Last week in New York City, a group of very enterprising young women, starting with Alex Bass of SALON21 on Greene Street in NYC, whose art gallery features up and coming artists as well as a very innovative approach to exhibition hosted Franco-Quebecker artist Morgane Richer La Fleche and British ceramicist Janie Korn.
On November 22, a group of musicians and actresses joined Morgane for a Puppetry and Patisserie show that choreographed the CAT WIFE, an exhibition whose art "plays" on les Fables de La Fontaine story about the man who fell in love with his cat and asked for the feline to be turned into a female....loaded!!!
The talent in the room and the energized creativity from the attendees truly harkened to the heady days of artistic salons of Paris in the roaring Belle Epoque.....a movement is starting and it combines entrepreneurship, creativity, music, performance and art that moves ideas and people.