Moving Ahead Mutual Mentoring programme for Capita
This month, we have been marking Black History Month (BHM) which celebrates the rich history of black people across the world.
At Capita, we are committed to being a purpose-led and socially responsible business. Our purpose is to create better outcomes for all, and that means accelerating the pace of change to be truly inclusive. BHM is an important opportunity for us to do so, and so Capita colleagues have dedicated time to sharing experiences, encouraging conversations and taking time to learn about other cultures through food, music, books, podcasts and films. There have been activities for everyone to get involved with and I have enjoyed seeing how creative colleagues have been in celebrating black culture despite the challenges presented by remote working or social distancing.
Black History Month has provided a great platform for colleagues to educate themselves and raise their awareness to issues facing so many of our colleagues every day. But we need to make systemic changes to be able to meet our commitments to tackle racism and anti-black behaviour and enhance ethnic diversity in Capita.
I am very proud to announce that Government Services is piloting the Moving Ahead Mutual Mentoring programme for Capita and this month marks its official launch. We have invited BAME colleagues from across the organisation to apply to be mentors for a range of mentees from our senior leadership teams. I am delighted to be taking part in the programme personally and have already had a couple of informal sessions, which have been fantastic - informative, energising and thought provoking.
It is vital that, as leaders, we live out our company’s values every day. But it is also important to remember that we will never be perfect leaders – there is always more to learn, more to experience and more we can do to make change enabling better outcomes for all.