Michael Julian, CPI PPS CSP, ALIVE Active Shooter Training
Podcaster, Creator of the A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training Program, Personal Protector, Private Investigator, Best Selling Author, Father of Two Amazing Human Beings
In light of the recent school and government facility shootings, MPS Security has developed an informational training seminar for school, hospital and utilities districts to train educators, managers and employees on how to respond effectively for themselves and the individuals under their supervision during an active-shooter situation.
MPS Security is a full-service security and protection firm focused on physical and asset security using uniformed and plainclothes security officers and protective agents for site security, risk mitigation and management, security based business continuity, events, residential communities, commercial properties, and government and private facility security. MPS offers services such as security vulnerability audits, threat and risk assessment, access control, security patrols, loss prevention, fraud detection, undercover officers, strike security, and risk mitigation and management.
Training and Education
When an active shooter/killer, such as a known or random gunman, opens fire, on average nearly a dozen injuries and at least three deaths occur. Being prepared is the best tool for survival for you and your employees.
If an unstable employee, ex-employee, or employee family member entered your workplace with a weapon, would you know what to do? This is a serious question that every safety manager, human resources, risk management professional and employee should be able to confidently answer “yes” to!
An armed officer at a school, hospital or other facility is the best way to slow or stop an attack; as shown by the quick reaction by the Armed School Resource Officer at Arapahoe High School. The armed officer ended the attack after 80 seconds as compared to Sandy Hook Elementary School where the attack continued for almost 5 minutes leaving 22 children and 6 adults dead, and the San Bernardino Department of Public Health attack which took less than 4 minutes and left 14 employees dead and 22 seriously injured.
This is an all too familiar scenario facing our workplaces and our world. Employers can no longer subscribe to the notion that “it will never happen here,” given the frequency and severity of workplace attacks. Fortunately, we can train your employees to respond to an active shooter/killer attack that will mitigate their risk of injury and death. That’s why it is important for all managers, caretakers, students and employees to understand how to react, and the strategies needed to protect their lives and the lives of others involved.
You’ll learn to:
- Identify behaviors, causes, and red flags typically associated with workplace violence and active shooter/killer incidents before they occur
- Initiate a workplace violence prevention program with a focus on active shooters
- Develop enhanced situational awareness and a security mindset
- Train employees to assure that they know how to safely respond to an active shooter event
Using a common sense approach based on what has been learned from prior active shooter events, behavior and the perpetrator mentality, security expert Michael Julian, President of MPS Security and National Business Investigations, Inc., developed the ALIVE Active Shooter Survival course that teaches “security mindset” to aid in recognizing possible signs of a pending attack, and reaction techniques that take the fundamental “Run, Hide, Fight” response to the next level.
MPS Security began offering this seminar in 2015 to local utilities district clients in Southern California to help prepare public and private facilities throughout the county. It has since been presented in other regions of the country from California to Florida.
Learn more about Active Shooter Survival:
About MPS Security
MPS Security is the full-service security division of National Business Investigations, Inc. (NBI), a corporate and legal investigations firm founded in 1967 by Ron Julian, father of current CEO/President, Michael Julian. MPS provides physical and asset security and consulting services throughout the United States through:
- Site and event security at residential communities & commercial properties, private and public facilities
- Threat Mitigation & Management Services such as executive protection, union strike, workplace violence and hostile termination security.
- Consulting on physical and electronic risk and threat assessment, and security vulnerability
- Specialized undercover operations for theft investigation, loss prevention and fraud detection
Michael Julian, CPI PPS CSP is a certified and recognized expert in security, executive protection and risk mitigation & management. Along with speaking at security and executive protection conferences throughout the United States, he is an instructor for numerous association conferences and security educational events on executive protection, workplace violence identification and reaction, and active shooter survival.
Request more information on MPS Security: * 866-677-4408