Move in silence, not to let other know
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
There are many reasons we shouldn't tell anyone about our dreams and next goals in life. Firstly it's a myth that if you will say someone then you can't achieve them and some people believe it so they hide their dreams from others. The people who are narrow minded think that if they will say it to someone then the other people will copy their ideas. Some people fear that after saying if they will fail on it then they have to face a lot of humiliation and it's true also. Broad minded people think let their success make noise so they do all the work silently and hide it from everyone because they want to surprise the world by their achievements. If you share someone something about your career they will discouraged you and you will loose your coincidence.
Your dreams are for you only. Very rarely do they involve another though they might a Loved one. Much of what happens in dreams is Spiritual in nature and should not be shared. Sacred. This can actually cause an experience to be lost. You have failed a test called the "Law of Silence". Some things should never be spoken of. This also applies outwardly. It can be hard not to talk about such things, but much of the time when we do it’s just vanity on our part. How can you tell? You will be able to feel it inwardly if is not right.
f they understand dream symbols and you wanted to know them, and you were born in the same country as their symbols, they would gain an understanding that Zombies are not really after them, but something entirely different by usually a fear and perhaps but not always zombies are their fear symbol. To me life is a learning place, like a school, with thousands of scenes, some good some horrible. Its best to only tell people who you trust. Or its best to keep silent. The spirit, that guides us all lets us know, if you allow Him to Guide you.?
In a 2009 study, a group of researchers examined 163 people across four separate tests. Every one of those participants was told to write down their personal goal. Then first half of them told everyone in the room about their commitment to this goal. The other half didn't and kept their mouths shut. Then everyone was given 45 minutes to work on their goal, but they were told that they could stop at any time. The results were quite interesting:
The group that kept silent about their goals, worked on average for the entirety of 45 minutes. After being asked about their progress, they tended to be pretty realistic. Most of them said that they had a lot more work to do before they completed their goal. The group that told everyone in the room about their goals, had a different story though. They only worked for 33 minutes on average before they quit.
And when they were asked about their progress, they were a lot more confident than the other group. Most of them said that they were pretty close to completing their goal, even though they really weren't. So this group made much less progress on the goal and yet they felt that they had actually done more. The researchers concluded that telling people about your goals creates a premature sense of completion. This happens because when you announce your goal to someone, you feel good. And it feels like you've actually done something towards achieving that goal, even though you haven't done anything yet. In other words: Your mind mistakes the talking for doing.
As far as I'm concerned there are four types of people: 1st are those who don't take action and yet, tell everyone about their goals. This is your typical New Year's resolutionist. They tell everyone how they are going to improve themselves, but they don't really do anything. These people are super annoying. Then 2nd we have those who don't take action and tell no one. They have aspirations, but don't get anything done and they don't tell anyone either. They keep their goals to themselves, but never achieve them. A boring bunch of people.
The 3rd type are those who take action and tell everyone. These are productive people, but tend to be assholes. They get stuff done, but they are constantly bragging to others how amazing they are. Basically they're full of themselves. And finally the 4th type are those who take action and tell no one. These people get everything done, but don't tell a single soul. They are super-high achievers who don't feel the need to talk about their success. Instead they let their results do the talking for them.
I'm willing to argue that the person who does the work and tells nobody, is the best type. The truth is, people don't really care about what you say you're going to do. They only care about what you've actually done. But they also don't want to listen to someone bragging. That's why the 4th type is the best type in my opinion. Knowing all of this, stop telling others your goals. There really are no benefits to it. You don't want to be the guy who just talks about all the things he's going to do, but doesn't take any action.
Remember, your mind might confuse talking for doing. And make no mistake, having dreams and goals is nothing special. Everyone in the world has them. But it's only those who take action towards those goals, that are actually amazing. I know it's sometimes difficult to keep your exciting goals to yourself. So to eliminate that urge, you should write them down and create a plan on how to achieve them. Then stick to that plan, but don't tell anyone about it. As they say, work hard in silence and let success make the noise. Cheers!
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2 年Wisdom talk ??
Teach Each
2 年Exactly!.