The beautiful story of Bartholomew or Nathanael (Nathaniel) whichever is applicable in the Gospel of St John 1:45-51 who Jesus Christ described as ‘a man without guile,’ is the same story of Mr Oliko Patrick Chike.
In that gospel as told beautifully by St John, he presented the inspiring encounter between Philip and Nathanael (Nathaniel) who is also known as Bartholomew thus:
“We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the Prophets, Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.” Philip said to Nathanael, but Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him and said of him, “Here is a true child of Israel. There is no duplicity in him.” Then Nathanael said to Him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” And He said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
Chike certainly learnt from the beautiful life of Bartholomew or Nathanael (Nathaniel) especially in his honest encounter with Philip and the Lord Jesus Christ in his way of life by being honest himself!?
And like Bartholomew, he became my Nathanael (Nathaniel), the ‘gift of God’ to me at Auchi Polytechnic because of his honesty.
Now, let me start this little story like this.
Like I have stated severally in other articles, I arrived at Auchi Polytechnic very late in January 1993 where my course mates had been in session since October 1992 or so and there were lost grounds for me to cover quickly, yet providence smiled at me.
Providence presented and provided many people, my course mates for and to me that willingly assisted me to get my feet firmly on the ground quickly and steadily.
It was in this instance that I met Mr Oliko Patrick Chike and instantly, we struck a relationship for many reasons, but the obvious one being his honesty and the story of our robust relationship, has continued to hold many positive lessons for me.
Firstly, I have continued to see myself in him. The same story. The same trajectory. The same essence. The same man.
Secondly, at Auchi Polytechnic and till this moment, he has continued to drive me to success by his constant reminder of what ability in my potentials are.
These were the honesty that I found in Mr Oliko Patrick Chike when our paths crossed at Auchi Polytechnic in January 1993 as we became course mates and by the time we were concluding our National Diploma (ND II) during the 1994/95 academic session, our class relationship has grown beyond the four walls of the classroom, but to that of a family, admirably.
I recall with pride, how I could easily walked into his house, first at 7, Sabbath Church Close, Ijeshatedo Expressway, Surulere and later at 14, Catholic Mission Street, Coker all in Lagos unhindered, uninhibited. And he could do same at my 6, Silva Street, Off Odununkan Street, Abule-Ijesha, Yaba residence.??
Through this, we became inseparable because I found trust in his honesty and he inspired me considerably.
Chike dresses very neatly, carefully and deliberately. Just give a rag of a cloth to him and he would handle it with extreme care, treating it like an adorable woman. His shoes, no matter how poorly made, are always shining like the full moonlight. Chike is that neat and careful of what he wears. And he hardly speak, except when it is important and necessary to do so.
Truly, Chike loves life of simplicity and fun.
For instance, during our National Diploma (ND) days, while I was living at Silversands Complex, Upper Garage belonging to the famous late Alhaji (Colonel) F. A. Z. Shielu (God bless his gentle soul for he was a good man), Chike was living in the building housing Tina Commercial College, Off ICE Road, Auchi that belonged to the late F. D Akporowho (God bless his gentle soul for he was a good man too).
With this proximity, we could do many things together, seamlessly. I recall how we used to go to the Public Field, Auchi to watch good games of football matches and throughout our stay at Auchi Polytechnic, particularly during our National Diploma (ND) days, this beautiful habit became a worthy educational pastime for us where we could go to relax our minds in order to recreate it from watching a beautiful game of football.
Chike has a likeable personality because of his honesty.
On paragraph eleven (11) in ‘Mrs Cynthia (CY Babe) Idowu (Nee Iyogun): My Unique and Distinct Uneme Sister’ written on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, I had stated expressly ‘At Auchi Polytechnic, Cynthia showed how deeply she loved me as a brother. I recall how the boys; my humble self, Chike Patrick Oliko and Friday Oshiobugie Iwenekha would walk into her apartment at her off-campus residence at any time of the day and be warmly received. Always and every time, we would be served delicious meals. In fact, we were the major consumer of her foodstuff where she would always very dutifully like a dutiful wife and lovely like a good mother, would prepare for us a mountain of eba.’
Although, Cynthia is my unique and Uneme blood sister, however, Chike became for me a ‘second’ passport, if not the most important passport for me for reaching Cynthia because she held a special place and space for him in her heart.
She loved him specially. Hers was a love of a mother for a son because of his honesty, sincerity and transparency.
She nicknamed him Baba Chyke, proudly!
Sincerely, at Auchi Polytechnic, Chike became for us a true example of honesty and more than two (2) decades after that first encounter in January 1993, he has not changed one bit, but has continued to grow in the admirable virtue of honesty.
There are never wrongs in his hands when it comes to the virtue of honesty!
On Friday, November 12, 2021 Chike once more proved and demonstrated the virtue of his honesty.
