MQL Metatrader Analyzing Forex FXTM USDNOK

No alt text provided for this image

Average of Percents in Timeframes is: 54@50 for (USDNOK=US Dollar vs Norway Kroner) in Forex

Recommend ?Buy?|Contoroller vots:8/13=%61 Times: GMT=2020.01.22 15:42:02 Local=2020.01.22 19:12:02

???? Controller Indicators in Timeframe = 30 minutes ????

StdDev     OBV     AD     ATR     Spread

Ticks     SpreadVolume     TopSymbolRate

???? Indicators & Patterns in Timeframe = 30 minutes ????

RSI = Sell * %31     RVI = Buy * %62     WPR = Sell * %43     OsMA = Buy * %54     ADX = Buy * %53

ADXWilder = Buy * %50     Momentum = Buy * %54     CCI = Sell * %43     BearsPower = Buy * %59     BullsPower = Buy * %54

Chaikin = Buy * %48     TriX = Buy * %54     DeMarker = Sell * %37     Force = Buy * %60     Natural process = Buy * %57

MAC = Buy * %56     AMA = Buy * %52     Ichimoku Kinko Hyo = Buy * %48     Alligator = Sell * %48     SAR = Buy * %52

DEMA = Buy * %50     VIDyA = Buy * %51     FrAMA = Buy * %62     Envelopes = Buy * %75

???? Indicators & Patterns in Timeframe = 1 hour ????

RSI = Sell * %46     RVI = Buy * %41     WPR = Sell * %42     MACD = Buy * %65     OsMA = Buy * %57

ADX = Buy * %51     ADXWilder = Buy * %52     Momentum = Buy * %48     CCI = Buy * %48     MFI = Sell * %40

BearsPower = Buy * %44     BullsPower = Buy * %53     Chaikin = Buy * %59     TriX = Buy * %46     DeMarker = Sell * %47

Force = Buy * %57     Magic Doji = Sell * %65     Natural process = Buy * %36     MAC = Buy * %48     AMA = Buy * %44

Alligator = Buy * %53     SAR = Buy * %42     VIDyA = Buy * %48     FrAMA = Buy * %48

???? Indicators & Patterns in Timeframe = 4 hours ????

RSI = Sell * %41     WPR = Sell * %40     MACD = Buy * %56     OsMA = Buy * %53     ADX = Buy * %50

ADXWilder = Buy * %56     Momentum = Buy * %56     CCI = Sell * %53     BearsPower = Sell * %36     BullsPower = Buy * %56

Chaikin = Buy * %53     TriX = Buy * %56     Force = Buy * %60     Dark Cloud-Piercing = Buy * %66     Harami = Buy * %75

Magic Doji = Buy * %64     Natural process = Buy * %37     MAC = Buy * %53     AMA = Buy * %54     Ichimoku Kinko Hyo = Buy * %60

SAR = Buy * %53     VIDyA = Buy * %60

Percents in Timeframes: ?30 minutes?=56@30 ?1 hour?=50@20 ?4 hours?=57@10

Automatic Acceptable Rating for base trade TimeFrame is %10 to %50 Descending (Step=%10)

(Deal speed rate in Bolterd symbols=%79 in cycle=3)


Programmer: Saed Modarresi

???????????: ???? ??????

Saed Modarresi:

[email protected]




Robot ?SM01Forex?:

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||""""""""""""""""""%82 (14/17)[As %50 of 34 Symbols]

Cycle=3  Symbol=USDNOK  Forex Market Centers=Europe, London, New York (3 Centers for 12:00:00~14:59:59 GMT=14:45)

Symbol rating in all symbols = %0

Average of last time symbols orderd=0 seconds (Total average=5?%99 above 1? Min=0 Max=4 in 53 Samples)

Automatic Acceptable Controlling is %60

Total controllers votes average=%60 in 2 Samples

Automatic Acceptable Rating for base trade TimeFrame is %11 to %51 Descending (Step=%10)

(Deal speed rate in Bolterd symbols=%59 in cycle=3)

Total rates average=%50 in 4 Samples

Deep test is 2 to 3

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||""""""""""""%88 (15/17)Market activity

