A Movie-Streaming Site That DOESN'T Require Credit Cards?
A Movie-Streaming Site That DOESN'T Require Credit Cards?
There are several movies that I want to watch online, but every site I go to asks for my credit card when I sign up. If I try to skip it, it tells me to fill out the entire form. I don't have a credit card. So, can someone please recommend a movie-streaming site that doesn't require me to have a credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolutions.info
Can someone recommend an online lender for someone with no credit?
Can someone recommend an online lender for someone with no credit?
How could she afford health insurance?
I asked a few more questions and found out that the $700 policy she can't afford includes pregnancy coverage and well baby care for the first year(?) of the baby's life. She thinks that this is required by state law. Afaik, the same state law does not require similar coverage for policies sold to men; if true that's pretty blatent sexism."
"To find out your credit score,?"
why isin't it free anymore, or easier? I used to check with my Washingto Mutual (wamu) credit card website, you could just go on and find out your score there, along w/ your acct. info. Now, you have to sign up for scketchy looking sites, and a few make u put in your credit card info. (I didin't.) Does anyone know why it changed, (Chase doesn't allow you to check your score from the credit card bureaus.) and what's a good, free and extremely secure site? Thank you."
"Any sex partner finder sites (UK), where I don't need to enter my credit card details to view messages?"
I've tried several sex-partner sites, but all of them seem to ask for credit card details when I want to read my messages or send them... Do you know about a completely free one? thank you."
How to buy a car with no credit?
So, I'm 22 years old & I need a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car because my brother is going off to college next year, which is understandable. I've only been on my current job for about 6 months so far. What's the best way for me to buy myself a car with absolutely no credit? I only make around $400 a month so how would I also get a cheap payment? What options do I have with most dealerships and/or my bank? With my bank I only have an ATM card for my direct deposits, so I haven't tried to build my credit yet."
Going in to bankruptcy?
Im going court on Monday to file myself as bankrupt. I have outstanding debts from when i owed a pub but was trying to manage them and pay off everything. (from 2009) I received a letter the other week saying someone was claiming against me (slip trip) even though the pub was closed at the time and i know this is a false claim. As the pub was struggling and i was trying to save money i stupidly did not have public liability. After getting advice and not owning anything i was advised to go bankrupt. and told not to contact them untill id done so. Do i need to mention this when filing for bankruptcy?
Can you declare bankruptcy and include an old IRS tax debt?
Can you declare bankruptcy and include an old IRS tax debt?
Bankruptcy -- Lose Car ?
if a person in America files Bankruptcy"""
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I have multiple payday loans that i am paying back all at one time...?
does anyone know if i can make a plea to payoff any of them? Seems like they only want to continue to take the minimum payment... what's up with this?
What is the best mortgage company for post bankruptcy?
What is the best mortgage company for post bankruptcy?
If a girls rates you 8-9.5 are they being nice.?
Ive been ive been cliking like"" on does facebook things like ""Rate:"" and ill get like 8-9.5 .... are them girls just trying to be nice.? Hahaha cause i dont think im that good lookin"""
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
What credit bureau counts when you want an auto loan?
is it experian trans union or equifax. Just want to know some are higher than others
Can someone tell me where I can get a loan with very bad credit and no collateral?
I have tried every site I can think of. I have tried to get a loan at prosper.com, AGI, citifinancial, and Amone, I was turned down by them all. I've gotten a bunch of offers from companies that want money as collateral, but most of them are fake. Can someone help?"
"26 yr old guy -out of a bad divorce, need $5000 loan to consolidate some debt, really bad credit, anyone help?"
Im an 26yr old guy who just got out of a really bad divorce, legal fees etc have destroyed my credit - Im looking for a $5000 loan for a duration of 2 - 3 years, can anyone help with lenders or advice?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Suggestions loans with credit union?
I want to try and get a personal loan with a credit union. I'm thinking the only issue i might have is my length of employment. I've only been at my current job 3 months. I'm trying to get the loan to pay off debt, which is only $2000. I just figured if i pay the money off asap, i can free my money for the regular bills and build savings too. I'm a student and i only work part time but the rates at the union i looked are excellent and the monthly payment on the loan would be cheaper than all my bills together. I need some help... If you dont think i should try for a loan, what are some other ways i can make fast money (legal)? lol"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Get credit card numbers for porn site?
Get credit card numbers for porn site?
What is the car exemptions for chapter 7 bankruptcy in ohio?
What is the car exemptions for chapter 7 bankruptcy in ohio? i keep getting conflicting information. my car was paid off in full on one of the credit cards i am filing bankruptcy on. so i own it outright. it is my only car, it has a value of 7-8500 depending who you ask. if i filed 7 could i keep my car? obviously i would rather file 7 then 13."
Can I possibly get a 3000 dollar loan?
I am 20 years old a soon-to-be returning student and I'm currently working as a pizza delivery driver as a summer job. I'm making great money and I my credit should be rising due to me paying off my student loans and amazon card for the past 8 months or so now and never missing payments for anything. My issue is I need to use my own car for deliveries and my current car is very close to going out, making me getting a reliable car for my job a huge deal right now. Another problem I might have is that I have only had this new job for a week but I have a history of holding previous jobs for a long time. Does anyone think there's any hope for me getting a small car loan like this?"
Can you take out a personal loan to pay off sale of home?
If I sell my home for less than what I owe the lender, am I allowed to take out a small personal loan to pay them?"
