Moving Forward After the Election
Today we live in the age of the disruptor where the conventional rules and expectations do not apply. That creates dramatic and dynamic change.
Today a portion of this country is waking up very happy with the Election results. Another portion is hurt and terrified. And the majority of both sides of those groups and the rest of the electorate is saying, "What next?"
Today I am reminded of our national motto, "E pluribus unum" - "Out of many, one." That is the charge of our Republic. It is the challenge that Ben Franklin offered to us when he answered when he replied, "If we could keep it."
We need to work together. We need to stop the hate and rage. We need to take moments to see the world from different perspectives before we quickly pass judgments. We need to learn how to respect one another again. We need less labels and less name-calling. We need less hate and more care.
And we should not be leaving anyone behind regardless of who they are, what they believe, what their job is, or where they are from.
In short, we need each other.
My prayers are with our new President, his family and his team. We need them to be successful.
My prayers are also with Sec. Clinton, her family and her team. We need them to be a part of the process.
We can be a more perfect Union, if WE want to be.
That is up to us. I think we should get started.