Movie Morals: “Do or do not. There is no try!”
By Taylor Johnston
This quote is often jokingly used from the Star Wars movies when Yoda is training Luke Skywalker. While it is a simple statement, it actually has a lot of profound depth to it that can help us in our daily lives, if we let it. Let’s dissect:
First let’s give it some context. In the movie scene, what was Yoda trying to teach Luke as they were training?
Having convinced Yoda to train him, Luke is first tasked with raising his sunken X-Wing out of the depths of the swampy waters of Dagobah. Luke sees this mammoth task in front of him, and naturally grows nervous. Earlier in the movie it took Luke a herculean effort to lift his own lightsaber out of the snow using the Force; now he was being asked to lift a heavy space ship. Luke responds he’ll try, to which Yoda offers the now immortal line:
Do or do not, there is no try.
Luke attempts to lift the X-Wing out of the waters, but he fails and gives up. “It’s impossible,” he says. Wordlessly, Yoda rebuffs him by easily lifting the ship out of the water. “I don’t believe it,” says Luke, awed. “That,” says Yoda. “Is why you fail.”
Two lessons that standout here:?
What area of your life are you just “trying” in? What if you had sure confidence that whatever you acted upon will come to be? Do you think your effort would change? What would that REALLY look like?
Who are the people that would be greatly touched & impacted if you believed, with your whole heart, that your actions were the key that made the difference.
What needs your belief today?