Should I have trouble getting approved for an auto loan?
Should I have trouble getting approved for an auto loan?
Is OkCupid a safe site to use a credit card on?
Is OkCupid a safe site to use a credit card on?
A Movie-Streaming Site That DOESN'T Require Credit Cards?
There are several movies that I want to watch online, but every site I go to asks for my credit card when I sign up. If I try to skip it, it tells me to fill out the entire form. I don't have a credit card. So, can someone please recommend a movie-streaming site that doesn't require me to have a credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolutions.info
Credit report question?
ok, so there are 3 different companies that you can check your credit score on. are all of them supposed to have the same credit score for you or is it possible for them to have different scores for you? also, I want to check all 3 companies and start keeping up with my score (s). does anyone have any personal experience with different websites that show you your credit score? is one better than the other? which one is cheaper? any info. would be greatly appreciated. thank you very much!"
How can i get a copy of my credit report for free?
How can i get a copy of my credit report for free?
How much should I spend out of a $200 credit card limit?
I just got it in the mail today, I was thinking I wouldn't even use it this month, but I need to start showing I'm responsible with credit, so if I do spend anything how much should I spend and how can it help me?"
What type of interest rate would a 638 credit score get?
Looking at a 350,000 home with 110-120K down"
How old does debt have to be to be included in bankruptcy filing?
Example: if I charged an amount on my credit card 57 days ago would I be able to dischafge this amount?
How can I apply for a loan when I went through Bankruptcy last year?
Ok here is the situation I claimed bankrupcy last year I recv'd my discharge papers in June 2007. Me and my fiance are wanting to buy in on his best friends house. His friend bought the house 2 yrs ago with his sister but she is buying her own house so we want to buy her out and own half the house with him. What would be the best way to go about it my credit is no good but my fiance only has a master card with a $1500.00 limit on it he has good credit he was just a student so he never established it. We would need to take out $60,000.00 to buy her out any suggestions?"
Free Background Check People Search Free Without Giving out Your Credit Card!!!!?
Does Anyknow Where I Can Do A Free Background Check People Search FOR FREE without giving out your credit Card!!!! Thanks!
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Will today's Fed rate cut lower auto loan interest rates?
We are about to buy a new car, should we wait a bit to see whether auto loan rates go down? Thanks!"
Can a 17 yr old get a mortgage?
I need to get a mortgage for my home. Our landlord is selling the house we live in and I can't stand to have to move my family again. We finally settled here. Neither of my parents can get a loan. I have a credit score that's been developing since age 13. Is there a way I can get a loan to buy our house out? We can afford to pay it, we just need to get approved. We also live in New Jersey."
UK Question - Can you recommend a payday loan company?
The only thing I could sell is my car which I wouldn't get much for and need it for work anyway.
What does improved trade mean on my credit report?
What does improved trade mean on my credit report?
Is gettin a House Loan Pre-approval online safe when they are asking for our social security?
Is gettin a House Loan Pre-approval online safe when they are asking for our social security?
What are the easiest credit cards to get?
What are the easiest cards to get if you have limited credit history or are trying to rebuild. Also if you do have a bankruptcy on your credit but it is very old.
If I'm living oversea's and file for bankruptcy back in my home country can i get extradicted back home?
Debts spiraled out of control while i was living oversea's, can creditor's chase me still, what happens if i don't pay these debts from my home country?"
Does opening a credit card or a store card and not using it affect credit?
P.S. I never took anything from that damn store. The only thing I ever took away from it was a sense of disappointment, a lessened sense of job security, and quite possibly a reason not to trust others. However, as a future doctor, I can only say it must have been the management because I always enjoyed cheering up fellow employees and keep morale up. Oh well, think positive! =D Thanks for your answer!"
One day late credit card payment and credit score?
I paid my credit card bill on the day it was due after 5pm which made it post on the next day making it late. I am wondering if this will be reported as a late payment to the credit bureau. I have been reading unless it is after 30 days late, it is not reported and it doesn't effect your credit score but there are varying answers. I bank with PNC (Everyday Rewards Visa) if that makes a difference. How will this late payment effect my credit score? I have never paid late before and I always pay my bill to 0."
Is there anywhere on the web that I can get an auto loan with negative credit?
I don't have really bad credit, just a reposession and a few unpaid bills."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Which is the most accurate credit score to get?
Which is the most accurate credit score to get?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How are my chances of getting an auto loan?
well, gonna take my chances. With a credit score of 630. :( No one I know has a good credit score. Thats why I'm trying to make mine look better."
I filed bankruptcy but the lender refuses to take the home out of my name?
i filed bankruptcy and surrendered my home to the lending institution. the lender refuses to take back the home or even take it out of my name. i have received citations from dept of neighborhoods for not mowing, weeds etc. because i'm still listed as homeowner. my lawyer tells me there is nothing she can do about their resusal to take back their property. also the home is no longer insured so if there's a fire, i'm responsible since it's still in my name as owner. please help."
Can you get a payday loan if your recieving unemployment benefits?
i live in Florida, does anybody know? please help!!"
A Movie-Streaming Site That DOESN'T Require Credit Cards?
There are several movies that I want to watch online, but every site I go to asks for my credit card when I sign up. If I try to skip it, it tells me to fill out the entire form. I don't have a credit card. So, can someone please recommend a movie-streaming site that doesn't require me to have a credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolutions.info