Movement for an Open Web
Peter Cranstone
CEO@3PMobile l Reimagining Digital Engagement l Low-cost Growth Engine for Web-based Businesses l Harnessing the Power of Digital Ecosystems through Consumer Choice.
Good morning, Dearest Readers,
It’s been a hot minute, but I just haven’t felt it, until a new contact - Kinga Incze on LinkedIn cc’d me to yet another new contact, James Rosewell well and I found out about the Movement for an Open Web.?
Their website is: and here’s a little about them:
MOW was established by a group of businesses that care deeply about the future of the World Wide Web. They’re concerned that the principles that underpinned its foundations are being forgotten and their freedom to operate threatened. They want others to be able to do the same and for governments, media and regulators to recognize that the Open Web must be protected.
We estimate that our supporters work with more than 21,000 advertisers and nearly 6 million individual websites in more than 65 countries, jointly serving over 320 billion advertising impressions each year, and having over 63 million subscribers.? The companies have a combined workforce of over 40,000 employees and combined revenues in excess of $40bn.
As the Rock would say - “Can you smell what’s cooking?” - I sure can. And I have an idea for them - forget about regulation - it’s a waste of horses and ammunition. Get hold of the protocol that runs the web - HTTP/HTML and make it smarter and more profitable for all of those businesses.
Simply by-pass the gatekeepers with a whole new business model with an absolute monstrous marketplace. Welcome to the Ecosystem Economy or as McKinsey like to call it, the ‘Integrated Network Economy’. They even have a book about it on Amazon. They’re projecting a $70 trillion-dollar marketplace by 2030. Oh My!?
Collectively those businesses could easily fund a new browser based on the current web standard, but with new smarts added in then control their own destiny. Here’s what it looks like.
DM me for more details.
My best, Peter.