MOVED AROUND A BIT?                  
      (My story in the USA, so far.)                           
        [NEXT: Overseas Travel!]

MOVED AROUND A BIT? (My story in the USA, so far.) [NEXT: Overseas Travel!]

Ever lived in a few different places?

Try this:

 - Born and raised for 22 years in Maryland (Allegany & Garrett Counties NOT down state - which is "a different country," I'm sure!); SCHOOL YEARS

 - Virginia (Charlottesville - while attending UVA for about 2 years; had conferred upon me a master of science degree in chemical engineering from Thomas Jefferson's university, too);


 - Ohio (Columbus from 1985 to 1986);


 - Connecticut (Enfield and Stafford Springs lived outside the township, yet hey - I preferred having Springs on my postal address, and the USPS didn't mind - either way) from sometime in 1986 through 1995;

AccuRay / Combustion Engineering / ABB / James River Graphics / Bowater Graphics / Rexham Graphics / Rexam Graphics YEARS

 - Alabama (Mobile area) from 1995 to 1998;

Process Software Group (PSG) YEARS

 - Pennsylvania (Waterford - named for Waterford . . . as in Waterford Crystal . . . in Ireland) from 1998 into 2000;

INTERNATIONAL PAPER (the early, first

2 years)

 - Ohio (this was the 2nd time [mentioned above] from early 2000 through December 3, 2017;


2000 to about 2002 years & the fully-

informed years: about 2003 through

October 31, 2009);

Greenville Colorants (November 1, 2009

through March 15, 2012);

Crable Engineering LLC (the early years

from April 22, 2011 (yeah, I know) until

about 2015 (memory fades in this


Valmet (the odd years from

approximately November 2015 until

about July of 2016 (8 months);

Raj Chemicals (odd times, "again" from

approximately July 2016 until

September 2017);

Crable Engineering LLC (odd times . . .


 - Illinois (La Salle = French for "The Room" from December 4, 2017 through approximately October 31, 2018;

James Hardie Building Products (from

December 4, 2017 through October 31,

2018 - then department was "wiped out,

essentially" by new management group

in Chicago HQ);

 - Wisconsin (Wisconsin Rapids - 1st time, from December [some date) 2018 until April (some date) in 2019;

Verso Corporation

 - New York (Little Falls - which is on the Erie Canal about midway between Albany {state capital of New York} and Syracuse from April (some date) in 2019 to August 5, 2019;

Twin Rivers Paper

 - Maryland (hung out where I was born for a few months);

Vagabond Stone Mason (50 years

experience in 2019 & 51 years in 2020 . . .

and counting up - - - starting to "get the

hang of it")

 - Wisconsin (Green Bay & Wisconsin Rapids - odder times, still, slept often in the office for about 1 month until I "just couldn't do it anymore!") from September 2019 until October 20, 2019;

TSP Digital Oncare, a Division of Voith

Paper (from September 2019 until

October 22, 2019 - challenging time,


 - Illinois (Spring Valley) from October 22, 2019 until just recently. I own a building in Spring Valley, somehow;

Pondering Times (October 22, 2019

through late December of 2019);


(January 1, 2020 through . . . {being

written, as we speak . . . })

#coronavirus #novelcoronavirus #COVID19 #COVID-19 #pandemic #GlobalPandemic #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #GreenLivesMatter #SpaceXdotcom #StarLinkdotcom #AuspiciousTimes #SURVIVE! #THRIVE! #LAUGH #LOVE #PRAY #ASAPASAP

 - Ohio (stopped by to see friends on the way through to Western Maryland). from May 28th (I think) until about May 30th of 2020;

 - Maryland (we do NOT recognize those people who live "down state - East of Hagerstown - as being from OUR OLD LINE STATE) from May 30th through ???










P.ossible !

Exodus 30 : 23-25 [Holy Anointing Oil Recipe}


INGREDIENTS NOTE: Cinnamon (dash), Oil of Cassia (per recipe), Oil of Myrrh (per recipe), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a hin is about a gallon = scale this amount per the amount of your other ingredients, yet this is a MAIN ingredient, for sure, by volume!), CBD Oil+

+NOTE: full-spectrum CBD Oil contains up to 0.003 parts THC = insignificant, UNLESS

trying to pass a drug-screening test for pre-employment or ongoing

employment = SILLYness !!!


Try this one: THE LIFE OF JESUS

(Any of them are / is good - though I recommend the one per Apostle / Saint Paul)


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