Moving from institutional to home or community-based care
Alt text: a woman's hand on the knob of a front door. The door is paneled and painted a vintage white.

Moving from institutional to home or community-based care

"Any way to be at home is the best. This program has given us a second chance.”

The Money Follows the Person Demonstration, established in 2005, has long been a source of funding for states that want to develop and test the processes and infrastructure needed to help people move from institutional care to home- or community-based services. The MFP Demonstration recently had a resurgence in funding, and Mathematica’s second evaluation?of the demonstration revealed states’ successes in the recently released Report to Congress?on best practices.

Key findings from the report provide a road map covering four key areas:

  • successful transitions to the community
  • person-centered planning
  • financial incentives
  • understanding and addressing health disparities

Learn more in a new blog from Mathematica's Victoria I. Peebles , Dayna Gallagher , Noelle Denny-Brown , and Jessica Ross .