Physical memory is 3326MB

Memory used is 889MB %27

Memory available to the process is 6652MB

Free memory is 5763MB %87

Maximum possible amount of dynamic memory for robot is 8388608MB

Memory used by robot is 4MB

Memory summary:

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""%0 (4/8388608)Robot memory used

||||||||||||||||||||||||||""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""%27 (889/3326)Physical memory used

|||||||||||||"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""%13 (889/6652)Total memory used

Time spent for minor loop is 00:00:21 Seconds and for major loop is 00:11:13 Seconds (Robot is working from 2020.01.22 16:49:03 about 01:26:14 activity).

Time spent summary:

Minor loops time spent average: 00:01:01 Seconds and Major loops time spent average: 00:39:15 Seconds

Timeframes discription:

Base timeframe: 15 minutes (Samples=81 Deep=3 Acceptable Rate=%40)

Major timeframe: 30 minutes (Samples=64 Deep=3 Acceptable Rate=%30) -> Checking start multi timeframe

Major timeframe: 1 hour (Samples=47 Deep=3 Acceptable Rate=%20)

Major timeframe: 4 hours (Samples=30 Deep=2 Acceptable Rate=%10)


* Robot Settings *


* Using Signal Indicators and Osilators *

Bolinger Bands indicator? Yes

RSI(Relative Strenght Index) Osilator? Yes

RVI(Relative Vigor Index) Osilator? Yes

MAC(Moving Average Cross) indicator? Yes

AMA(Adaptive Moving Average) indicator? Yes

WPR(Larry Williams' Percent Range) Osilator? Yes

MACD(Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) Osilator? Yes

OsMA(Moving Average of Oscillator) Osilator? Yes

Stochastic Osilator? Yes

ADX(Average Directional Movement Index) Osilator? Yes

ADXWilder(Average Directional Movement Index Wilder) Osilator? Yes

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator? Yes

Momentum Osilator? Yes

Alligator indicator? Yes

SAR indicator? Yes

CCI indicator? Yes

MFI indicator? Yes

MFI_RV indicator? Yes

AC(Accelerator) Osilator? Yes

AO(Awesome) Osilator? Yes

Bears Power Osilator? Yes

Bulls Power Osilator? Yes

Chaikin Osilator? Yes

Chaikin_RV Osilator? Yes

DEMA(Double Exponential Moving Average) indicator? Yes

TEMA(Triple Exponential Moving Average) indicator? Yes

TriX(Triple Exponential Moving Average) Osilator? Yes

VIDyA(Variable Index Dynamic Average) indicator? Yes

DeMarker Osilator? Yes

Force Index Osilator? Yes

Force Index_RV Osilator? Yes

Fractals indicator? Yes

FrAMA indicator? Yes

Envelopes Indicator? Yes

* Using Controller Indicators and Osilators *

Timeframe for checking Controllers? TimeFrameControllersSL

StdDev Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

OBV Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

BWMFI Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

AD Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

Volumes Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

Gator Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

ATR Indicator (As Controller)? Yes

Spread size (As Controller)? Yes

Ticks volume (As Controller)? Yes

Spread and Volum (As Controller)? Yes

Restrict to past Opens and Closed (As Controller)? Yes

Top Symbol Rate (As Controller)? Yes

* Using Pre Force Controllers *

Timeframe for checking Force Controllers? TimeFrameControllersB

Spread size (As Force Controller)? Yes

Ticks volume (As Force Controller)? Yes

Spread and Volum (As Force Controller)? Yes

Restrict to past Opens and Closed (As Force Controller)? No

Active market (As Force Controller)? Yes

Top Symbol Rate (As Force Controller)? Yes

* Using Pass Force Controllers *

Compair result with Natural process Pattern (As Force Controller)? Yes

* Using Patterns *

Tweezer Pattern? Yes

Engulfing Pattern? Yes

Hanging Man-Hammer Pattern? Yes

Dark Cloud Pattern? Yes

Morning Star-Evening Star Pattern? Yes

Shooting Star-Inverted Hammer Pattern? Yes

Harami Pattern? Yes

Belt Hold Line Pattern? Yes

Counter Attack Line Pattern? Yes

Windows Pattern? Yes

Gap Tasuki Pattern? Yes

Three Methods Pattern? Yes

