Mr. Deepak Parekh at an IATL session
IATL Session on Befriend The Mind on 16th May, 2024

Mr. Deepak Parekh at an IATL session

Int'l Academy Of Transformative Leadership India (IATL) facilitated a session on experiencing a fabulous tool/hack on Befriending our Mind and dispelling the oft repeated myth that our Mind is an Adversary.

The session was attended by Luminaries from the world of Finance and Industry. Amongst them legends such as Mr. Deepak Parekh, Mr. Hemendra Kothari, Mr. Bharat Shah, Mr. Akshay Pakavasa, Ms. Jayashree Thacker and many more.

The main takeaway that each participant expjerienced was the fact that our Mind has an extraordinary ability to lead us on a wild goose chase but our Core Consciousness has the amazing potential to rein it in and make it our Friend. All it needs is a deep connection with our Core. At IATL we assist one and all to do just that.


