Move over millennials!

Move over millennials!

After researching various blogs recently; I have become slightly obsessed with Generation Z (as my team will tell you!). It astounds me that Gen Z by 2020 will comprise of 40% of global consumers. In just a few years’ time Gen Z (currently aged 4-24 years) will be the largest group of consumers - move over millennials and all of the consumer groups preceding them! Gen Z have grown up with the Internet and social media (they were practically born with mobile phones in their hands) and have them fully integrated into their lives. Generation Z are digital natives; however we also need to understand some social changes. 

Very soon Generation Z will be the largest working age and consumer group. How do we sell to them, and understand what is important to attract them as employees?

1.    Technology; according to Retail Touchpoints - 47% of U.S. Gen Z consumers research items on mobile devices while shopping at brick-and-mortar locations. “Showrooming” – they view in store then shop online and  “Webrooming” – view online then purchase in store is the norm.

So what does Generation Z research prior to purchase? 53% of generation Z check online for other items they prefer that are not available in the store where they are; 52% compare the retail price with competitors; and 51% search the web for a coupon, discount, or promotion. 

2.    Speed; according to Forbes 60% of Gen Z shoppers won’t use apps or websites that load slowly or are difficult to navigate. Tech is in their blood; they’ve grown up with smartphones and use of messaging apps. Gen Z see email as useful but slow. From recruitment and purchasing perspective social media and messaging apps will engage generation Z. 

3. Reviews; Generation Z check reviews and they leave reviews online - according to Forbes 43% Of Gen Z purchasers will write a product review. We need to be up to speed on what people are saying about our organisations because Gen Z'ers will be!

4.    Purchasing with a purpose; Social, ethical and sustainable responsibility is very important to Generation Z referring to my blog “for the greater good” work from “DoSomething Strategic”, reveals that 76% of young people said they have purchased or would consider purchasing a brand/product to show support for the issues (or cause) the brand supported. Perhaps even more importantly, 67% have stopped purchasing or would consider doing so if the company stood for something or behaved in a way that didn’t align with their values. Generation Z are a heterogeneous generation; diversity and gender are a given. Generation Z want to make the world a better place and will seek organisations with a sustainable, social and ethical record.

5.    Privacy and Safety is important; Millennials grew up in the boom times Gen Z did not. They’ve grown up in the dotcom crash of 2000 and then the GFC and great recession of 2008. Add in to that the seemingly endless war on terror and individual’s personal lives in the limelight; you have a generation that doesn’t take everything for granted, privacy and safety is important.

6.    Entrepreneurship; Generation Z value flatter organisational structures and co-leadership formats, in much the same way as millennials, but unlike millennials they’re extremely cost conscious. Generation Z are much more aware of their own wellness. One interesting discovery I’ve made is that this generation are very interested in the salary over any perks (dissimilar to Millennials!) that a business offers

As Generation Z moves to become the largest, I am fascinated with how we can all change our business models to hire and sell to Generation Z.

Sascha Klein

Senior Manager at MARCS I David Lawrence

5 年

Interesting read, thank you. Not sure about 4yr olds being part of Gen Z though... Hope my 6yr old isn't shopping online without my permission ??

Kevin Maartensz

Strategic Advisor at Pacher & Co Ltd

5 年

A great thought provoking article Chantelle. Another paradigm shift we should be prepared for...

Alain van Reyk

Chief Executive Officer | Chief Operating Officer | Chief Financial Officer | Consumer, FMCG & IT | Public Sector & GTE

5 年

Voice and needs of the customer are still central. This demonstrates the accelerating trend to “individualisation and personalisation”, a fundamental change in the process of “consideration to purchase” and Branding. A significant move from push to pull strategies. Successful companies will leverage data, AI and customer loyalty programs to understand personal algorithms for the “consideration to purchase process” for each customer and enable that in a more efficient way. Branding then communicates values and ethos. Bricks and mortar stores then evolve to “experiences” and not essentially a channel to market. Exciting times ahead!

Chantelle James

CEO & Founder, JIVARO - C-Suite & Executive Search Recruitment

5 年

Thank you Marie, look forward to catching up soon, Chantelle

Janine Garner

● Trusted, Results Driven Business Mentor & Coach ● Keynote Speaker, Best-selling Author, Podcast Host ● Elevate Your Business & Leadership ● Build Authority & Your Network, Commercialise What You Know.

5 年

Great article Chantelle James And agree - gen Z are fascinating and we all need to think different to find the solutions in these adaptive times. Would be interested to hear how you think this will impact the process of recruitment and what it means for business in terms of structure, talent management and workforce planning?


