Optimizing Movement & Stability within the Kinetic Chain
Gavin Watterson
?? Health, Exercise & Wellness Solutions for discerning clients. Published Author
A healthy body is often described as a well-oiled machine….
This machine, is made up of various levers, fixed segments & movers that (should) work together in synergy within joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles & nerves required for optimal movement, mobility, stability & balance.
The kinetic chain is the notion that muscles & joints etc have a segmental effect on one another during movement.
When the body is in motion, it creates a chain of events (forces) that effects neighbouring joints & muscles i.e. segmentally
The concept of how joints work synergistically around our muscular-skeletal structure is whether they are Stabilisers, Mobilizers or indeed have Neutralizing properties.
Some joints & surrounding muscles for example within the shoulder girdle/blade or Ankle joint require more that one action...
Movement along Kinetic chains is based on a number of factors.
Pro-proprioception is the ability to know (sense) where we are in time & space - think sobriety tests! Posture, Core, Length/Tension, Strength, Balance & Muscle recruitment that are developed around 7x basic (Primal) movements within the Sagittal, Coronal & Transverse plains of movement.
The PRIMAL movements are are the Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Push, Pull, Rotation & Gait. All of which are developed according to how we move & whether we have gone through all 4 stages of movement development (below) That, over time are hard-wired into our brain's cerebral capacity via hundreds of thousands of repetitions during day to day life & general movement.
Our perception of movement starts right in the womb as a foetus (Amphibian stage 1). Then, when we are born as babies & infants (most) people will go through 3 other stages of movement pattern development.
The next 3x stages are Reptilian stage (Belly "cross"crawling), Mammalian stage (Quadruped 4-point upright crawl) & eventually the Neo-cortical stage (Kneeling, Lunging & Walking)
As we develop our upright skills, the relationship between our head (inner ear i.e. balance) & how our body reacts to bodily-position is called the “Labyrinth” response.
Imagine you stacked 20 plates on top of each other (plates represent head, limbs, joints & muscles) If we moved in any given direction & speed - forward, sideways, backwards or turned (i.e. the plates would wobble) The Labyrinth response is a way to convey how the body's muscles & joints react & adjust to maintain this upright alignment so don't smash!
Think of situations you have been in when walking? You will agree that walking across a stable surface is easier than walking along a moving subway train or on an icy pavement!
When we are on STABLE or UNSTABLE surfaces your body recruits muscles in different ways as either as "Righting" or "Tilting" flexors/stabilizers.
This is why it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that KIDS are ENCOURAGED to MOVE, EXERCISE & PLAY from an early age in order to fully develop these primitive skills
*This is NOT achieved by schools reducing Physical education classes or children being sedentary sitting indoors eating crap playing on an X-Box - Although the thumbs of today are probably the strongest & most dextrose they have ever been in human history (joke)
Our physical abilities & skills can always be honed at any age through what we do, how we move or how we exercise. If you don't move well now you can train yourself to move well...
...Otherwise you seriously risk being a "Motor-moron" the definition of which is an uncoordinated, clumsy person who has poor balance & little control over their body...
This is where using FREE-WEIGHTS definitely has the upper-hand over (exclusively) using machines, pilates reformers, bands, walled-gym tension cords thingy's or impact-less cardio equipment etc...
People who exercise using (what they perceive to be heavy) free-weights around a handful of key exercises often find it more effective & productive. Free-weights provide a much higher degree of stimulation, neural demand, mind/body connection, core strength, balance, skill/ability, metabolic demand & the need to fully focus on what you are doing!
C'mon, if you can switch off or "zone-out" whilst exercising (without falling on your ass in a big crumpled heap) there's a pretty good chance IT'S NOT DOING THAT MUCH FOR YOU - I am willing to bet no-one has EVER tried answering the phone (without imminent danger or impending doom) in the middle of a heavy set of Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges, Chins or indeed Bench-Press for that matter....
Yes, I understand there are gentler forms of exercising that are certainly more para-sympathetic (slower & relaxing) rather than the blood, sweat & tears approach - However this always depends what your training for & what you prefer or enjoy doing....
*SHOCK NEWS FLASH * There are many out there who want to look a certain way or achieve a specific goal yet DON'T train accordingly This is certainly NOT a waste of time if you love, have fun & enjoy what you are doing it's good for the body & better than doing nothing - However, this IS what I would called un-productive training, as you could be using your time more productively & effectively.....
From this point of view exercising using free-weights is MORE about learning, teaching & sequencing movements - For example, I can take anyone who squats (free-weights with perfect form) stick them on a reformer & they will train perfectly....But, I have seen it time & time again it's NOT the same when you take someone who trains exclusively on a reformer & then ask them to do a perfect free-weight squat - Its a different skill entirely as a free-weight exercise...
