MPF Featured Article: Five Things Lawyers Hate to Hear Clients Say
by Gerry Riskin
Gerry Riskin is one of most highly respected law firm consultants on the planet. After serving as managing partner of a thriving Canadian law firm, he co-founded Edge International in 1983. His writings have been published throughout the world, and he is perhaps best known as author of The Successful Lawyer, one of the ABA's all-time best sellers. In this article, Gerry suggests some effective ways to address client reactions to these five situations:
? Asking for the Retainer
? Delegating Work to Another Lawyer
? Cross-Selling Additional Legal Work
? Explaining a Higher than Expected Bill
? Dealing with an Unhappy Client
These are not scripts. Rather, they present ideas to help you think through how you can best respond in your own way.
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