In Year 2021, my only earthly and elder sister, Mrs Theresa Onomoane Asekhameh (Nee Osabomeh) was preparing for her Traditional Women Cooking (Ikpigho-Idumhi) Title Ceremony at our village, Udochi, South Uneme, Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State and I desired that she has in her wardrobe the famed Asaba Traditional ‘Akwa-Ocha’ Wrapper ?and I entrusted this delicate assignment into the hands of my friend and brother, Chike and even though he is not a lady, he went about this assignment with the greatest responsibility it desired.
He delivered on this assignment honestly.
In fact, on Friday, November 12, 2021, he had to, not minding the present insecurity in the country, travelled far away from the comfort of his Asaba environs to Issele Uku market to ensure that this assignment was carried out responsibly and he had to stay patiently all through the process of weaving the edges of the cloth, but wait for this.
He gave every detail, even to the tiniest and meaningless of figures of the financial expenses in this transaction and insisted that I provide my account details to enable him return the balance of the funds that we have estimated for the assignment.
I will forever be grateful for such honesty especially in our time and clime where honesty, men and women of true honour and dignity, are truly in short supply, but not Mr Oliko Patrick Chike.
Truth be said, there are never wrongs in his hands when it comes to the virtue of honesty!
It is said that when we allow fear to rule us, it cripples us; we are vanquished and unable to do what God expects of us, but not Chike because he is always honest about his limitations by admitting these and he knows that fear is the enemy of a man, of his mind and conquered this by his honesty.
It was during one of the classes in the Course of the elegant lady, Dr (Mrs) Philippa Omamhe Idogho, who later became the first female Rector of Auchi Polytechnic and served her two terms of four (4) years each with aplomb between 2008-2016, after serving meritoriously as the Dean, School of Part Time Studies (SPAT), now School of Evening Studies (SES) that that famous encounter happened between my good friend, Chike and the elegant lady, Dr Idogho.
I recall, I think it was in our HND I class during the lecture on Business Communication when my brother and friend, Chike was suddenly called upon by Dr Idogho to explain the meaning of ‘anonymity,’ but sadly, he could not and he was honest about it. This unfortunate scene, to the undiscerning mind, was a scene to be laughed or mocked at, but to the discerning mind, it was an admittance of a man who is always honest and sincere to himself and through this, sought true knowledge whenever he lacked any.
And he taught me again, the virtue of honesty and sincerity!
One day in the course of the semester while we were in ND II, our brother and friend, Mr Agbortai Uche Lazarus had returned from his home town of Abavi in Agbor and as usual, I dropped by at their residence at Tina Commercial College, Off ICE Road, Auchi on way from school where I was served a cup of fresh palm wine from the source, from the natural source of Abavi and barely had I taken this that I felt uncomfortable and moved in my spirit man and Chike immediately noticed my instant discomfort and played a great role in restoring me back to sanity, to myself.
Firstly, he served me hot eba and ensured that I ate it. Secondly, he ensured that I did not leave for my off-campus home at Silversands Complex, Upper Garage, but prepared me for a nap and thirdly, he took me home at about 06:00pm or so when I eventually woke up and even though I felt very uncomfortable throughout the night, waking up from a different position from the spot that I slept, I am forever grateful to Chike for his honesty by admitting that my spirit man was not strong enough for a cup of a harmless palm wine ‘toboliquor’ as the great one, Chika Okpala popularly known and addressed as Chief Zebrudaya Okoroigwe Nwogbo alias 4:30 of the New Masquerade fame would call it, hence I have taken what was more than me and he ensured my safety.
Since that unfortunate incidence, I honourably detest the sight of any alcoholic drink, even palm wine. Simply, we do not relate together!
Truly, the choices that we make in life are very important because they either make us or mar us.
Sincerely, at Auchi Polytechnic, Chike knew his limitations and was honest about it. I recall one interesting experience that happened during our HND II days on campus as I have already chronicled it in ‘Friday Oshiobugie Iwenekha: My Best Man!’ on Monday, March 25, 2019.
I always pride myself that I am a good cook and truly, I am a good cook which I learnt from my mother, Mama Jeminetu Osabomeh (Nee Idi Ekpoki) and my only earthly and elder sister, Mrs Theresa Onomoane Asekhameh (Nee Osabomeh) because at a time in our home, it was just the three (3) of us, hence I have no reason not to learn how to cook.
So, I can cook very well. If you do not believe me, please just ask the many of my female friends at Auchi Polytechnic during the 1996/97 academic session (but where would you even see them self!), but particularly ask Friday Oshiobugie Iwenekha and Chike Patrick Oliko for this confirmation and I am sure that they will gladly do. They will always give a ‘yes’ answer.
