Moving Dreams Towards Reality
Louise Pearson
Grief Counsellor/Gestalt Psychotherapist/Mental Health Social Worker in private Practice
You may recall that recently, I was talking about that uncomfortable feeling associated with the "what nexts" that we sometimes have and being in that place of knowing that we need to do something, but not feeling quite sure of what that something might look like. Well, an extension of the "what next" feeling, can be that sense of impatience that you have, when you actually do know what it is that you want to do, but the road from dream to reality seems awfully long.?
I've been having that feeling a bit myself lately. Recently you see, I've been planning some renovations at my house. To my mind, they're a great idea, and I can't wait to see the finished product, however the work that has gone into them, just in the planning, has been extensive.?I've needed to find the right builders, get quotes, have plans drawn up and permits sought, to look at how I would finance my project, and so on! The tasks felt never-ending, and as I went through the process of completing them, I had no idea whether or not my plans would actually be feasible.??
Well on this occasion, I've been lucky.?Finally, there are people in my backyard, and the work has begun. The place is unrecognizable in ways, and of a sudden, something which I could previously only visualise in my mind and explain to other people, is starting to take shape.?Of course all of that planning has now become worthwhile, and with it, comes a sense of relief and of excitement.??
Now this one I know, is only a small example of a dream that I am working towards. Dreams come in all shapes and sizes ... it might be that you are saving for a house, planning a wedding, wanting to be a first-time parent, looking for a new job or planning a trip overseas. No matter the size and scope of your dream,?I think that the reality is that making plans, is something that we all need to do.?Having a dream enlivens us.?It gives us something to strive for and to look forward to.?It might at times be challenging, exciting, infuriating or disappointing, but it gives us a sense of purpose.?
As I reflect on this, I want to draw your attention to one thing.?My building works are nowhere near complete as yet.?My backyard is currently impenetrable. My decking is gone, stepping out is made hazardous by bricks and mud and there is as yet no sign of the pool which will be here in a matter of weeks. Still, I've lost that feeling of "this feels huge". I've taken some significant steps along the road to this small dream, and I'm invigorated again, sure that it will happen. It has reminded me anew of how important those steps are, towards our dreams, and how we can help ourselves to stay on track by celebrating each win, each step taken.??
So, if you are setting out towards a four-year degree for example and feeling like you'll never reach the end of it, allowing yourself to celebrate passing just one unit of the twelve that your degree requires, can help to keep you focused. That one step has been negotiated successfully; it's under your belt.?Alternatively, It might feel like you'll never have the money together for that holiday, but visiting the places online and imagining yourself there, can help you to stay with that savings goal.?The bottom line is that if you're feeling hopeless, (which we all can do from time to time as we chase dreams), it might help to remember that it's the small steps that get us there.?Try Breaking them down into bite-sized chunks, so that you have more achievements to recognise along the way.?Write them out in a list if you are a lists person as am I, just to tick them off and mark your progress.?Alternatively, put them, and other dreams that you are working towards, as one of my clients does, on a whiteboard next to your bed. That way you see them every day. Remember also, that it's as easy to remind yourself of the progress that you have made, as it is to tell yourself that it'll never happen.?
Have a great week everyone. Keep working towards those dreams, big or small, and in whatever you are doing, stay safe, and as always, stay connected.??