Moving Experiences
Paul J. Croft
Facilitating Authentic Conversations by Education, Transformation, & Science (Living FACETS)
One never moves; another is moving for a 12th time. Whether for #Career or #Family, each accumulates a collection of #Memories along the paths taken. In any case, the gathering of #Experience along the way offers the #Wisdom of #Insight and can create a productive #Mindset that promotes re-creation. More than #Emotional or #Analytic, the significance of #Moving is found within the selected #Direction (or lack) of movement. The point to consider is whether the movement is one of #Indifference or moving ‘In different’ directions.
-- At #Work, is there ‘Indifference' to #Change or is it about going ‘In different’ directions? --
Moving processes take time, include collateral damage, and contain #Challenges within #Opportunity. During implementation there is often one clear focus that defines directions, #Benefits, and #Outcomes; and even #Dreams. Yet, the reality is a process of fracturing that impacts all aspects in #Management of the move (or change) and in the #Life of each #Employee – just as it does among Family and #Friends. Without taking such sentiments into account, the balance of #Success and #Failure tilts – and jilts – the #People involved.
Step 1 – Is there Indifference to the Direction (not) taken?
Whether #Manager or #Staff – about #Productivity and #Profits, or #Effectiveness – justification is irrelevant. More importantly, is there an air of Indifference in the #Workspaces to move ‘In different’ directions? That lack of #Investment breeds concern and potentially #Revolt and #Retribution. A mentality of division, directives, and dissociation that allows festering and growth of dissatisfaction and quickly magnifies consequences of the smallest of actions. Clinical approaches operate well within machinery, algorithms, and logistics – but they ignore manifestation of #Impacts among many #Workforce members – and their #Emotional attachments.
-- What binds a #Team or #Project is not?Indifference, but personal #Motivation --
A lack of #Engagement – as in a #Classroom of #Students with an aloof #Teacher – yields an unsupportive group unwilling to consider new ideas. It is not simply critical review, suspicion, skepticism or naysaying of new or even old directions and methods, it is the lack of #Collaboration among #Colleagues in formulating the manner of the moving experience itself. Without involvement, there is an Indifference to the missing elements of each internal (personal) process necessary for achieving the Direction taken – or not. A desired #Innovation is bound to the personal #Landscape modified according to the collective Moving Experiences of the members.
Step 2 – Understand that moving ‘In different directions’ is Valuable
Agreement is best when mutual. Yet agreement is not merely a listing of points for which all parties agree when moving a proposition or program forward. The ‘terms of service’ of any #Contract defines the obligations, limitations, and consequences of various actions and changes – including intended directions and inherent protections. These recognize that the purposes (intents) of the parties are ‘in different directions’ and account for what they allow, preclude, and manage. The #TOS are not #Loyalty or #Opposition, they are to help define the sponsored #Environment with applicable (and important) #Boundaries, #Playground #Rules, #Goals, and #Regulations.
-- What binds an Agreement & makes it Valuable? The individual partners--
Moving Motivations selected by individuals create #Pathways ‘in different directions’ that make for a more robust Change and incorporates #Experiences of those involved. The #Value is derived from the group of individuals that share #Purpose rooted in understanding of the #Processes necessary – even as parameters evolve with time and circumstance. Use of this unbounded #Resource makes for self-evolving mechanisms that drive #Progress without #Gaslighting, #Indoctrination, #Indictment, or #Legal Action. It acknowledges and promotes a #System that constantly generates a #Future rather than never-ending skirmishes and feuds.
Step 3 – ‘Final Destination’ – Unlimited & Worthwhile Formation
Arguments against Agreement, from #Management (or the #CSuite), often suggest the approach is a ‘too loosely federated’ group of #Workers with worries of a #LoneWolf or general #Chaos (or a few seeking #Martyrdom). Such a negative #Attitude belies a lack of #Faith in others and their sense of what #Control truly implies on the #Job or in #Assessment. The “Bigger Question” to answer is – What new #Perspectives from ‘Moving Experiences’ will be ignored or lost, aside from on-the-job #Professional #Development and #Morale? If those are not worth the time and #Risk, why bother moving forward with old or new directions at all?
-- Moving ‘In different directions' is overall #Growth & #Transformation with #Maturation --
There are always #Emotional, #Physical, and #Career responses when moving ‘in different’ directions. Why not harness these openly to distill #Hopes, #Fears, #Pitfalls, and #Expectations of all involved from the beginning of the process? A #Spectator learns much about a #Sport just by watching. Anybody can learn a #Skill by doing plus practice and repetition. A #Pro earns #Strategy by recent and past encounters. The Professional practices drills in readiness, not for #StatusQuo situations or flawless #Performance, but in learning to expect variability – and the value of nuance. That is not Indifference or Contempt, but Challenge and #Leadership.
How does your “Bigger Y” consider and respond to Moving Experiences?
Reflection Assessment Motivations Purpose: Understanding Personal Segues (RAMP-UPS)
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NOTE: For ‘Moving Experiences’ some may add #Relationships #Love #Friendship & even #Valentines. Many would add the #Death or #Funeral of loved-ones, troubling or harrowing incidents, and stressful situations. Whether a Victim of #Disasters #Hazards #Crime #Abuse or other unpleasant and life-changing scenarios, these imprint upon and alter the responses of anyone to #Pain and #Confrontation. It is in the #Living thereafter that we find the depth of #Impact and can provide #Counsel to others when sharing personal #Suffering – and thus offer #Lamentations in Support of others – we must.
Background and Information:
Paul J. Croft on LI & ResearchGate
The content herein, and the views and opinions expressed by the author, are intended ("bona fides") for educational and personal use and are part of the author's intellectual property. All information posted is without any guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content or any summations expressed. The information herein is provided on an "as is" basis, is not a substitute for professional or paid advice or guidance and may be used at the user's own risk. All rights reserved.
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