Moved by the Music
Carey Conley
I am on a mission to save 1 million lives by helping youth, adults, and parents decipher their life vision and purpose.
Are you moved emotionally by music?
Music has been a huge source of joy and pain in my life. I am always moved by it.
There was a time when I couldn’t turn on the radio or Pandora because of the wave of emotions that would run through me.
I’ve loved music my entire life. My childhood dream was to be a singer, so unfortunately for my family they heard me sing A LOT in my bedroom.
I won’t tell you who I was singing to on records because it would totally date me (and you may not have even heard of the artists!)
All of those songs, and the ones that were popular while I was dating my husband, during our early years as a married couple, and the popular songs while we were raising our children have put time markers in my heart.
All the Memories
At any moment, I can hear a song and be instantly transported into that time and space, bringing me to the pain of missing that time and those people, so much.
Because my husband and I went to high school and college together in the late 70’s and early 80’s, there are many songs from that era that bring a flood of memories.
My son, Cole, also had my innate love for music and as early as before he was even one year old, he was dancing in his car seat. He just felt the music like I do and couldn’t help but move to it.
He was the one who would always let me sing in the car, let me dance in his room with him, and later in his life, he would always be sending me new songs that he knew I would love and we would enjoy together while driving in the car. Man, I loved that.
Pain and Joy
When we lose loved ones or they simply move on in our lives, it can bring the pain sometimes before the joy. And so, we stop listening.
But the songs keep coming.
There have been so many times when Laurel and I have been together as one of ’those songs’ that mean something special to us comes on. Whatever we are doing, we can always stop and smile at each other knowing that we are hearing from our loved ones who are letting us know they are there and they want us to be happy.
Songs of Our Lives
Listening to music that you’ve grown up with whenever you feel like you need a lift in your spirits works!
When I listen to these songs, I have a feeling of longing for those times. But I have also learned to let my soul enjoy the moment and dance. It connects me to my authentic soul and reminds me of who I really am inside regardless of my current circumstances.
God wants you to dance. He wants you to know that you were created to keep your life simple and joyful in Him.
VIVA La Vision with Vision is Victory Academy
I believe every young adult should be dancing. That’s why we are looking for our first “Founding 50” young adults (aged 18 to 35) to not only grow personally, but become a part of a movement for their generation with Vision is Victory Academy (VIVA).
We’ll begin by tackling the three big problems we see young people struggling with.
- Lack of vision, focus, and not knowing your purpose
- Unclear about your personal core values leading to a lack of healthy boundaries
- Changing your mindset about money and how you manage it
Graduates of this academy will have a leap-off-the-page vision for their life, healthy relationships and boundaries in place for themselves. They will be confident in the wealth they are building.
When all of these puzzle pieces fit together, stress melts away to reveal an abundance of joy and the feeling of leading a fulfilled life!
Comment with the word Vision for more information about how you or the young adults in your life can be part of this life-changing program.
Vision is victory,