I absolutely love training "Sling Systems" as they give a HUGE-BANG-FOR-YOUR-BUCK are TIME EFFICIENT & extremely FUNCTIONAL - But that's a whole other article.....
There are two types of Kinetic Chain exercises: Open & Closed
- In OPEN chain exercises, the segment furthest away from the body (the distal aspect) usually the hand or foot is free or NOT fixed to anything.
- In a CLOSED chain exercises the distal portion is fixed or stationary.
Sounds confusing doesn't it? The easiest way to remember - In closed chain exercises, the foot/hand is in contact with the surface on which you are exercising. In open chain exercises, they are not.
A good example of an Open and Closed chain exercise (that look similar) would be the Lat pull down & the Chin-up.
Generally, it doesn't matter how strong you get performing Lat pull downs (CLOSED) it has very little carry over (effect) on how many chin-up's you can do. Why? Ok, during the Lat pull down, the muscle recruitment is sequenced to pull the bar toward the trunk (the trunk is the anchor-point) Yet, when you perform a Chin up (OPEN) the bar is the anchor-point as you pull your body towards the bar as the legs swing freely.
In a nutshell, whilst the same muscles and joints are utilised - but, the way in which the muscles are recruitment is completed reversed 180° from each other.
Movement & the Ability to "Perform" requires different elements of FITNESS
The level or TYPE of fitness you possess (i.e. capable of performing) is based on a number of factors. Such as your physical structure "body-type" genetics, gender, limb-length/bio-mechanics, muscle fibre Type & of course HOW YOU TRAIN (i.e. which energy system CP, ADP, LACTATE or OXYGEN do you predominately train within?)
The term "Fitness" is again a combination of many physical attributes based on Age, Physicality, Strength, Speed, Power, Flexibility, Core, Muscle Length/Tension, Posture, Stamina, Heart-Health/Pulmonary Capability, Hormones the type of Muscle Fibres you possess (fast or slow twitch) & General state of health etc......
How to develop or push your body to be a perfect “machine” is based on a huge number of factors i.e. Function, Sport Specific, Aesthetics indeed Mentally & Physically...
Not least what we eat - But "DIET" mainly influences our Health & Wellness (cells, hormones, growth/development, repair & regeneration) & typically is NOT concerned with Fitness levels (although the foods we eat can directly effect how we look & perform i.e. energy levels & bodily composition)
For example, a tri-athlete’s training (Exercise, Workouts & Program-Design) would look like a foreign language compared the training (& diet) protocol to that of a Power-lifter or Bodybuilder.
"Specificity" is therefore the differences required to develop a person towards their own goals, ideals or genetic potential.
Meaning, how any decent (structured) program should be designed is based on what your training for?
The specific's involved in designing any SAFE & EFFECTIVE workout or exercise regime (Amateur, Recreational or Pro) needs to be constructed around the person's ability to MOVE (analysis & testing) posture, fitness levels, level of competency, exercise-selection, imbalances/injuries, core activation, mobility, flexibility & balance......That should go further into more details of load/strength, frequency, intensity, speed, rep-range, volume/sets, rest, energy systems & so on.......
This is what I would call constructive/effective PROGRAM DESIGN - Sadly not enough gyms or trainers do this for their clients, many don't know how...
Have you ever stopped to think why is it that certain individuals (body-types) are better suited to some sports but not others?
Think of how Rowers & Basketball players look? Other team games require various body-types? Think of the positions in the NFL (Offence & Defence) or Rugby players (forwards & backs).
Other sports like Gymnastics, Diving or Marshal arts REQUIRE the ability to move, react & alter bodily position in mid-air (a good example of Righting Vs Tilting flexors)
Do you think training programs for sportsman & women across different sports even look remotely similar? HELL NO!!!!!
This is why I explain to clients…..YOU ARE FIT FOR WHAT YOU DO??
......You MUST adopt the corrects elements & training strategies (i.e. program design) for the type of results or changes you wish to make based what you want to achieve.
GREAT Personal Trainers/Coaches use different STRATEGIES, TACTICS & PROTOCOLS (mental/physical & nutritional) personalized PROGRAMS containing KEY ELEMENTS & EXERCISES using various OVERLOAD PRINCIPLES to continually push & progress clients...Based on who is in front of them & what "they" (the client) want to achieve?
...This is the WHOLE idea behind designing a BESPOKE PROGRAM, after all we are all different
I find that when you follow a specific game plan then log, measure, graph & record as much info/statistics along the way YOU CAN objectively improve, change or refine things along the way.
With a "winning" formula you will always see/get improvements and progressions = RESULTS
Please call (+44) 07932756616
For more information please visit www.gavinwatterson.net