However, one Tuesday morning in the hostel in 1997, I discovered that the sumptuous ‘ogbono soup’ that I had cooked earlier on Sunday (I always cook every other Sunday after Mass because I always had plenty visitors especially female students) was having a funny taste, hence I invited my two brothers, Friday and Chike principally to pick out the meats to eat.
I was therefore surprised when we got to my Presidential Room, H2 in the Presidential Hostel H when Chike and Friday requested that I make eba first. In their arguments, they stated that it is only eba that could be used to taste whether a soup has a funny taste or otherwise as ordinary tongue cannot prove this and when I made this mountain of eba and we all ate joyfully and satisfactorily, Chike in the company of Friday simply requested that I could help them keep the soup, but they will go and bring garri so that I could be helping them to make eba first thing every other morning which they will come to my room to eat before setting out for school for the duration of the ogbono soup.
To abridge my story, for the next four (4) or even five (5) days, we all ate from this ogbono soup together joyfully.
In that incidence, Chike taught me the virtue of honesty. Honesty admits what one is and strives to live it out honestly because in that incidence, Chike and Friday taught me, not only the virtue of honesty, but the great lesson of prudence and through it, I became prudent, not only with my time, but with my resources which were hard to come by during our school days at Auchi Polytechnic.
Thank you Chike for being honest about our situation at Auchi Polytechnic that enabled us to live it out honestly!
In 1995/96, I contested for the position of ASAS President and by divine providence, I had a robust Campaign Team. My Presidential Campaign Slogan or Theme was code named ‘Operation Sweep.’ I had men and women who sacrificed their time and resources to ensure that we came out victorious and I will forever be grateful to these minds, great minds, course and school mates that became brothers and sisters and through their selfless love, brought me to the pinnacle of my political career at Auchi Polytechnic.
God will forever bless and protect them. Amen.
However, I will forever be indebted to three (3) great guys, boys then who are now men, family men that stood by me, not only physically, but spiritually, emotionally; psychologically and financially. They were my ‘dibias.’
They offered their best in ensuring that I became the best that I could be at Auchi Polytechnic, politically. Thank you Friday Oshiobugie Iwenekha (Friday Oshiobugie Iwenekha: My Best Man!’ already chronicled on Monday, March 25, 2019). Thank you Mr Agbortai Uche Lazarus. And thank you Mr Oliko Patrick Chike. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Thank you for adding value to my life by your honest encouragement.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Chike has continued to conduct himself in so many ways, but only in positive and honest ways. He is honest and maintains his integrity at all time and I am just lucky to have him as a friend, but more as a brother.
At Auchi Polytechnic, we really created a bond and ours was one of the best atmosphere of friendship that ever existed on Campus. While he was in Hostel E, Room 14 during our HND II, I was in the Presidential Hostel, Hostel H, Room 2, yet; Hostel E became for us Hostel H and Hostel H was in Hostel E.
Such was our honest relationship on Campus.
Baba Chyke as he is fondly called by us, his numerous admirers, is a peacemaker wherever he finds himself and through this simple way of life, he always seek after justice for the oppressed, especially the downtrodden of the society.
He is a firm believer in the rule of law, natural justice and peace.
As the Editor-in-Chief, Sound Mind Guide (SMG) Communications Magazine, he courageously, through the instrumentality of his writing pen, preached against examination malpractices, sexual harassment; extortion (blocking) both on the part of the Lecturers and the lectured (students) and the obvious ills of cultism, especially on campus such as Auchi Polytechnic.
He used his office to preach fairness, equity and justice. He propagated honesty.
He is an honest man!
Truly, at Auchi Polytechnic, Chike got his acts together. As the Editor-in-Chief, Sound Mind Guide (SMG) Communications Magazine, he worn his head straight and focused on what he wanted to do with the magazine. He had a dream as he saw the inside of the magazine and he equally had a vision because he saw the foresight of the magazine. And with these, he rebuilt the magazine along the lines of fairness and professionalism.
Sincerely, at Auchi Polytechnic, my leading interest in Chike lies in and stems from his honesty and truthfulness. He speaks the truth only and like Jonathan who spoke well of his friend, David even before his father, King Saul in 1 Samuel 19:4, Chike always speaks well of me, believing in the ability of my potentials and wherever this confidence comes from, I may never know.
Yet, he speaks well of me and what a friend I have continued to have in him. Mr Oliko Patrick Chike is an honest man!
As you grow more in the ages and years, my dearest brother and friend, may the good Lord continue to help you to learn humility and simplicity and grant you the grace to pass them on to your next generation because these are the greatest treasures of life, a life of humility and simplicity. Amen.
