Move slow to move fast
Arturo Henriquez
Seasoned Business Acquirer Helping People Buy Established Businesses Without Prior Experience or Capital - AND/OR - Scale Them To Achieve 2-3x Profit Growth While Slashing Their Work Week by 10-20 hours.
One of the terms we use all the time in our program is "Move slow to move fast".
It perfectly captures the cycles of growth for any business. And it's a necessary right of passage for all of us to go through.
One of the telltale signs that we've started to outgrow our current way of doing things, is when every day starts to feel like chaos.
?Think of it like trying to take an old car with a burnt out engine onto the Autobahn at top speeds. It's just not up to the task and will quickly break down.
Often times when we're burning through our days like this in "reactive mode", it can send the false impression that we're moving forwards.
And we run the risk of mistaking motion with progress.
This is a dangerous pattern, because it severely limits our ability to move forwards.
Before we realize it, every day begins feeling Groundhog Day.
Days blend into weeks, weeks into months...and all of a sudden years have past with not a lot to show for it.
I spent years stuck in this pattern, nearly burning myself out in the process.
My big wake up call was when we started our family. I decided there was NO WAY I was willing to let the next 20 years fly by as an absent father.
So rather than continuing to tackle my problems with bandaid solutions...
I slowed down!
Every problem that came up. I asked can I solve this at the ROOT level, so that it goes away for good.
This took time. Things felt SLOW. But guess what...
After a few months, old problems started disappearing, 80 hour works weeks, quickly trimmed back down to less than 40. And it wasn't long before I was able to regain control of the business, and eventually become useless to my team in the day to day operation.
And looking back on the TIME I've been able to uncover as a result, this was the best decision I could've ever made.
So how does one get started "moving slow to move fast"?
Well if you can relate at all to the "Groundhog Day" analogy, it might mean that you're ready to move your business to that next stage.
And if you'd like to avoid having to reinvent the wheel to make it happen, our RESET Method system has not only helped me systemize myself out of each of my service businesses - but we've been able to help over 400+ other business owners do the same.
While I can't promise it'll be easy...things that are worthwhile and lasting rarely are.?
If you feel you're ready to start the journey, you can get start by clicking HERE.
Here's to your BIG future!