Moving Towards Better Chronic Disease Management

Moving Towards Better Chronic Disease Management

Ontario’s Kinesiology Edge

Roughly two in three Ontarians have one or more chronic conditions – but the province’s experts in human movement can help.

Kinesiologists, regulated health professions in Ontario, use the science of clinical exercise and human movement to help prevent and manage chronic conditions. Addressing these ailments is of increasing importance: Just four chronic conditions caused three in four Ontario deaths and drove $10.5 billion in costs to our health care system.

How effective can exercise be? Very – in some cases, as effective as medication or other therapies. For instance, at least 50% of diabetes cases can be prevented by structured lifestyle interventions focused on diet and exercise. Yet many diabetes educators report feeling ill-equipped to give patients the personalized exercise guidance they need.

That unfamiliarity is the case for many front-line practitioners. Studies show that, while more exercise would improve health and reduce mortality, physicians often struggle to help patients get moving. They face competing demands on their time, a lack of tools, and limitations in knowledge. They may understand the benefits of exercise, but lack the specialized experience to build a plan for someone with a particular condition or impairment.

Kinesiologists fill that gap. Not only do Kinesiologists specialize in the way the body moves, they train to assess the specific needs and capabilities of each client. A Kinesiologist can design plans tailored to meet specific health needs, then provide coaching and guidance to help clients meet their health goals.

Kinesiology can fit in across the health care system. In fact, the Public Health Agency of Canada says that exercise can help prevent and manage more than 25 physical and mental health conditions. These include some of the most common conditions affecting Ontarians, like diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, depression, anxiety and hypertension. It can even help prevent certain types of cancers, like colon, prostate and breast cancer.

For health professionals, integrating Kinesiology can be as simple as making a referral. For multidisciplinary teams, adding a Kinesiologist can unlock a new and effective care pathway, easing the human resources burden on other members of the team.

The coaching method of Kinesiologists has clear benefits. Coaching programs have been shown to improve blood sugar, systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, and lifestyle factors like calorie impact and steps per day. There is a broad medical consensus that physical activity yields wide-ranging benefits – and Kinesiologists are the regulated experts in harnessing those benefits for improved health.

Kinesiologists are ready to help move Ontario towards better health. For medical professionals, look for a Kin near you to make a referral – and if you’re a patient, ask your doctor to refer you.


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