Move Your Mountain!

Move Your Mountain!

Most days.

On most days, I'm privileged to help people gain clarity. Through coaching, collaboration, and deep work, all of us, at some point, could use clarity and focus especially when what seems like a mountain gets in our way.

Life just happens sometimes.

Life is both precious and fragile.

I feel deeply for the people of North Carolina and surrounding areas during this personal and economic devastation. My prayers and thoughts are with those people and their communities.

I wanted to share a bit of my week. Not all my experiences are about business or leadership. Well, maybe they are about personal leadership in some way.

This week, a friend whose mother is passing after a stay in hospice. A dear mentor whose wife has cancer. A 20-year-old young man has been left mangled and left near death from a head-on collision, a failure to achieve a job after a lengthy interview process. A friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

There were others.?An entrepreneur whose dream business is on the verge of collapse, a possible bankruptcy, companies struggling because they are at 70% of their projected sales income, and a million-dollar marketing launch where results are moving along a bit slower than anticipated.?Many feel "Stuck" and envision starting their own company and transitioning.

I'm curious.

How do you handle adversity?

What is your mountain to climb?

How do you navigate the unforeseen and unintended circumstances in your personal and business life?

I've said this many times. "Leaders do hard things."

When major events disrupt your flow, how do you press on? Recover?

I consider my life a blessing, even in hard times. I'm looking forward to next week and praying for wisdom to become a sympathetic listener and trusted advisor.


As a leader, in your personal life and in your business, recognize that you are "called," you've been 'gifted," and you are often depended on to DO HARD THINGS.

In John Eldredge's book, Waking The Dead, John says,

"Things are never as they seem."

I take that to mean the bad is never as bad as it may appear and neither is the bliss of the good times. It's all temporary. Our perspective can make all the difference.

Embody the belief of an overcomer.

Lead with positivity and with an attitude of overcoming regardless of circumstances. Small miracles happen daily.

What challenges are you facing? What obstacles are getting in your way? I remind you, that your mustard seed of faith.... can move your mountains.

I'm always reminded of something I heard once from Paul Martinelli. It speaks truth to me.

"There is no such thing as inertia. We are moving forward or moving backward."

And so, it's your decision! How will you approach your mountain this week? Will you choose to move forward? Or be overcome by circumstances? What changes do you need to make? In your attitude. In your perspective. In your emotional quotient. Be strong even when being strong is hard.

Make the decision, do the hard things, be an overcomer!

"The information is out there, all you gotta do is let it in."

Jesse Stone

Be encouraged. And Encouraging.


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