Mr. President It's Not Your Body
Proud to represent the steely minority

Mr. President It's Not Your Body

We knew what the new acting President would do: scrap trade deals, build pipelines, smite environmentalists, and apparently, enslave women. What do we mean by this?

I know, right?

Donald Trump has signed an executive order to ban federal money going to international groups which perform or provide information on abortions.

Welcome to 2017, the year when older white men still makes decisions on what women can do with their bodies.

New year, old world order. Stay the course America, "change is coming!" The new administration is digging their own grave on the future of American policy, the backlash on all of this change is set to create a massive reset button on the future of advocacy, as millennials obviously don't want society to regress.

When the System itself is Outdated

#abortionaccess vs. #abortionbetrayswomen is yet another example of how a two-party state system creates division and manipulates the public, turning them against each other and creates a convenient illusion of us vs. them.

In what society is this a normal policy?

Men making decisions about women's bodies.

All of Obama's executive orders are on the chopping block. How does this get in the way of business or job growth? You could not have scripted a better scenario for civil movements to manifest and to occur in unprecedented numbers and passion (which we have not seen since the 1960s).

(Trevor Noah is where many millennials in America actually get their news)

First week in the Oval office, no problem. Let's decide what women can do with their wombs! I can just hear in my mind what Trevor Noah is going to say on this one.

The US president's order shows he "wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn," his press secretary Sean Spicer said.

What the Future of Values Actually Means

There's a global narrative called "history" with regards to global consensus on things like progress, human rights and feminism. Why would a western nation want to repeat? It's like the fate of Richard Spencer, the counter movement is stronger than the viral movements, policy resets and fads like the alt-right.

The future is not just our unborn children, it's the lives of young women, daughters and the people who make up the future now. The future does not belong to ideology, religion or political bias, it's a global reality where women have equal rights to men.

Let's just reverse the roles for a second. Can you imagine a photo of a group of all-female officials ratifying a new executive order on mandatory vasectomies for all men of a certain age? For many people in the world, this kind of policy reversal is truly detrimental to human rights. It's worse actually, because we've already been through this in history.

Bad Presidents Make Catastrophic Choices

With so many important decisions going on in what will be such a short window, the civil unrest barely has time to occur, as multiple policy changes are set to hit America.

It's not about just how the stocks will react, it's also about how the people feel. If you elect a candidate who is unable to empathize with people, anything can happen.

This decision though is very simple:

  • We endanger millions of women around the world, do we care?
  • If we trump the status-quo of women's health care, who stands to suffer?
  • Is this a step towards banning abortion in the U.S.? (is that even on the table)

For sure, Republicans and Democrats have been involved in a political tug-of-war over the issue for decades, lagging behind many other parts of the world in human rights consensus. Let's not forget, the leader of the free world is 70 years old, he's practically from a bygone era. Thus, how can his policy changes stand the test of time, when the world has already progressed past many of the dichotomies we are seeing now brought up like some unfortunate voyage down memory lane and discovery of billionaire club-America's collective subconscious.

The Future is Ethical

The truth is, it doesn't matter what a 70 year old President says or does, we all know how this story turns out.

Inclusion, diversity, equality, the environment and human rights is the future. But how badly do we care about it? And what are the consequences of letting older white men lead indefinitely?

For now, we'll have to live with the "global gag law". We'll have to succumb to policy changes that might destroy years (decades) of hard work. Policy changes that might lead the U.S. down a dark and irreversible path. Patriotism is dangerous. Making America great again might have a steep price.

We might say down the line, that's when America become like China. That's when America turned its back on its founders, the people and when democracy eroded.

On the presidential campaign trail, Trump said he believed "some form of punishment" should be in place for women who have abortions, if the practice is banned.

In an era of political apathy (and comedy), I guess punishment will have to do. But should young men be laughing, when young women are in tears?

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John C. Shuey

Homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto.

7 年

People got it before he was elected. Our election system is byzantine. Trump had almost 3,000,000 fewer votes and came to power the most unpopular president ever. It doesn't stop here. There are the courts. There are the streets. The old goat acts like he was elected king. He does nothing but issue fiats and opinions. His own staff thinks he is unbalanced and lazy.

David LAI

Currently open for work

7 年

Let's wait and see if he can really keep his promise. and even if he force everyone to set the factory in US; doesn't mean the unemployment rate is going to improve a lot since everyone has their own mind set and don't even mention that is his act going to speed up the 3rd industrial evolution that every factory use robot to produce.


创办人40 年大数据人工智能自动绳神经网络在中国及国际大型及国企金融银行供应链优化改革创新投资技术创新策略培训应用, 于货币预算经贸资本市场结构改革及再生能源生物科技供应链优化5G创新防范资产债务泡沫破灭病毒造成景气衰退危机

7 年

You have to solve the problems by tracking the what, why causes, consequences and how to fix the disaster .

David Deslauriers

Coach, Mentor, Writer and Editor/Reviser at Self-Employed

7 年

I am a Canadian, and I am proud of my heritage. I also like my neighbor the U.S.A and its citizens. In fact, I visit there regularly. I'll make this short as there has been enough "gruel" handed out by the media and other self-serving interest groups on Trump's election as President. According to CNN, more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history. The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. So these figures beget the question: "How the hell did he manage to get almost 63 million votes." This was no accident. He is a shrewd business person who will bring back more jobs to Americans (especially from China) and ensure certain countries (e.g. South Korea, the oil rich Arab countries and Japan to name a few) pay to have U.S, soldiers parked on their own soil to provide them with protection. NATO is also going to need to ante up. Currently, only five of NATO’s 28 members—the U.S., Greece, Britain, Estonia, and Poland—meet the alliance’s target of spending at least 2 percent of their own gross domestic product on defense. The U.S. continues to be overwhelmingly the largest contributor, committing 3.61 percent of its GDP. The U.S. spends nearly three times as much as all European members of NATO combined. Now for the "human side" of President Trump. He has no real personality, and can afford to, seeing that he is a multi-billionaire. It's either his way or the highway as the expression goes. I said I would make this short. So, in closing, I do not want to hear any whining, groaning or complaining from any of the 63 million people who voted him in when things go south (meaning get bad, not to Mexico). You had your choice, made it, now live with it!