Separating Lines Pattern? Yes

Magic Doji Pattern? Yes

Natural process Pattern? Yes

* Rating Settings *

Rating by Effective votes? Yes

Change accept rating automatically? AutoByAverage

Change controll voting automatically?? AutoByAverage

Acceptable integrated directions percent(Indicators/Patterns)= 5

Match percentages acceptance with timeframes? Descending

Step for matching acceptable percent? 4

Below offset of acceptable integrated directions percent= 0

Compare with average of Timeframs percents? Yes

Below offset of acceptable integrated Controlls percent= 0

First number of examples for assessing indicators and patterns= 30

First number of examples for assessing indicators and patterns(Stock Only)= 8

Maximum sample for assessing= 81

Maximum sample for assessing(Stock Only)= 80

Deep for assessing indicators and patterns= 4

Very hard deep testing? No

Maximum Deep Multi Timeframe for signal & SPs finding= 0

Minimum Deep Multi Timeframe for signal finding= 1

Major Timeframes check for signal= 3

Major Timeframes check for signal(Stock Only)= 2

Start level of multiTimeframe= 1

Start level of multiTimeframe(Stock Only)= 0

Ratios set as auto in Timeframes? ratioOfRatesAA

Must final average rating check with last Rate? No

Ratio of Day to Rates= 1

Ratio of Week to Rates= 3

Ratio of Month to Rates= 2

Ratio of Grow Prices to Rates= 6

Ratio of Now Price to Rates= 6

* General Settings *

Trade by Symbol= All

Trade by Symbol(Filter 2)= None2

Trade by Symbol(Filter 3)= None2

Trade by Symbol(Filter 4)= 

Allow Number character in Symbol string? No

Allow Dot character (Point) in Symbol string? No

Allow Under Line character (_) in Symbol string? No

Time frame= PERIOD_M15

Timeframe(Stock Only)= PERIOD_D1

Order Registration method= Both

Order Registration method(Stock Only)= AdviseAll

Using Money Management? Yes

Using Trailing Stop? Yes

Using Break Even? No

Using Force Close By Profit? No

Using Force Close By Loss? No

Using Order time controller? No

Trade on new bar? No

Registering of Buy and Sell together? Yes

Allow to registering repeated orders together? Yes

Acceptable Slippage= 2

Magic Number= 989177150586

Check-out Period in milliseconds= 1

Delay between sending requests to the server= 50

Short delay for sending requests to the server= 2

Max retries on error= 4

Max bars of rate data to retrieve= 13

Close any Charts first? Yes

Open Charts separately for every Symbol?? No

Open chart on first symbol Order? Yes

Open chart on first symbol Order advise? Yes

Timeframe for charts opened on symbol Order? TimeFrameControllersS

Close not use charts after deal? Yes

Maximum order at a time= 999999

Write long detail log? No

Write long detail Error? Yes

Maximum percent acceptable of Physical memory full= 98.00000000

Minimum percent acceptable of Physical memory free= 95.00000000

Maximum percent acceptable of Total memory full= 95.00000000

Minimum percent acceptable of Total memory free= 90.00000000

Will the robot be shut down if the memory is full? Yes

Would the license be asked to submit orders? No

WRequest permission to first synchronize? No

Get out Old Symbols? GetOutOldSymbol0

Obsessive updates? No

Using Stop loss and Take Profit? modeOfSLTPisYES

Bit version of the terminal allows? BitVersion64

Minimum RAM requirements (MB)= 3000

Minimum CPU Core requirements= 2

Maximum increase allowed in stock prices for Buy= 0

Symbols with highest percentage change price= 50

Symbols with highest percentage change price(Stock Only)= 25

Minimum number of symbols to monitor= 2

Incremental symbols only for # month= 0

Incremental symbols only for # month(StockOnly)= 24

Only Stock marketing? ExchangeOnly

* Stop loss and Take Profit Settings *

Auto set Stop loss and Take Profit? Automatic

Fixed Stop Loss (for Manually mode)= 20

Fixed Take Profit (for Manually mode)= 10

Offset from Stop Levels in Point (ST&TP)= 0

Reward Risk Ratio= 3

Base period for Stop Loss Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal5

