Moving from Work Pressure to Work Pleasure!!!
Dr. Pratik P. SURANA
Chief Mentor and Founder | Podcaster Developing Emotional Intelligence for Talent Growth. A critical Thinker, a devil's advocate Business Strategy and Business Culture Evangelist. Coach
Moving from Work Pressure to Work Pleasure?
Being Happy @ Work
Article by Dr. Pratik P. SURANA
Chief Mentor and Founder
Quantum Group worldwide
Skype: pratiksqicpl
Lisa was falling behind at work. Every morning she woke up nervous about the workday ahead of her. Every evening she went home thinking of all the tasks she hadn’t gotten around to.
Lisa is a 35-year old engineer and project manager at a Danish IT company. With business booming, keeping up had become a struggle – she felt she had to run really fast, to just to stay in place.
With her in-box overflowing and people all around her clamouring for assistance on their projects, she started to look at various productivity tools and systems and quickly settled on the one she’d use. As is typical for Lisa, once she’s decided to do something, she does it, and with new ways of tracking time, improved short-listed and prioritizing her work, she did notice that she was getting more work done.
But she still felt, that she could be more productive. While she was thinking about her next step, it struck her: Some of what she did, she hated doing.
While she generally enjoyed her job, especially helping people plan their projects and advising them on the best ways to move forward, some of her tasks were administrative in nature. Tracking progress, updating various statics, generating reports, etc.… . They didn’t take up that much of her time – but they were a lot less fun. Let’s face it: to Lisa, they were boring as hell.
She talked to her boss about it, and they decided to give those tasks to a project secretary. This freed up a little time for Lisa, but mostly it allowed her to work on those parts of her job that she really liked. Consequently Lisa became a lot happier at work – and THAT’S when her productivity sky-rocketed. Now she had the energy to connect with her people and the creativity to think up and implement new ideas. Instead of feeling stressed and harried, she was optimistic and positive.
While her productivity system had definitely helped her get more done, the productivity boost she got from being happy at work was many times bigger. Lisa is now working way less hours – and getting much more done. And most importantly, she’s enjoying work a lot more!
If you want to get more done at work, the productivity gurus out there will tell you that it’s all about having the right system. You need to prioritize your tasks, you must keep detailed logs of how you spend your time, short-listed are of course essential, you must learn to structure your calendar and much, much more.
But that’s not where you should start. You should start by liking what you do.
The single most efficient way to increase your productivity is to be happy at work. No system, tool or methodology in the world can beat the productivity boost you get from really, really enjoying your work.
I’m not knocking all the traditional productivity advice out there – it’s not that it’s bad or deficient. It’s just that when you apply it in a job that basically doesn’t make you happy, you’re trying to fix something at a surface level when the problem goes much deeper.
Here are the 10 most important reasons why happiness at work is the #1 productivity booster.
1: Happy people work better with others
Happy people are a lot more fun to be around and consequently have better relations at work. This translates into:
? Better teamwork with your colleagues
? Better employee relations if you’re a manager
? More satisfied customers if you’re in a service job
? Improved sales if you’re a sales person
2: Happy people are more creative
If your productivity depends on being able to come up with new ideas, you need to be happy at work. :
If people are in a good mood on a given day, they’re more likely to have creative ideas that day, as well as the next day, even if we take into account their mood that next day.
There seems to be a cognitive process that gets set up when people are feeling good that leads to more flexible, fluent, and original thinking, and there’s actually a carry over, an incubation effect, to the next day.
3: Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them
When you don’t like your job, every molehill looks like a mountain. It becomes difficult to fix any problem without agonizing over it or complaining about it first. When you’re happy at work and you run into a snafu – you just fix it.
4: Happy people have more energy
Happy people have more energy and are therefore more efficient at everything they do.
5: Happy people are more optimistic
Happy people have a more positive, optimistic outlook, and as research shows (particularly Martin Seligman’s work in positive psychology), optimists are way more successful and productive. It’s the old saying “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re probably right” all over again.
6: Happy people are way more motivated
Low motivation means low productivity, and the only sustainable, reliable way to be motivated at work is to be happy and like what you do.
7: Happy people get sick less often
Getting sick is a productivity killer and if you don’t like your job you’re more prone to contract a long list of diseases including ulcers, cancer and diabetes. You’re also more prone to workplace stress and burnout.
One study assessed the impact of job strain on the health of 21,290 female nurses in the US and found that the women most at risk of ill health were those who didn’t like their jobs. The impact on their health was a great as that associated with smoking and sedentary lifestyles (source).
8: Happy people learn faster
When you’re happy and relaxed, you’re much more open to learning new things at work and thereby increasing your productivity.
