Moving With The Winds Of Change

Moving With The Winds Of Change

Hey Folks!

How are you this week?

There’s a big shift afoot at the moment.

I’m noticing many people are feeling quite out of sorts or like things have slipped backwards somehow and I’m no exception.

Though I’ve been making massively positive shifts in my life, I’m not going to lie - it’s been incredibly uncomfortable.

Social media and the information era we’re in means we are constantly presented with transformations and all the shiny aspects; the promises of speed; the promises of ease…

Then when it’s not easy - it’s easy to feel like you’re failing, or somehow doing it wrong.

Our brains are geared to seek comfort - even if that comfort isn’t particularly pleasant - which is why it’s so challenging to break out of habits or limiting beliefs which leave you feeling stuck and a bit crap.

A bit of a glutton for punishment, I sometimes take on one too many changes at once because I work through micro-shifts; chipping away at a new way of being in tiny ways until it just happens to be the way I live. (I share what I’ve been working through at the bottom of this post and funny enough, I’m actually working towards making myself even less busy with less personal development projects and cultivating the ability to just be).

With being autistic and living with the effects of complex trauma sometimes the effects I get towards change can be seismic - dropping into a bout of depression or developing disordered sleep which can devolve into insomnia (because insomnia is an experience your brain remembers how to replicate).

It’s why, unless I’m absolutely certain drastic change is going to be beneficial, I always lean to gradual change preceded by a period of casual observation of the habits I want to change; where I am developing the ability to remove judgements from my behaviour by setting out on the changes themselves.

It’s the judgement and internal criticism that rock the boat and make the process of change, or working towards your goals so much less comfortable - if you can bring awareness to it before taking action you give yourself a much better chance of not taking yourself out of the game.

It’s very much the same with the collective energy many of us are riding out.

It’s the judgement and inner critic which you need to be mindful of.

Can you befriend your inner critic?

Can you be mindful and observe your judgement, of yourself of others, without judgement?

Instead, meeting these thoughts with curiosity; within these judgements are signposts to your unmet needs.

When you become aware of these needs you have the opportunity to explore ways of meeting them, or asking for what you need.

I found myself lying awake last night and though I was awake, instead of being stressed out - I was able to relax into and almost enjoy the stream of thoughts because I was able to see clearly what I’m afraid of; what old beliefs and fears are surfacing inside of these huge shifts I’m taking.

By contrast, if I hook onto these thoughts and add fuel to the fire I end up adrenalised and exhausted the next morning and the more difficult it is for me to continue with my journey.

It’s exactly what my brain wants.

Not because it wants to hurt me but it thinks it’s protecting me.

What changes have you been making and have you found yourself wanting to give up in the face of these challenges?

Do you see how these things might be playing out in your journey and could you try again by meeting your challenges with curiousity and self compassion?

In case you’re wondering what have I been working through -

Since November I’ve been working through deep healing work using tapping and reiki for the aspects of my life that have held me in a state of inertia for 4-5 years now, as well as slowly changing my eating to low FODMAP and Gluten Free - something I’ve needed to do for years but just didn’t have the mental capacity for to really implement it - something I have quite literally been gradually working through changing and getting comfortable with. Most recently, also stripping my movement back down to the foundations so I can work through addressing imbalances created by old injuries so I can train in a way that allows me to progress without compromising my body. Let me tell you this, it’s been massively enlightening and refreshing to treat myself like I’m brand new to fitness and nutrition.

This, all at the same time as taking a step back to focus on myself instead of promoting my business - something I’ve also promised myself I’d do for years.

I expected discomfort, nonetheless, it doesn’t make it any easier when I’m working through it.

So if you’re experiencing similar, just know you aren’t alone.

If you look closely, you can find the glimmers.

Especially if you make journalling a daily habit and practise - at the end of each day list 3 things you are grateful for and 3 things you are proud of yourself for.

If you need an easy way to establish a journalling practice I have guided journals available on Amazon if you’d like a little help with this and you can grab one here

Have a great week!



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