Moving on - a swirl of emotions!
Foto von Denis Cherkashin auf Unsplash

Moving on - a swirl of emotions!

In our professional and personal growth, there are moments where we make decisions who lead into the process of separation. These transitions, while necessary for growth often bring a swirl of complex emotions.

I am in such a process, as so might some colleagues and business partners. After working through difficult days together and having mastered over various challenges, achieving a turnaround, the time of collecting the fruits came. Yet, I’ve made the decision to move on. Despite this, being a conscious choice, the process of letting go is touching my heart. As you will also know, that no matter how clear or purposeful a decision may be, the act of separating from something or someone always brings with it a mix of emotions.

Letting go isn’t merely about closing a chapter; it’s about recognizing the significance of the journey shared and honoring the people who were part of it. Colleagues with whom we laughed a lot even though it was sometimes more for crying ??, leaders who did their best to support and maneuver??through rough times??, challenges we withstanded together ??, team members who have grown beyond themselves ?? and everything that goes with it! Some connections will stay with us, new friendships and new coachees, lasting well beyond our professional encounters. Others may fade naturally, each leaving its unique imprint on our lives. It is about respecting the past and about welcoming the future. It’s about valuing every interaction and acknowledging that each relationship, whether it continues or not, has played a role in our growth, just as we have been a part of others' journeys ?.

As I navigate this transition, I am reminded of the importance of moving forward with grace and empathy. Everyone experiences separation in their own way - some may feel and express anger, others gratitude, and still others inspiration. It’s a process that requires respect - for ourselves and for those who have played a role in our story. I am grateful and move forward with gratitude and an open??.

I am looking forward to go soon into a 3 months break and enjoy beloveds family and friends first and after that go for exploring new cultures, adventures and countries nature - target not set yet ?? let`s see what comes up from the inner, the range right now is from Canada to Lapland to the Caribbean islands ??! I enjoy these breaks min. every 2 years, for relaxation purpose as well as for deep reflection and have managed to do so, since I am in my own business!

When was the last time, that you reflected deeply ?

#Leadership #EmotionalIntelligence #Mindfulness


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