Moving On, Moving Upwards

Moving On, Moving Upwards

Lock Down has certainly presented us all with lots of challenges, some anticipated, some not. Estate Agency has undoubtedly been tested and thanks to our top team and fabulous colleagues we are slowly coming out the other side. The market is good and we are so pleased to have been able to continue to support our customers throughout these trying times and now as we evolve, turn their dreams into reality. We are a forward thinking business and have adapted very quickly in order to future proof our company.

I am sure like us the industry is slowly getting back to the “New Normal” and I really hope that you, my connections and your loved ones are safe and well.

At Arun we have been so fortunate to have been supported throughout this crisis with regular communication from our MDs, circulation of ideas to keep us all fit and healthy (mentally and physically), a dedicated and free 24 hour employee assistance helpline and the top team taking a pay cut so our colleagues received 100% of their pay for the first 3 months and 90% for the months of June and July. The reaction to this has been amazing - “Superb – the team at the top have always been pure class” – “Other estate agents should take note….” – “As always Arun leads by example!” – “Amazing, what an employer, speaks volumes” and these are just a few. Commissions were paid throughout to all (together with an alternative productivity deal option for which the greater sum was paid for those working) and so it is really times like this that you really learn about the people you work with and with the message “it is ok not to be ok” has really made us feel valued and respected.

With very little warning, I am sure you agree, it was a rather manic few days to get back into operation! Safety first was a mantra that we really bought into and had prepared in advance for. We provided comprehensive guides for the operation of our branches and how to work safely both in branch and in our customers’ homes. Gloves, hand sanitisers and face visors were made available very quickly together with the relevant social distancing equipment. Virtual valuations and tours were introduced rapidly during Lock Down and it does make us wonder if this will become a standard and/or expected option for estate agency moving forward?

We know we are fortunate working for the company we do, especially when we hear some of our industry colleagues working for our competitors have not been so lucky. We so hope you are not one of these, but if you would like to discuss any future options then we are here for you. Feel free to direct message me or email us at [email protected] should you wish to have an off the record chat (and completely confidential of course).

We really are a Arun Family. (Wards, Cubitt & West, Douglas Allen and Pittis).


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