Gratefully, my tenure as ASAS President 96/97 was particularly eventful for me for many reasons. In my immediate Class, there were appointments on Campus that brought colour and dignity to my Presidency. Firstly, on Friday, January 31, 1997 in an elaborate, but peaceful Coronation Ceremony held at Café A, Chief Christopher Ogochukwu Omonogor took the nomenclature ‘Apollo 97’ as the 23rd Kegite Chief of our great Institution, Auchi Polytechnic. That was a proud moment for me, hence I have since chronicled this in ‘Brother Christopher Ogochukwu Omonogor: A Harvester of Souls for Christ’ on Thursday, June 18, 2020.
And following closely, was the appointment of Mr Oliko Patrick Chike as the Editor-in-Chief, Sound Mind Guide (SMG) Communications Magazine.
I even served as the Chief Staff Writer for the Magazine, gratefully!
These were moments of personal pride for me and I can never forget such milestones to the glory of God who have continued to provide men and women with the divine graces for us to live.
Yet, on Tuesday, December 04, 2001, we recorded another milestone in the journey of our honest relationship as my brother and friend, Chike joined me in Oceanic Bank International Plc through the services of Oceanic Securities (International) Limited and served the Bank honestly at the Asaba axis.
In fact, during the course of his career with the Bank, his virtue of honesty became like a charm on the faces of many persons; staff and customers alike. He was avoided whenever a dishonest act is to be carried out. He became their fear because of his honesty.
Thank you my dearest brother for holding forth for us that it is still possible to be honest in this time and age.
God will reward you. He will.
And He did.
On Friday, November 16, 2007, in the company of my other brothers; Innocent, Friday and Lazarus, we arrived at his family house located at the heart of Asaba on 162, Nnebisi Road, Asaba to a warm reception of family members and friends alike.
This visit was for his wedding on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at the Catholic Church of Assumption (Zappa Catholic Church), Asaba where Chike dutifully lodged us at the Olive Hotel located at Ibusa Road, Asaba. And even though I could not attend the Bachelor’s Eve with my other brothers, this night was a memorable night for us because Chike ensured that our welfare were well catered for.
Chike is truly a wonderful example of the virtue of honesty. Honesty is a virtue that constantly opens up opportunities for how we and the people around us grow. Through his honesty, we have continued to grow.
On Saturday, October 02, 2021, we were attending the much postponed, but highly successful ASAS ’97 Reunion in Benin in the #Benin2021Reunion, but on the eve of the Reunion on Friday, October 01, 2021, I got a call from my brother, Chike seeking to know where I was resting my small head and I gave him the address to my parents-in-law house at Ugbowo.
That night, Friday, October 01, 2021, as we reunited after a long time, we had a great opportunity to relive some of our memorable experiences both at Auchi Polytechnic and in Oceanic Bank International Plc. In fact, we slept that night, having important and special conversations about our lives and families and the hopes and aspirations that we hold for them, especially our children that are now gradually growing into young men and women in their various studies to the glory of God.
In our conversations that night, Friday, October 01, 2021, I discovered that Chike has not changed, not a bit about his honesty. He is always true to himself and to everyone.
Sincerely, at Auchi Polytechnic, Chike was one of my favourite examples of enduring honesty. And at Oceanic Bank International Plc, I just love the image of his transparent honesty, bursting with passion and energy and his determination to live an honest life, worthy of emulation.
He is a true example for us.
Thank you my dear brother and friend, Chike for continuing to teach me the virtue of honesty and as King Saul prayed for David in 1 Samuel 24:20, I pray also for you on this day and always. ‘May the good Lord reward you generously with good for what you have done to me and continued to do for me and my family.’ Amen.
Sincerely, the essence of this message, this inadequate article for an honest man, is very simple. Any friendship that ends, never started. My friendship with Chike has continued to be an honest one because of his honesty and I am grateful that our paths crossed at Auchi Polytechnic.
Thank you my dearest Baba Chyke for teaching me the virtue of honesty. Thank you for being honest about my potentials and urging me on. Thank you for always speaking honestly on my behalf.
Thank you for being an honest friend. Thank you for being my honest friend on my best days, rejoicing with me, but pointing me to our Father in heaven to give praises and thanksgiving to Him alone. Thank you for being my honest friend even on my worst days, holding my hands honestly, while pointing out my potentials to me.
Thank you for being my honest friend and brother.
As we celebrate our eleven (11) years as friends on the social media platform of Facebook on this day, Monday, January 24, 2022, but an honest friendship that has experienced two (2) solid decades already, I thank you for your constant honest intercession for me.
And as you continued to cast your concern upon the Lord honestly, may He continue to relieve you of all your burdens. May He continue to lead you in the path of His righteousness. May He continue to uphold and sustain you and your family. Amen.
This is my honest prayers for you and your most amazing family.
Thank you Mr Oliko Patrick Chike for being my honest man!
Na me
Your brother and friend
Domark Osabomeh
ASAS President, 96/97
Monday, January 24, 2022
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