Base period for Take Profit Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal5

Warining mod for Internet Connection lost? WarnInternetDisconnecAlert

* Breakout Pending Order Settings *

Auto set Breakout? Automatic

Number of Bars for Breakout calculation= 8

Base period for Break out Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal1

* Trailing Stop settings *

Trailing Stop Mode= AutoCloseOrPSAR

Stop loss for Trailing Stop settings= AutoCloseOrPSAR

Acceptable Minimum Take Profit= 0

Acceptable Step for Stop Loss offset= 2

Increase Price Step size for PSAR= 0.02000000

Maximum Step size for PSAR= 0.20000000

Minimum distance between SL and Current Price= 2

Minimum distance between SL and Current Price method? MinimumDistanceSpread

Set Take Profit to Infinite? Yes

Moving Stop Loss method? MovingStopLossMethodNever

Base period for Moving Stop Loss Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal1

Base period for Near Moving Stop Loss Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal2

Base period for Normal Moving Stop Loss Calculating? movingBasePeriodForStopLossCal5

How many profit? HighProfit

*Break Even Settings *

Auto set Break Even? Automatic

Acceptable Break Even(Points)= 1

Acceptable Step for Stop Loss offset= 0

* Force Close By Profit Settings *

Accepltable Minimum Profit(Points)= 10.00000000

* Force Close By Loss Settings *

Accepltable Maximum Loss(Points)= 10.00000000

* Money Management Settings *

Auto set Money Management? Automatic

Acceptable risk percent= 80.00000000

Volume for fixed mode(lots)= 0.01000000

Base on? Equity

Maximum % Balance/Equity use= 90.00000000

When Stop Ordering? stopOrderingMarginLevelStopOutMarginCall

* Order time controller Settings *

Start: Hour= 8

Start: Minute= 30

Start: Seconds= 0

End: Hour= 20

End: Minute= 30

End: Seconds= 0

Ussing Local Time? No

* Charts Settings *

How show Indicators and Osilators= AllOI

Chart display mode= CHART_CANDLES

Show OHLC values in the upper left corner? Yes

Display Bid values as a horizontal line? Yes

Display Ask values as a horizontal line? Yes

Display Last values as a horizontal line? Yes

Display vertical separators between adjacent periods? No

Display grid? No

Display volume= CHART_VOLUME_TICK

Displaying trade levels? Yes

Display textual descriptions of objects? Yes

Chart scale= 2

Showing the ?One click trading? panel? No

Indent from the right border? Yes

Show Flame Indicator on new chart? No

Show Flame Indicator (An UI effect)? Yes

Change Chart for small changes No

First delete last Indicators then drow new? Yes

Columns for showing rates in main Charts= 3

Columns for showing rates in result Charts= 5

Points offset from stops in new charts= 20

Set Scale Fix on new chart? No

Show mini charts on new charts? MiniChartShowSome

Auto screenshot on new chart? AutoScreenshotText3

Digits show in Rating table Percents= 0

Draw Moving Average Indicator on new chart? Yes

* Indicators/Osilators Settings *

* Indicator Automation Settings *

* ATR Settings *

Auto set parameters of ATR? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Auto set parameters of ControllerATR? Automatic

Percent minus from acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Volumes Settings *

Auto set parameters of Volumes? Automatic

Applied Volume= VOLUME_TICK

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Parabolic SAR Settings *

Auto set parameters of SAR? Automatic

Step for calculating Auto set Indicators parameters= 0.02000000

Max. Step for calculating Auto set Indicators parameters= 0.20000000

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* Bollinger Bands Settings *

Auto set parameters of Bollinger Bands? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 21

Horizontal shift of the indicator= 0

Number of standard deviations= 2.00000000

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* RSI Settings *

Auto set parameters of RSI Bands? Automatic

Averaging period for the RSI calculation= 14

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* RVI Settings *

Auto set parameters of RVI Bands? Automatic

Averaging period for the RVI calculation= 10

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* MAC(Moving Average Cross) Settings *

