Moving on
“There will come a time when one will have to forget all that one has learned.”
From today I have dropped all the rituals, code of conduct, techniques (mantra, breath work, etc) I have previously used to experience a glimpse of the no-mind. These rituals and techniques helped in giving me a taste of my true existence which has been a motivator so far but these practices are no longer required. Make no misunderstanding that I no longer believe in them. I do and I will continue to use these tools to teach the students as and when required.?
I only choose to discontinue these for myself especially at this juncture of my journey. The realisation is that as long as I followed the rituals and techniques, my mind was quiet and controlled but the minute I was out of it, my mind was all over. These thoughts were dormant only during the practices i.e when the mind was one-pointed and obviously I don't want to be doing these techniques 24x7. There must be a better way to progress from here on. Hence, I drop them all today.?
From here on, I let go all the various ways of meditation techniques that I have learnt and focus only on ‘awareness’ by questioning the fundamental existential question; “who am I?”
The journal entries and memos from here on will reflect the glimpses of the same.
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