Moving bees across a lagoon
I have now moved bees into the garden at Oceania House. This may sound like a simple task, however on these Cocos Keeling islands, it takes a community and a lot of impressive kit to move a single colony across the lagoon!
I had split Jack & Johnny’s wild bees from the wooden hive into one of the modern Apimaye hives that I am using for this project. A few weeks later and they were seemingly well and with an abundance of new eggs and brood. Plans to move them across the lagoon began. Although it’s only 9 kilometers, the prevailing wind is from the East, blowing any bees that would attempt the crossing, back to West Island. I’d undertaken much soul searching on the ethics of moving this colony. I am against moving bees from one area to another. In the UK, there are so many bees, managed and wild that simply placing a bait hive in your garden is enough to get it populated by local bees.
I knew that honeybees had been managed and wild here since the 1940s, although no one could tell me when the bees disappeared. I weighed up the pros and cons and decided I couldn’t heal with bees here without any bees!
I get numerous emails and messages from people all around the world telling me the ‘bees have gone’ and living here for two months on a small island with absolutely NO bees, is very unnerving. There is an abundance of butterflies, dragonflies, wasps ( three species at least), beetles, cockroaches, moths, birds and grasshoppers. Neighbouring islands unveiled hidden species of bees, carpenter, sweat bees and perhaps a stingless bee, as well as honeybees.
This really challenged my belief as to bees spiritual nature. I was told by someone once on one of my tours that bees had disappeared on a number of occasions through history, proven by gaps in fossils recovered. This confirmed to me a believe that honeybees are in deed beings of the fifth dimensional realms. I’d been considering this for a few years now, tentatively mentioning it when safely in groups of like minded, or at least sympathetic people. Whilst we had our few days break in Bali, I had a dream that I publicly stated that bees were 5th dimensional beings and that is why they are disappearing from our 3 dimensional world today, and in my dream that resulted in a million new followers on my social media accounts!! Rather than launch my thoughts on Facebook, I did record a podcast episode all about this and explained the 3rd, 4th and 5th perception of realities and why it’s relevant to us, and bees. It’s always easier to speak into a microphone with an invisible audience! As ‘selfless beings’ fully aware that everything is connected, they epitomise the characteristics of a 5th dimensional being and to me at least it makes sense that they would not wish to exist in a world of division, hatred, exploitation and poisons.
Why then would bees disappear from this seemingly perfect paradise in the Indian Ocean? These questions led me down some of the deepest self exploration and development yet in my 55 years. My naive belief that we could turn up here, have bees easily then use them to help heal the land and its people from generations of trauma whilst filming a documentary, all without any problems, were soon brought to reality.
Life was getting SO extremely difficult here, ‘everything was a challenge’, in my business back in the UK, and all aspects of life here. Our documentary plans were moving further away from ‘My Octopus teacher’ and to more of the trials and tribulations of ‘Clarkson’s farm’ leading me to realise we needed help!
Enter Kathryn Vere, a life path land and property clearer who I had met several months earlier through a business mastermind. I hadn’t quite understood what she did when we first met, then just when I was at the lowest point, she shared a link to her latest podcast episode, which I listened to.
Only a few minutes in I understood that we needed her help and so we employed her to work on this land and property for us.
I share the details in my membership and on my podcast, so I won’t go into details here, other than this land and property were indeed locked in a cycle of trauma, grief, and more blocks than I can mention. Over the following month we worked with Kathryn and the transformation has been extraordinary. Only the day after our first session on line ( and a week of her doing the remote work) I was able to smoothly move the small split colony from West Island to Home Island. I needed Greg to accompany me and film the process, we then had to wrap up the hive, secure to a pallet, then a crane lifted it more gently than I could ever have imagined onto a barge. Then we slowly chugged across the lagoon, the bees were hoisted using another crane onto the back of our truck, then we drove them to the back garden and carefully unloaded them.
A few weeks in and they are settled. As with children, bees always give you something to worry about! ‘Will a queen manage to find a drone congregation area to mate?’ ‘Is there sufficient forage?’ After they ignored all the abundantly flowering calophyllum trees surrounding them. They are still the calmest bees I’ve ever worked with, and I am very excited to announce that a small swarm in a frangipani tree needs moving from West island, and so the process of moving will happen again, increasing my drones and fertilised queens to Home island. for Podcast & membership details