The Mozart Effect
Janna Yeshanova, MA, MEd, PCC
ICF Certified Coach: Goal Setting, Relationship, Conflict Resolution, Career/Life Transition, Author, Podcast guest, Leadership Trainer
I received this article in an email, written in Russian with no indication of the author or where it was published. I read it and was delighted. Google Translate allowed me to share it in English with my friends who were also excited about it. Some sources, including Wikipedia, question the effect of Mozart's music on human health. Opinions on Reddit are divisive and energetic. Some go as far as saying the Mozart Effect does not exist. I decided to share this article with you. If we believe that thoughts materialize, this article will help those who believe in it and who really want to make a difference.
Numerous independent studies by scientists, physicians and psychologists from all over the world prove that the music of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) has the strongest healing effect on people compared to the works of all other composers. Moreover, the musical works of this composer are able to do incredible things in terms of healing people from a huge number of various ailments. But what is the secret of that universal healing energy that only Mozart's music possesses? What are the "secret mechanisms" of the universally recognized unique healing of this particular music?
Standard "IQ tests" record a real increase in intelligence in people after listening to Mozart's music.? Studies by American scientists have shown that just 10 minutes of listening to Mozart's piano music increases people's IQ ("intelligence quotient") by an average of 8-10 units.
As European scientists have proved, Mozart's music increases the mental abilities of all people who listen to it without exception (both those who like it and those who do not like it). Even after a 5-minute music session, listeners noticeably increase their attention span (concentration). People suffering from Alzheimer's disease improve their skills by regularly listening to Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in C major. Mozart's music, like no other, has a huge impact on the treatment of a number of serious diseases, including epilepsy.? Scientists have experimentally determined that the sounds of Mozart's sonatas (especially sonata K448) are able to stop epileptic seizures (reduce the number of epileptic attacks).In one of the experiments conducted by Professor John Jenkins (USA), patients suffering from serious neurological diseases were individually given to listen to only a 10-minute fragment of one of Mozart's musical pieces, after which almost all of these people noticeably improved their ability to perform delicate hand movements for a period of time.
In Swedish clinics, women in labor are allowed to listen to Mozart's music, because Swedish scientists and doctors are convinced that it helped them to drastically reduce early infant mortality in their country. According to authoritative world-class experts, Mozart's music helps to get rid of any mental problems, improves speech and hearing.? If you listen to the calm music of Mozart every day during meals, many digestive problems will disappear.
As noted by the world's leading audiologists (specialists in hearing defects) and speech therapists, the presence of an abundance of high-frequency sounds in Mozart's music makes it the most healing among all classical music. First, high-frequency, harmonized sounds strengthen the microscopic muscles of the middle ear. Secondly, sounds with a frequency of 3,000 to 8,000 Hz and higher cause the greatest resonance in the cerebral cortex, which contributes to improved memory and thinking.
Among the great admirers of Mozart's work is the famous otolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis (Paris, France). One of his patients was the young Gérard Depardieu, the future famous French film actor.? At that time, in the mid-60s of the twentieth century, a young and as yet unknown artist came to conquer Paris, and he would have had every chance to do so, if it were not for serious problems with his speech (severe stuttering) and memory. A. Tomatis, in the course of the first medical examination of Gérard, determined listen to Mozart's music for 2 hours a day.
The result of these self-guided music therapy sessions was simply amazing! Gérard Depardieu completely and forever got rid of defects in his right ear, stuttering, and memory problems, which allowed him to become a great world-class film actor in the future. Years after his miraculous recovery, Jacques Depardieu himself said: "Before meeting Tomatis, I could not utter a single sentence to the end. He helped to complete my thoughts, taught me to synthesize and understand.
The whole world knows a textbook case when Mozart's music literally "gave" life to a person. The 78-year-old seriously ill Marshal of Richelieu, Louis Fran?ois de Vignreaux, being already on his deathbed, a few minutes before his obvious and inevitable death, asked to fulfill his last wish in this life - to have his favorite Mozart concerto played in front of him. Soon after the music stopped, a real miracle happened to the marshal! Death receded, and he was literally surrounded by the eyes of his eyes In some mysterious way, this man quickly regained his vitality, and as a result, he lived in full health for another 14 full years, living to the age of 92.
In Canada, string quartets of specially hired musicians play Mozart's musical works in city squares in order to, according to the authors of this idea, regulate traffic and thereby reduce the number of accidents...