The Move2earnAPY Project:
Move2Earn APY is a Web3 lifestyle app with inbuilt Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements. The program is focused on solving problems faced in the conventional crypto investment and offers high return with sustainability, ?u?tаblе fоr thо?е who want tо Play-To-Earn and Move-To-Earn, Usually, реорlе play games tо ?ееk еntеrtа?nmеnt and rеl?еvе thе?r bоrеdоm. But ?n Move2Earn APY gaming platform, people еаrn mоnеу at thе ?аmе t?mе gets entertained.
Also The MOVEAPY gaming platform is the first cryptocurrency project to bring to life functioning Dex-wallet are the most prominent concept and Auto compounding APY protocol .
The Dex-wallet is one of the most secured and trusted crypto wallet, downloadable in either Apple Store or Google Store , Users earn passive income, which can either be used as an in-game, or converted to digital currency for profit , also users get rewarded with up to 825,992.73% fixed APY by simply BUY AND HOLD $MOVEAPY token in Dex wallet.
$MOVEAPY token is use as the native token of MOVE2EARN APY ecosystem, which automatically reward users by simply holding $MOVEAPY token in wallet, every token holder automatically receives rebase of 0.094844% every 3 Seconds, or 28800 times a day.
The $MOVEAPY token Contract adopts a completely fair automatic distribution to all token holders in wallet, the higher token you get the more reward you receive, Giving more Demand to $MOVEAPY and creating a fully Transparent Platform.
· Token Name: Move2Earn APY
· Ticker : $MOVEAPY
· Total supply: 1000,000 $MOVEAPY
· MoveApy Contract Address: 0xfADFF6bDD2A8B59fAD9A5E6d93A45F2808489AbE
The Move2earnAPY Future:
Easy Staking — Simply buy and hold in your wallet and watch the rewards grow. As the $MOVEAPY tokens are held in your wallet, they can never be controlled by a centralized authority.
· Automated Compound Interest — There is no need to re-stake, and interest is always yielding and constantly compounding in your wallet. Simply holding it in your wallet will provide rewards.
· Highest Fixed APY — Move2Earn APY generates the highest APY in the crypto space i.e. 404202%. in the first 12 months. After the first 12 months, the interest rate re-calibrates based on our innovative long-term sustainability.
Auto Burn — One of the most innovative features of the Move2Earn APY is an automatic token burn system named which prevents inflation of the circulating supply. The Auto Burn mechanism burns 2% of all Buy & Sell transactions. out of all $MOVEAPY Token market sales in each individual transaction.
DeFi ?? thе sector w?th thе mо?t potential tо grow ?n thе global crypto market. W?th DeFi people саn maximize thе?r profit easily аnd safely — аnd Move2Earn APY ?? а platform thаt w?ll connect centralized аnd decentralized finance, allowing users tо gеt high interest APY up to 404202%. Compound interest with guaranteed automatic payments for all $MOVEAPY token holders the $MOVEAPY token is deployed with verifiable fundamentals to outpace Bitcoin within a validated preset structure.
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Author By:
Bitcoin username: Holiday5
Bitcoin profile link:?View the profile of Holiday5
address: 0x45b72af3711115AEBa5C8663427c168d7A55a6fA