9: Happy people worry less about making mistakes – and consequently make fewer mistakes
When you’re happy at work the occasional mistake doesn’t bother you much. You pick yourself up, learn from it and move on. You also don’t mind admitting to others that you screwed up – you simply take responsibility, apologize and fix it. This relaxed attitude means that less mistakes are made, and that you’re more likely to learn from them.
10: Happy people make better decisions
Unhappy people operate in permanent crisis mode. Their focus narrows, they lose sight of the big picture, their survival instincts kick in and they’re more likely to make short-term, here-and-now choices. Conversely, happy people make better, more informed decisions and are better able to prioritize their work.
The upshot
Think back to a situation where you felt that you were at peak performance. A situation where your output was among the highest and best it’s ever been. I’m willing to bet that you were working at something that made you happy. Something that you loved doing.
There’s a clear link between happiness at work and productivity. This only leaves the question of causation: Does being productive make us happy or does being happy make us productive? The answer is, of course, yes! The link goes both ways.
But the link is strongest from happiness to productivity – which means that it if you want to be more productive, the very best thing you can do is focus on being happy with what you do?
It’s easy to assume that certain professions are inherently meaningful—maybe doctors, teachers, Accountants — but it turns out that meaningfulness is often in the eye of the beholder, as many burned-out doctors, teachers, and ministers might tell you. Your career might contain more meaning than you realize—or you can infuse it with meaning if you choose to do so.
One strategy for finding meaning in your work (or finding an ideal new career) can be found In Chapter 7, “Happiness in the Workplace.” Ben-Shahar suggests that to increase happiness at work (and/or identify work which would better suit your personality) you need to take some time to analyse three aspects of your work: meaning, pleasure, and strengths. Specifically, ask yourself:
? What gives me meaning? Where do I find purpose in what I’m doing?
? What gives me pleasure? What do I enjoy?
? What are my strengths? What am I good at?
You can jot down the immediate responses that come to mind, but try to take a few days to ponder these questions and add to your lists for each area. Then see if there are creative ways to combine your responses to either add value to your present work, or perhaps find the clues to a new or different career. How can your answers to the three questions intersect with one another to create micro changes (small strategies you could try at work) or macro changes (new career ideas)?
For example, suppose your top strengths are creativity, strategic thinking, communication and organization. You enjoy playing golf, watching classic movies, playing with your children and barbecuing on the weekends. And then let’s say you get your meaning from completing tasks on time, solving problems, helping others, and leading groups. How could those three areas intersect? If you're a manager, could you host a BBQ at your home as part of a brainstorming session with your team? If you do a lot of PR/sales work, schedule a golf outing with key clients. What problems could you help solve at a non-profit agency serving children? How could you mentor younger staff to help them better organize their work?
Another strategy for finding meaning in your life and work comes from the companion CD set to the book, The Happiness Advantage. Author Shawn Achor suggests an activity he calls “The Doubler.” Each day for 21 days you simply take two minutes to write down every detail of something that was meaningful that day. It doesn’t have to have deep meaning or be life-changing— it might just be the time you spent reading a bedtime story to your child, the five minutes you took to listen to a colleague’s troubles at work, or the inspirational movie you just watched. Doing the Doubler (so named because it “doubles” your appreciation/acknowledgement of a meaningful activity) forces you to pause and positively reflect on your day.
Try this activity for at least two weeks (Achor recommends 21 days minimum) and then look over what you’ve written. Is there a pattern? Where does the meaning in your life come from? If it’s not from your work, is there a way you could begin to incorporate meaning into your work? For instance, if you find your meaning primarily comes from relationships, can you engage more fully with people at work? Can you be more social, go out to lunch more or have coffee with colleagues?
Take some time to ponder the presence of strengths, meaning, and pleasure in your work. Be sure to read more about job crafting to learn how you can rework your job without leaving it, and see if you can cultivate the habit of finding the calling in what you’re currently doing— developing this mindset will increase the likelihood that you will be happier in your current employment and even happier with any future employment as well.
So how do you get to be happy at work? There are two ways, really:
1. Get happy in the job you have. There are about a million things you can do to improve your work situation – provided you choose to do something, rather than wait for someone else to come along and do it for you.
2. Find a new job where you can be happy. If your current job is not fixable, don’t wait – move on now!
The Free Press Journal
8 年Very Nice ... Thanks for great post
Head Learning & Development | Training & Development Expert | Training Need Identification | Training Need Analysis | Content Development | Training Effectiveness | Maximizing Organizational Potential
8 年Well said. True..... Only happy people can become great performers.
Optometrist I Business Strategy-Managing Innovations (Freelance) | Commercial Society/ Commercial Building-Facilities Management Consultant (Project Based - Freelancer)
8 年Happy to read..Thanks for sharing Happiness