Auto set parameters of MAC? Automatic

Averaging period for the FastMA calculation= 12

Smoothing method for FastMA= MODE_LWMA

Horizontal shift for FastMA= 0

Type of price or handle for FastMA= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Averaging period for the SlowMA calculation= 20

Smoothing method for SlowMA= MODE_LWMA

Horizontal shift for SlowMA= 0

Type of price or handle for SlowMA= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* AMA(Adaptive Moving Average) Settings *

Auto set parameters of AMA? Automatic

Period for average AMA line calculation= 9

Period for average FastAMA line calculation= 2

Period for average SlowAMA line calculation= 30

Horizontal shift for AMA= 0

Type of price or handle for AMA= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* WPR Settings *

Auto set parameters of WPR? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* MACD Settings *

Auto set parameters of MACD? Automatic

Period for Fast Moving Average calculation= 12

Period for Slow Moving Average calculation= 26

Period for Signal line calculation= 9

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* OsMA Settings *

Auto set parameters of OsMA? Automatic

Period for Fast Moving Average calculation= 12

Period for Slow Moving Average calculation= 26

Period for Signal line calculation= 9

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Stochastic Settings *

Auto set parameters of Stochastic? Automatic

Averaging period for the %K line calculation= 5

Averaging period for the %D line calculation= 3

Slowing value= 3

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Stochastic calculation method= STO_LOWHIGH

Below Level= 20

Above Level= 80

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* ADX Settings *

Auto set parameters of ADX? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Period to calculate the index= 25.00000000

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* ADXWilder Settings *

Auto set parameters of ADXWilder? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Period to calculate the index= 25.00000000

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Ichimoku Settings *

Auto set parameters of Ichimoku? Automatic

Period to calculate the Tenkan-sen= 9

Period to calculate the Kijun-sen= 26

Period to calculate the Senkou Span B= 52

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* Momentum Settings *

Auto set parameters of Momentum? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Alligator Settings *

Auto set parameters of Alligator? Automatic

Period for average Jaw line calculation= 13

Shift for average Teeth line calculation= 8

Period for average Teeth line calculation= 8

Shift for average Jaw line calculation= 5

Period for average Lips line calculation= 5

Shift for average Lips line calculation= 3

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* CCI Settings *

Auto set parameters of CCI? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* MFI Settings *

Auto set parameters of MFI? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* MFI_RV Settings *

Auto set parameters of MFI_RV? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 14

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_REAL

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* AC Settings *

Auto set parameters of AC? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* AO Settings *

Auto set parameters of AO? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Bears Power Settings *

Auto set parameters of Bears Power? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 13

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Bulls Power Settings *

Auto set parameters of Bulls Power? Automatic

Period for average line calculation= 13

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Chaikin Settings *

Auto set parameters of Chaikin? Automatic

Period for Fast average line calculation= 3

Period for Slow average line calculation= 10

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Chaikin_RV Settings *

Auto set parameters of Chaikin_RV? Automatic

Period for Fast average line calculation= 3

Period for Slow average line calculation= 10

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_REAL

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* DEMA Settings *

Auto set parameters of DEMA? Automatic

Averaging period for the DEMA calculation= 14

Averaging shift of period for the DEMA calculation= 0

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* TEMA Settings *

Auto set parameters of TEMA? Automatic

Averaging period for the TEMA calculation= 14

Averaging shift of period for the TEMA calculation= 0

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* TriX Settings *

Auto set parameters of TriX? Automatic

Averaging period for the TriX calculation= 14

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* VIDyA Settings *

Auto set parameters of VIDyA? Automatic

Averaging CMO period for the VIDyA calculation= 9

Averaging EMA period for the VIDyA calculation= 12

Averaging shift of period for the VIDyA calculation= 0

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* DeMarker Settings *

Auto set parameters of DeMarker? Automatic

Averaging period for the DeMarker calculation= 14

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Force Index Settings *

Auto set parameters of Force Index? Automatic

Averaging fast period for the Force Index calculation= 3

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Force Index_RV Settings *

Auto set parameters of Force Index_RV? Automatic

Averaging fast period for the Force Index calculation= 3

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_REAL

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Fractals Settings *

Auto set parameters of Fractals? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* FrAMA Settings *

