Movement Saves Lives and Money.
Sourced: Businessolver Blog

Movement Saves Lives and Money.

Movement is not only essential for our well-being, but it can also save lives and reduce costs. Research shows that prolonged sitting poses risks comparable to obesity and smoking. Alarmingly, 26% of American adults sit for more than eight hours a day, and 45% don’t exercise at all. This sedentary lifestyle leads to chronic diseases such as musculoskeletal pain, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and anxiety, contributing to 1 in 10 premature deaths.

Remote work has led to a decrease in daily activity and a rise in musculoskeletal disorders (MSK), with the shift during the pandemic intensifying the issue. Many employees—61%—have reported increased joint and muscle pain, especially in their back, shoulders, and neck. This physical strain is often linked to worsening mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression. The inactivity is also costly, with employers facing $117 billion in expenses annually, with MSK conditions being a leading contributor to healthcare costs.

The good news? Active movement can counteract these effects. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise and two days of muscle-strengthening activity per week, but most adults fail to meet these guidelines. Even 75 minutes of exercise a week can reduce premature death risk by 25%, lower heart disease risk by 17%, and decrease cancer risk by 7%. Regular physical activity has also been found to be 1.5 times more effective than medication or therapy for reducing anxiety and depression.

For sedentary individuals, starting with just 10-20 minutes of daily activity can make a difference. Simple actions like walking or standing up to stretch during the workday can help reduce pain and improve health. Encouraging movement not only adds years to our lives but also saves individuals and employers significant healthcare costs, with moderate exercise potentially saving heart disease patients up to $2,500 annually.

In conclusion, inactivity poses serious risks to our health and finances, but movement offers a powerful solution. Incorporating exercise into daily routines improves health outcomes, reduces chronic conditions, and cuts medical expenses. Stay moving!



