The Honest MPI WEC 2019 Party
Geoff Woliner, CPCM ????
Author, "The Path to Perfectia" series ?? / Founding Member, Octopus Movement ?? / Editor-In-Chief, The Daily Stuffing ??
Janelle: "Hey Carol! I'm so glad you made it to Toronto! How are things at Visit...umm...which CVB are you with these days anyway?"
Carol: "I'm pretty sure I'm with Visit Telluride. Or maybe it's Visit Ocean City? Got me. They're both probably great places to bring your 25,000 person meeting."
Don: "Carol! Janelle! Can't believe you both made it!"
Janelle: "Carol, do you have any idea who this guy is?"
Carol: "Not a clue in hell. 50 bucks says he's trying to sell us something."
Don: "Have you guys heard about my new event management software...Eventification Alpha? It's for events just like yours..."
Carol: "Well, I don't plan..."
Don: "Mike! Can't believe you made it!"
Susan: "Hey Carol! How are things in Ocean City?"
Carol: "Ah, that's it. I sell Ocean City. Right. Things are probably great. And we probably have a new convention center going up. And there's probably a hip new food scene downtown. And there's probably a new Hyatt being built where a flophouse used to be."
Janelle: "Hey Susan! I didn't think you'd be able to make it this year."
Susan: "Why's that?"
Janelle: "Because you explicitly said you can't make it this year when I invited you to dinner with us last night."
James: "Hey, Janelle! How's everything at the association? Your members are accountants, right?"
Janelle: "Dental hygienists. But sure."
James: "That's great. Anyway, have you given more thought to the RFP I sent you in 2013? I think your ice road truckers would really like Sarasota."
Janelle: "I appreciate it, James. But our destinations are booked through 2087. But tell your grandkids to reach out to mine. You never know."
Susan: "I'll be back in a few. Need to go run interference on the dance floor since the Eventification guy is getting a little suggestive with the Hilton Garden Inn ladies."
Maria: "Hey everyone!"
James: "Hey Maria! I haven't seen you since Atlantic City in '16!"
Maria: "We're in the same chapter. I literally saw you last week. You got drunk and started telling offensive jokes from the 80s."
James: "That was classic. Anyway, where's the after-party?"
Maria: "You mean the small gathering at one of the conference hotel lounges where guys like you make a last-ditch effort to obtain some company for the evening?"
James: "Yep. The very same."
Maria: "It's in Montreal."
Geoff Woliner is an event speaker, author, speechwriter and presentation coach who helps you turn your big moments into lifelong memories. As the founder and CEO of Winning Wit, LLC, Geoff and his team of award-winning comedians help people deliver dynamic speeches and presentations through the application of stand-up comedy techniques, and have been featured on WTOP Radio and in several event publications as the leaders in humorous event speechwriting and coaching.
Twitter: @WinningWit
Author, "The Path to Perfectia" series ?? / Founding Member, Octopus Movement ?? / Editor-In-Chief, The Daily Stuffing ??
5 年Karen Decker, CMP