Auto set parameters of FrAMA? Automatic

Averaging period for the FrAMA calculation= 14

Averaging shift of period for the FrAMA calculation= 0

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* Envelopes Settings *

Auto set parameters of Envelopes? Automatic

Averaging period for the Envelopes calculation= 14

Horizontal shift for Envelopes= 0

Deviation from the main line= 0.10000000

Smoothing method for Envelopes= MODE_LWMA

Type of price or handle for Envelopes= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Weight Value percent= 100

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Indicator

* StdDev(Standard Deviation) Settings *

Auto set parameters of StdDev? Automatic

Averaging period for the StdDev calculation= 20

Smoothing method for StdDev= MODE_LWMA

Horizontal shift for StdDev= 0

Type of price or handle for StdDev= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Percent plus to acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* OBV(On Balance Volume) Settings *

Auto set parameters of OBV? Automatic

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Percent minus from acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* BWMFI(On Balance Volume) Settings *

Auto set parameters of BWMFI? Automatic

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* AD(Accumulation/Distribution) Settings *

Auto set parameters of AD? Automatic

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Percent minus from acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Volumes Settings *

Auto set parameters of Volumes? Automatic

Type of volume or handle= VOLUME_TICK

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Gator Settings *

Auto set parameters of Gator? Automatic

Period for average Jaw line calculation= 13

Shift for average Teeth line calculation= 8

Period for average Teeth line calculation= 8

Shift for average Jaw line calculation= 5

Period for average Lips line calculation= 5

Shift for average Lips line calculation= 3

Smoothing method= MODE_LWMA

Type of price or handle= PRICE_WEIGHTED

Allow to draw Indicator on chart? Osilator

* Spread and Volume controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Spread and Volume controller? Automatic

Percent minus from acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

* Flame Settings *

Future Bars= 10

Shift size before Flame= 50

Shift size after Flame= 10

* Spread controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Spread controller? Automatic

Percent plus from acceptalble average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

* Ticks controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Ticks controller? Automatic

Percent minus from acceptable average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

* Restrict to past Opens and Closed controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Restrict to past Opens & Closed controller? Automatic

Maximum candles for checking Xtrims= 50

Minimum needed sample to check= 4

* Active Market controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Active Market controller? Automatic

Percent plus average for ordering= 99

Minimum needed sample to check= 1

* Top Symbol Rate controller Settings *

Auto set parameters of Active Market controller? Automatic

Minimum acceptable percent= 0.00000000

* Tweezer Settings *

Auto set parameters of Tweezer? Automatic

Maximum offset comparing Candles= 3.00000000

Weight Value percent= 100

* Engulfing Settings *

Auto set parameters of Engulfing? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Hanging Man-Hammer Settings *

Auto set parameters of Hanging Man-Hammer? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Dark Cloud Settings *

Auto set parameters of Dark Cloud? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Morning Star-Evening Star Settings *

Auto set parameters of Morning Star-Evening Star? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Shooting Star-Inverted Hammer Settings *

Auto set parameters of Shooting Star-Inverted Hammer? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Harami Settings *

Auto set parameters of Harami? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Belt Hold Line Settings *

Auto set parameters of Belt Hold Line? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Counter Attack Line Settings *

Auto set parameters of Counter Attack Line? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Windows Settings *

Auto set parameters of Windows? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Gap Tasuki Settings *

Auto set parameters of Gap Tasuki? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Three Methods Settings *

Auto set parameters of Three Methods? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Separating Lines Settings *

Auto set parameters of Separating Lines? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Magic Doji Settings *

Auto set parameters of Magic Doji? Automatic

Weight Value percent= 100

* Natural process Settings *

Auto set parameters of Natural process? Automatic

Natural process mod calculation? modeUpDownWeek

Natural process mod calculation(Stock Only)? modeUpDownMonth

Deep loop for last Month checking= 2

Deep loop for last Week checking= 2

Deep loop for last Day checking= 2

Weight Value percent= 100



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