboration on an international scale is crucial. It's essential for nations to unite, setting aside narrow interests, and tackle the core of these crises. This demands a profound examination of foundational issues, from the rights of the Palestinian people to systemic shifts needed to counteract climate change. Merely addressing the surface or remaining inactive merely sustains the current scenario, making true solutions increasingly elusive.

The pressing need to confront the Palestinian predicament and the looming potential of a genocide in Gaza is palpable. This situation is a loud call to action for global leaders, scholars, policymakers, and the global populace. It urges them to advocate for justice in this context while understanding its wider ramifications for global peace, equity, and sustainability. Insights from Gaza should serve as a potent reminder of the dire consequences of inertia and the dangers of apathy.

The combined catastrophic effects of climate change and the enduring injustice of occupation may drive despondent millions of scientists and youth worldwide to destructive actions. This is especially concerning in the current era of democratization of information and the ongoing scientific revolution. Central to this despair is the occupation of Palestine, a root cause that has manifested myriad symptoms in global politics and human rights. It's vital to address the source of this anguish rather than merely its outward manifestations. Hence, Mr. President, your conceptualization of 'inventing' an occupier not only exacerbates these challenges but indeed poses an existential threat to all of humanity.

In closing, striving for peace and justice is not merely a lofty ideal; it's a practical necessity for a world at the brink of numerous crises. As scholars, policymakers, and global inhabitants, we share the collective duty to redirect our path, advocating for solutions that center around justice, fairness, and a harmonious future for all. We cannot be neutral in the face of oppression. As Desmond Tutu said, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

Barack Obama Open Society Foundations Freedom House Human Rights Watch Ursula von der Leyen Emmanuel Macron Council of Europe European Network of National Human Rights Institutions Justin Trudeau Scott Morrison Agnes Callamard?Geoffrey Mock?Sarah Leah Whitson? Kenneth Roth?Sacha Deshmukh? Ketty Nivyabandi?Naqib Sarwary?Mary Lawlor?Tirana Hassan?Richard Pearshouse Extinction Rebellion?Extinction Rebellion UK?Just Stop Oil HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Jewish Voice for Peace Mondoweiss

Judith Caroline Schwab-Foinquinos

President-Founder @ The VIP World Golden Assets & Financial Solutions. CEO Be1world International Sàrl and the S4S IP4world-branding on-line Consulting

12 个月

Dear Dr. Maher, I read your very detailed statement about this sad and too much long conflict between arabs who didn't want to accept the jewish back to their own land from where many different groups came to conquest as the jewish holy land that they also deserved. First the Romains and the Greeks, Alexander the Big and then, the jewish that became christians and believers that Jesus was the Messian and then the arabs that came to impose their presence upon the most holy place of the jewish. In fact, the JEWS ARE THE VICTIMS, occupied many time and murdered and expelled from their own country but then, there is a very important detail that nobody wants to mention is that when after the period of real Genocide and Holocausts where 6 millions jews were exterminated in a very industrial way as the Final Solution, when the whole humanity ended the second world war, they not only were allowed to go back home but THEY PAID FOR EVERY CENTIMETER OF DESERTIC SANDS, HOUSES, LANDS and all where they settled, sold to them 4 times higher than lands in New York " But MOST OF ALL: there is another BIG BIG BIG detail: the land occupied today by Jordan, was the land of Israel that the jews gave to the Dissidents Palestinians to make peace!!!


Dear friends, please share I would like to share my story to seek support and justice. My name is Anderson Santos, and I am going through a difficult situation after providing services for 6 months at TecBan, in Alphaville. Esquadra Seguran?a, the company I was hired by, went bankrupt, leaving all employees without receiving their labor rights. Although TecBan witnessed this situation, the company did not take any significant action to help the affected workers. The only offer was the possibility of continuing to be employed by Sudeste Seguran?a, without any mention of the rights not received. I am sharing this story now, three years after the event, because legally I can no longer seek a resolution to the problem. My work card is out of date, and TecBan seems to have completely ignored the situation since then. I ask everyone who can to share this post to raise awareness of this issue. All help and support is welcome. Together, we can seek the justice we deserve. Thank you very much for your solidarity, Anderson Santos

  • 该图片无替代文字
Chak Chan

Foreign trade manager

1 年

So , how to do they living now ? if the Goverment looking houses for them ?

Yasmin Tarkhaili

Manager Technische Automatisering bij het RET

1 年

Brilliantly written, I applaud your effort and call to our World Leaders, but are you implying they do not understand the root cause of the Palestina -Isra?l occupation and the effects globally? As I find that hard to believe. The majority is deliberately pushing a false narrative or deflecting to discuss the root cause and ignoring the effects their decisions have on a global scale. #peace,#humanity,#ceasefire,#palestine


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