Moving America from Chaos to Order: The Fix
Doris Perdue-Johnson
Chief Trainer at GeniusCore Training and Author of "Business Architecture for Kingdom Ambassadors"
America is in chaos because of a complex array of social, political, economic, and cultural factors. The glaring symptom is divisive politics with identity politics playing a strong force in the problems. Identity politics is the practice of advocating for the interests and perspectives of specific social groups, such as those based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. This political process seeks equality and recognition. Polarization between parties creates gridlock and conflict with no solutions in view. In addition to the real differences, the media stirs in more confusion with misinformation and fake news. Social media plays a big part in this confusion and misinformation. This leaves the American public perplexed and distrustful. Politically, Republicans have become more conservative, taking a more Traditionalists philosophy and Democrats have become more liberal, taking a more Modernists philosophy.?
Obviously, there are Traditionalists and Modernists in both parties. I am generalizing here for effect. Many Democrats are Traditionalists at heart and find themselves following the Modernists way unaware. If they looked deeply into some of the policies that are being promoted, they would be devastated.? Americans increasingly consume news from sources that align with their political beliefs, such as Fox News for conservatives and MSNBC for liberals. This selective exposure reinforces existing views and deepens philosophical divides. Social media platforms often create an”Ideological Bubble” where users are exposed primarily to information and opinions that confirm their preexisting beliefs. Algorithms that prioritize engagement often amplify polarizing content. This just increases the chaos. Surveys on key issues, such as immigration and gun control show that Republicans and Democrats do not agree on the basic facts or real solutions to anything…chaos.
Some of the economic factors affecting American chaos are income equality, the job market changes, and the cost of living that keeps rising. The income gap between the wealthy and the rest of the population has grown significantly over the past few decades. The top 1% of earners have seen their incomes rise substantially, while middle- and lower-income households have experienced stagnation or modest gains.This growing inequality has led to? social and political tensions, as many Americans feel they are left behind by the economic system. This has contributed to a sense of economic insecurity and disillusionment. The rising cost of living is a factor in creating chaos in America. Housing costs, especially in major cities, have risen significantly, making it difficult for many Americans to afford rent or home ownership. This has led to housing insecurity, homelessness, and increased financial stress for millions of people. On top of that, the cost of healthcare and higher education has risen dramatically, burdening families with debt and making it harder for individuals to achieve economic mobility. These rising costs have strained household budgets and increased economic inequality, fueling frustration and discontent.
What can Americans do? First, we need to realize what is actually happening to our country, then make appropriate corrections. The real conflict is not between Democrats and Republicans. The real conflict is between two opposing philosophies of life. The philosophies are Modernist and Traditionalist. Modernists view reality as subjective and fragmented, often emphasizing innovation, experimentation, and a break from traditional norms in religion, art, literature, and culture. Whereas, Traditionalists emphasize the preservation of established customs, values, religion, and social norms, often promoting change through the lens of established values and honoring continuity with the past. So first, we must clarify our own personal philosophy of life. Is it a totally subjective choice based on individual desires and an ever changing variety of morals or is it based on something bigger than we are…a Universal Order?
With a little investigation, you can see the effects of the Modernist philosophy. That is where the chaos is most prevalent. There is no established order with the Modernist philosophy. Anything you want at the time goes. A variety of moral systems are acceptable. You can just be what you want to be and do what you want to do with no boundaries. There can never be order and harmony with this philosophy. However, this is the philosophy taking rule over America at this time in history. Traditionalists have an opposing view. They honor the customs, values, religion and social norms that has helped us lead the world. The solution for the political, economic, and cultural polarization we are experiencing is to remember our Founding Fathers, who were Traditionalists, then follow their lead. They honored a Universal Order, a Super Intelligence, that helped them establish order and make critical decisions. They believed in God and the supremacy of the Bible and the order it defines.?
If you think about it just a little bit you will realize that any important entity such as an organization or a nation requires order or it will be destroyed from the inside. America needs order. It needs the order that has made us the greatest country on earth. America must quickly move away from the Modernists view and steer itself back to an orderly path, the path that brings success. We must become Traditionalists again and maintain our status as the greatest nation on earth. The prevailing political, economic and cultural problems will be resolved as we look to our Super Intelligence (who manages things humans cannot) and the operation manual He has given us.